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As naturally as a sunrise brightening the morning skies the two of us move in harmony as my lips begin to search and Evelyn shifts ever so slightly to guide me in.

“Mmm.”  I coo softly as my mouth latches onto her nearest breast.

Evelyn continues her lullaby as she strokes my hair every so gently and lets me nurse.  God in heaven!  It had been way too long since I’d been on her nipple.  Whoever thinks that the act of nursing is only for babies is a fool!  As I suckle slowly and steadily I think about what a better place this world would be if every adult man and woman took time out of their day to nurse on a Mommy’s big soft milkies.  Being swaddled in a maternal love and giving yourself permission to surrender to the deeply buried instinct to suckle just had this way of putting everything into its proper perspective.  Once deep into the trance-like tranquility of a good honest suck none of your problems seemed nearly as big or scary as before.

“Hmmm.”  I curl up tighter and snuggle into Mommy’s soft warm body as I suckle, suckle, suckle away.

Still petting me and caressing me her humming fades as she begins to croon the wonderful sweet nothings she was always so generous with.  “My boy.  My sweet baby boy.  My perfect little man.”  The look of tender ecstasy on her face told me she was getting just as much out of this as I was.  Her nurturing soul at last had found its match.  “I love youuuu.”

Heaven.  I am in heaven.  After such a colossal soul-baring catharsis this nursing and tender attention was just that much more powerful.  Feeling as weightless as a sunbeam I almost lose myself…until something happens that draws me back into the moment.  At first I wasn’t sure what had happened even though I had a definite sense that something was different.  A moment later I taste it.  A sweetness on my tongue and a flavor as rich as heavy cream yet much thinner on the palate.  It was milk!

“Hah!”  I gasp as I pull away and stare at the puffy tawny nipple I had just been attached to.

“What’s the matter baby?”  She asks, snapping out of her own hazy trance.  “Is something wr…?”

Just then, at the tip of her nip, a glistening pearly white droplet appears, as if by magic, then swells until it drips off and down onto my shoulder.  We look at each other in amazement then looks back to see another precious globule of life-giving milk begins to form.

“Oh!”  Evelyn gasps.

Before this drop can drip I stick out my tongue to catch it and eagerly swallow it down.  It was so sweet!  Like the milk after a sugary cereal.  I never expected that.  “Yum!”

“Baby!”  She lets out a sob of joy, her beautiful hazel eyes glimmering with tears as she sees me taste her milk.

I smile up at her and lick my lips signaling that I liked it and wanted more.  I was so happy for her!  I knew what this meant for her.  I knew how important it was for her to give of herself to me.  And I also knew how she’d worked hard to get to this point, nursing whenever possible and using a breast pump regularly when it wasn’t possible.  She’d also started taking herbs and natural supplements to encourage milk production.  She had told me that it was possible for a woman to produce milk even if they hadn’t just given birth and I never truly believed it until now.  But all of her hard work had paid off.  All of it had laid the groundwork for this wonderful moment, but as I greedily lick the next saccharine trickle I am convinced it was her protective maternal instincts after hearing her boy’s pain that brought it over the line.  More fundamental than thoughts or even emotions, on a deep biological level Evelyn’s body sensed it had someone that needed her.

Cradling my head firmly Evelyn squeezes her breast as she forces the nipple back to my lips.  I giggle as a spurt of milk squirts from the nubby tip across my nose and cheek from the ducts being squeezed.  Not wanting to deny me another drop she hurriedly she pushes her teat back into my mouth and squeezes it again to shoot her sweet milk into my mouth.

“Sllrmmmm!”  I slurp as I latch on more hungrily than ever before to suckle and swallow with a firm constant rhythm.

“Ohhhhh.”  She moans softly as she feels the milk drawn from her body.  At that same moment I feel her cock swell to life beneath me.


Since that one time that she came for me simply from me sucking on her breasts I’d done a bit of reading.  Involuntary arousal during breastfeeding was not unusual for nursing mothers, in fact it was a source of great shame for many.  But this was not that.  At least not wholly that.  This was her fetish, our fetish.  I was not of her blood, I was a very willing adult, and I was her lover and submissive.  There was nothing shameful happening here.  In fact it was the most wholesome and loving experience of my young life.

This was a huge moment for us.  I recognized it even as it was happening.  I had moved in under her roof.  I had exposed the darkest reaches of my soul yet she did not banish me from her radiance, if anything she brought into it more fully.  And now she was giving me a gift beyond all others, giving to me something that was quite literally a part of herself and, once digested, it would then become a part of me.  Our bond was sealed, our souls intertwined forever more.

Evelyn is in a serene state of ecstasy as she watches me feed.  There wasn’t much milk to drink as she was only beginning to lactate but I savor every nutrient rich drop of what she did produce.  When her left breast was drained she moves me on to the right and we start all over again.  It takes a bit to get the flow tapped but with steady suckling and bit of massaging I get my meal.  In our comfortable silence, broken only by my occasional coo and her adoring whispers, the minutes drift by.  Somehow, in this little world of just her and I, time passed both lazily and swiftly.  Everything here was quiet, tranquil, and unhurried, and yet the breakfast, the bath, and even my breaking down all felt like an eternity ago.

“My prince.”  She whispers.  “You don’t know how good that feels.”


“But we’re all done now.”

“Mmmm.”  I moan, a bit bummed at it coming to an end but understanding that as nice as it was I couldn’t last forever.

“Did you like Mommy’s milk?”

Without breaking my latch I nod happily.

“That’s a good boy!”  She praises and pets.  “That’ll make you so strong and healthy.  There’s nothing else better.”

“Mmmmm.”  I glow.

“My boy.”  She smiles and traces an eyebrow and down around my eye to the cheek.  “Are you okay baby?”

“Hmmmm.”  I sigh in total content.

She smirks, her one eyebrow raising suggestively.  “Are you still in the mood to play my sweet?”

I don’t make a noise but just in the way my eyes widened and my suckling sped up excitedly I told her all she needed to know.

“I think that’s a yes.”  She croons.  “It’s okay if you’re not in the mood baby.  This is more than enough for me today.”

“Mmm!  Mmmm!”  I mewl needily as my resurgent erection twitches.  All the horniness that had been building for over a day comes storming back in an instant.  “MMM!”

“Okay, okay.”  She chuckles, pulling her tender breast away from my mouth to sit back straight.  My head on her lap I gaze up at her with a giddy grin.  She walks her fingers down my shoulder and arm to end at the cuff around my wrist.  “How are the bonds?”  She asks.

I’d become so comfortable in them I had damn near forgotten they were even there!  “Good Ma’am.”  I answer softly.  “I like them.  It was scary at first but…”  I jingle the chains.  “…now I like them.”

“Good!”  She says, an intense look in her eye.  “I thought you might.  With these on…you can’t ever escape from Mommy.  You are mine.  My special prince.  All mine.”

Escape was the LAST thing on my mind.   “I am yours.”

She reaches down my side between my arm and leg to feel me.    Her soft hand wraps around my cock and squeezes it.  “Mmm, let’s see.  Are you sure you’re in the mood?”  My dick flexes in her grip as hard as diamond.  “Ohhh!  Okay then.”  She laughs.  “I guess you are.”

“I am yours.”  I say again with all of my heart.  “Use me.”

Chapter 84 


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