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I heave forward and collapse to my knees as it feels as if a red hot dagger was being plunged straight up into my balls.

“Nnnngh!”  I groan as I clutch at my nuts, pulling at them in a futile attempt to end the pain.  As I pull at my scrotum…it begins to pull away from me!  “What…the…fffnnngh?”

Opening my hand I watch in horror as my whole package, sack and nuts and penis too, begins to shrink before my eyes!  Not slowly or subtly or in that jumping into cold water sort of shrinkage either, they were actually diminishing and melting back into my body!  I blink and shake my head.  This couldn’t be real, yet the palpable crushing feeling of the flesh in my dick contracting in on itself was more viscerally tactile than any dream.  Grabbing my cock I grip it tight in a desperate attempt to save it but like squeezing the end of a long skinny balloon the harder I squeeze the smaller it gets.  When I release my hand again I am shocked to see it at half the size of my pinkie finger!  I make the mistake of grasping my balls again, frantic to keep my manhood, only to feel disappear completely up inside of my body leaving only smooth skin in its wake.  GOD!  The nauseating sensation of my testes and the shaft of my penis burrowing into my flesh was beyond description.  Taking what was left of my tip between my finger in and thumb I can only watch as the hole disappears and my fleshy knob nestles into my flesh no bigger than a pea.  Falling back to sit on my butt, legs open under the spray of the shower, I gawk down at myself in utter disbelief.  Except for a teeny tiny nub of once was my glans hidden among my dark curly pubes I looked like a fucking Ken doll!

I cannot dwell on this impossibility though as losing my manhood was just the beginning!

“GNNNGHH!  FFFFUCKKK!”  I growl through gritted teeth as that stabbing pain grew deeper and more intense, as if someone was now twisting that red hot dagger.  “AHHH!”  A rending tear rips though me internally and a moment later I watch as two slender folds of flesh sprout in the place where my balls had just vacated and, like a tawny orchid blooming in the steamy heat, the unmistakable petals of a vagina open up!  The folds creep upward to swaddle what was my tip in a protective hood.  What was my knob just seconds previously was now a clitoris.  It was a pussy!  I had a pussy!?  

Again, things are happening too fast for me to do anything but witness the change before I am seized by the next thing.

God only know what was happening to my insides as piercing cramps tore at my lower guts.  All across my legs and arms and chest and stomach I could see the thick black hairs receding and thinning out dramatically but it was the intense pressure building behind my nipples that commanded my attention now.  “RRRRRRR!”  Arching my back I slap my hands into my pecs just as they begin to swell.  Opposite of my junk instead of pulling out I push my palms back in to try to deny the distending flesh room to grow.  It proves to be just as hopeless.  Filling my gripping hands and more balloons two huge boobs!  Soft and weighty like only all natural breasts could feel the mountainous mammaries don’t stop growing until they were solid double D’s.  Beneath my palms I could feel my nipples itch as they too grew wider.  When it was clear the battle was lost I let them go to jiggle and bounce to an impressively perky rest.

Normally a hot pair of tits would stop me in my tracks regardless of what was happening but this mad transformation was not done with me yet.

A feeling like tentacles creeping beneath my skin runs up my chest to grab me about the throat.  “GLGH!”  I glug helplessly, my voice lost as the pressure constricts.  The strange tendrils of twisting, writhing, shifting flesh continues up over my face and head.  I feel my nose pinched and pulled, my lips billow, the bones of my chin and jaw and cheeks forcibly reshaped by some cruel unseen sculptor’s hands.  All the while the my scalp stings as inches upon inches of new hair grows to tickle down my back and shoulders.  Gasping for air I grip the sides of the tub and do the only thing I could, endure.

At this same time the most agonizing feeling of being stretched thin, as if on some medieval torture machine, wracks my body from the crown of my head to the tips of my thinning toes.  It is too much at once to attend to any particular change.  Deep inside bones contract in places and shift in others.  Like a heartbeat my muscles contract rhythmically only to not expand out again when they relax, meaning with each contraction more and more mass is lost.  In a queasy migration fat shifts from stomach and sides to hips and ass.  Even my skin changes to become more fair and silken.  Once made thin my arms, legs and midriff fill out into smooth feminine contours.  Everything about me is made softer, rounder, and more supple.

And then, all at once, whatever this was comes to an abrupt end.  Once I am able scream once more I let out a terrified howl…in a voice that was not my own.  “AHHHHHHH!!!”

Higher in pitch, softer in tone, it was the cry of a damsel in distress.  Trembling and panting I sit on the floor of my tub staring down at the body glistening under the running shower.  I close my eyes and try to wake myself up.  This couldn’t be real.  As I sit there catching my breath I realize that all the pain was gone, that woozy feeling from before had disappeared, I felt…good.  Not sure of what to expect I trepidatiously open my eyes once more.

I see not my own rugged male physique but the sleek body of a sexy and curvaceous poster girl.  For I don’t know how long I just sit and stare as the water washes over my new female body.  I had smoking hot curves!  I had two big matching ten out of ten tits!  I had a fucking pussy!!!  Gradually, at the back of my mind, connections begin to come together.  Candace!  The swapping of blood!  Her escaping the scene like a great crime had been committed.  Her bluntly aggressive personality, so similar to Danny’s ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ style of being a player.  And most of all…that big beautiful magical moon that I’d seen on my walk home.  I knew the werewolf story well enough to recognize this as some weird and wild form of lycanthrope.  It was something straight out of fiction and yet this body I now inhabited was all too real.

With an elegant and slender shaking hand I lean forward and turn the water off.  Sitting with my knees up I touch the satiny supple skin of my thigh, the hairs on them so fine that I could barely see or feel them.  I feel my arms, lithe and half their previous girth.  I run my hands over two shapely hips.  I then fill a hand with one of my big heavy knockers, as soft and round as any I’d felt before, and look at the large round ruddy nipple.  Hesitantly…I reach down between my legs.  At my palm I feel my downy pubes, not as wiry as before, and at my fingertips I feel the narrow warm and fleshy slit of an incredible vagina.

“No fucking way.”  I whisper in a smooth and sultry tone.  I had to see this!  Springing up out of the tub I dash to the sink and hurriedly wipe away the film of condensation left by the steam.  Gasping and staggering back I am stunned by what I see.  “Oh my God!”

Leaning back in I touch my lean smooth cheeks and feel across my full pouting pink lips.  My schnoz was far more petite and slender, cute as a matter of fact.  My tapered chin was as delicate and refined as a beauty queen’s and the overall shape of my jaw, brows, and cheekbones a visage of graceful feminine perfection.  My eyes shone an intense shade of jade and my raven black cascaded down over my shoulders like black silk.  To top it all off, like the finishing touch of a master artist giving their work that special bit of charm to raise their creation to the level of a masterpiece, a delightful dappling of subtle freckles are splashed across my cheeks.  Taking it all I am left speechless.  Not only at the implausibility of what had just happened but at the awe-inspiring vision that was staring back at me.

I wasn’t just any woman.  I was GORGEOUS!

Part 4 


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