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Just when Kitty thought she couldn’t want Alan more he goes all stern paternal disciplinarian on her.  And when he peels out of his coveralls to reveal the crisp collared shirt and pale blue sweater vest her knees nearly buckle.  Stuffy and formal as always he looked like he ought to be perusing the business pages in his favorite old arm chair as he smoked a pipe rather than being here making his pretty little naked neighbor’s pussy drip.  But the more fatherly he got the more Kitty wanted him.  Hands on the bench Kitty stays bent over…just like Daddy told her to do.

Alan folds the coveralls three times then sets the neat bundle on the end of the counter.  His eyes lock on Kitty and the whole mood shifts in the blink of an eye, as if those coveralls had been some skin of civilized behavior that had just been shed to reveal the barbarian beneath.  The change is subtle yet palpable.  Not wanting to be simply another notch on her bedpost Alan knew he had to up his game to hang with the younger yet more experienced Kitty.  Not only was he more than up for the challenge, he craved it.

He unbuttons the cuffs of his shirt and unhurriedly rolls them up to just below his elbow.  His bulky forearms were dense with muscle and lined with thick black hair running across them.  Because he’d been working on the car he had neither the watch nor wedding ring he usually wore on, though Kitty could spot the very subtle tan line for the latter.  It reminded her that he woke up early every morning to swim lengths in his backyard pool.  The image of his great body breaking the surface of the blue water, the dawn light glistening off his muscles, flits through Kitty’s lewd mind and makes her think that maybe it was time to experiment with being an early bird herself.  His eyes on her as much as he is able he moves to the shop sink and thoroughly washes his hands.  The way he moved, so calm and in control, only worked to drive Kitty even more wild.

“Come on old man!”  She goads him.  “We fuckin or what?”

Alan raises a brow but otherwise doesn’t react as he finishes drying his large hands in a painfully slow manner.

“I’m sorry.”  Kitty peeps more respectfully, her fingers clawing against the counter in frustration.  Usually the problem was guys moving too fast.  Alan’s patience was throwing her for a curve here.  “I want you!  I want your cock so fucking bad.  I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.”

Still not spurred to rush he rubs his hands together as he approaches her once more to stand over her at her side.  His left hand he lays over her shoulder blades.  Gently but firmly he pushes her down to pin her chest to the edge of the counter.  Hot desire rushes through Kitty’s body at feeling the big man’s power holding her down.  He didn’t need to bind her or clumsily grapple with her to control her.  Even if she did want to struggle, which she very much did not, his strength was such that a woman her size posed him no challenge, allowing him handle her as effortlessly and carefully as an alpha wolf with its pup.  Then, without a word of warning, he gives her wet pussy a stiff three-fingered…SLAP!

“HAH!”  Kitty jolts, hopping right off of the floor at the unexpected pin-point spank to her cooch.  Her cunny explodes in a burst of tingling pain and pleasure.  “Holy fuck!”


“AHHH!”  Kitty writhes beneath his hand.  “Oh fuck yes!  Fuck YES!”  Smack!  A hard spank is laid across both of her cheeks at once.  The tough skin yet thick cushioning meat of his wide palm against her tender tush as good as any padded bdsm paddle.  “Hmmmm!  Another…p-please.”  Smack!  “HAHHH!”  He takes a squeezing grip of her left cheek then lets it go and…smack…again.  “HAH!”  SLAP!  Back to her pussy with the three-fingered flick.  “Fuck!”  Smack!  “OH!”  SLAP!  “Ohhhh!”  With each stinging swat her pussy just gets wetter and wetter and wetter.  Smack!  “Hmmmmm!”  SLAP!  “FUCK!”

Again and again his hand pulls back then strikes with power and precision.  Alan is stoically silent as he disciplines his baby girl, the only sounds those of slapping flesh on flesh echoing through the mostly empty garage and the swears and whimpering moans of Kitty.  Though his stony visage does not express it he was proud of how she took her ass and pussy spanking so well.

Kitty meanwhile is in heaven.  She had been with tough men, rough men, and men who tried to be the hard dominant many times before but this was different.  So completely different.  Alan actually…cared.  The way he struck her felt good!  Pain was not his aim, his blows were meant to test limits and excite.  He spanked her because she was a naughty girl that damn well deserved a good spanking, not to satisfy some sadistic need of his.  He held himself back not because of legal limits or the fear of a pimp’s wrath but because he didn’t want to hurt her.  Somehow knowing exactly where the line to too much was he is sure to stay short of it while still letting her feel it hard and rough like she so needed to.  Unlike her brother Kitty was not here to be coddled and pampered.  She wanted to be taken in hand and that was exactly what Alan was doing.  Again and again and again he smacks her bottom and slaps her pretty pink pussy with each one feeling better than the last.  When the final spank is struck Kitty is left trembling from head to toe.

Her cheek pressed to the cool metal of the garage counter there is a look of drunken bliss on her pretty face.  She hadn’t orgasmed but she was in an incredible afterglow nonetheless.  Kitty’s buns are burning with a glorious pink glow.  With a tender touch Alan caresses her rosy cheeks and eases off with the other hand to stroke the soft skin of her back.

“Thank youuuuu.”  Kitty coos.

“You did good baby girl.”


He gives her a moment, but only a moment.  Taking her by the hair, again enough to control but not to hurt, he stands her up and turns her around to face him.  She stares up at him as he looks up and down her lithe naked body.  His other hand runs down over her.  He feels and fondles her small firm breasts, fondling and pinching them as she squirms in his grip, then runs his hand down her stomach to pause just short of her honey pot.

“Please.”  She begs in a small supplicating voice.  “Please Alan. God please.  What are you waiting for?  Fuck your little cock slut.  Pleeeease.”

He looms in over her as his hand continues down.  Still held by her curly locks Kitty couldn’t move from her spot but her body flails at the uncontrollable desire that rages through her.  Her near hand grabs onto Alan’s sweater vest, the other grips the edge of the counter, and her hips try valiantly to force his touch before he was ready to give it.  Alan smiles as he carefully keeps her pussy from finding anything to grind against.  He had to think a long way back to remember seeing a woman wanting, needing him, like Kitty was now.  The power, the lust, the control, the desperate mewls, it was all so intoxicating.

“Did you know that I wanted to bend you over and take you the moment I saw you.”

“Fuuuck yesssss!”

“Acting like such a silly little bimbo.  Acting so innocent but teasing me with your eyes and your body.  Don’t think I didn’t notice what you were up to.”

“I’m a naughty girl.”

“Yes you are Kit.  Why’d you have to be so hot and slutty and sexy, mmm?”  He ogles her tits.  “Why’d you have to be such a shameless little slut?”  He drinks in her curvy hips.  “You can’t look this damn good Kitty.”  His eyes wantonly pan up and down her flesh.  “I’m a married man.  You’re a married woman.  You have no business being such a perfect little whore.”

“I’m sorry.”  She hisses wickedly. “I can’t help being a slut.  I’m sorry Daddy.”

SLAP!  Her clit is stung with one of his perfectly targeted spanks.

“HAHHH!”  Her cries echo around the old Ford in front of her.  

“Not until I say.”

“I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!”  She clenches her teeth and growls.  “Gnnnnghh!  Fuck meeee!  PLEASE!”  With fire in her eyes her gaze bores into his.  “I want your cock!  I want your big, hard, married cock you cheating mother fucker!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.  Such language.”  The grip on her hair tightens and his other hand reaches low.  His middle finger once again finds the fleshy folds of her pussy.  Far more wet than it was before her juices was now soaked all through her pubes and ran down to wet her inner thighs.  He feels and fondles, savoring the heat and the wet of her sex against the pads of his fingers.  “You are so wet.”

“For you!  I’m wet for you.  Use me!”

“Mmmmm.”  He slowly rubs her whole pussy in a slow circular motion.  “So hot and wet for me.  You feel amazing.”

“Nnngh!  Put it in.  I want you in me.  Fuck your baby girl.  Please!”  She begs.  He gives her what she wants and his finger glides deep into her tight hot cunny.  “OHHHHH FUUUCK!”  Kitty damn near cums at the moment of penetration.  The feel of his long thick finger sliding up into her gripping tunnel has her trembling all over again.

“God, you feel so good.  That’s it.  Grip on my finger Kitty.  Let me feel how tight you are baby.  So tight and wet.  Yessss, atta girl.”

“Mmmmm!”  His finger is fully in and his palm presses into her clit…and he continues to lift!  “HAH!”  She claws into his chest for support and balances herself against the counter with the other hand as he brings up to her tip toes and keeps her there.  “Yes, yes, yes, yes!  Finger my cunt!  Finger my…OHHHH!!!”

Holding almost her entire weight in that one hand, and with his thick digit up inside of her as deep as it would go, he starts to shake that arm with a fast, strong vibration that jiggles her hot young twenty-something body and rattles her bones.  With is finger so deep in her cunny, with his palm grinding so hard into her clitty, and with Kitty already so close to the edge it takes barely a minute before he has her panting like a bitch in heat.

“Oh fuck!  Oh fuck!  Ohhhhh God!”  She strains to rise higher but he already had her on her toes with no space to retreat.  “Hmmmm!  HMMMMM!”  He holds her gaze in his and relishes the waves of pleasure that he can see washing over her.  “Hahhhhhh!”  Relentlessly his hand shutters between her legs, the sloppy wetness of her hole could now be heard as his finger shakes around inside her.  Her body twists and turns as the pleasure is nearly unbearable, her huge brown desperate eyes stare up into his as she rides his hand.  “OHHHHH!”

As she reaches the brink of orgasm his hard features soften, as does his voice.  “Gonna cum for me baby girl?”

“Mmm hmm.”  She peeps with a nod as her groin is seized by a great flush of sexual bliss that could not be stopped.

He kisses her forehead.  “Now you may call me Daddy.”

“OHHHHHHHHH!!!”  Hearing him say that takes her over the edge and sends her blasting off into the stratosphere!  “DADDYYYYY!!!”

Clamping tight around his hand her trembling legs give out entirely, though his arm easily supports her bucking body in place, and she cums like she’d never cum before.  The finger was amazing, the vibration against her clit incredible, the presence of this big masculine stud wonderful, but it was his low warm voice that took her to all new heights of rapture.

“That’s it baby girl.  Cum for Daddy.”  He croons.  “Cum for your Daddy.”


Part 8 


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