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“Shhhhh.”  My ear pressed against Evelyn’s soft breast I am pet and stroked and soothed.  “Don’t be scared.  It’s okay now.  Shhhhh.  He’s gone now.  Mommy has you.”


“My brave, brave boy.”

“I missed youuuu.”  As I feel her arms around me all of the pent up stress from the week before is brought to the surface to be released through the outlet of Mommy’s loving attention.  Hearing her voice through the phone was a wonderful thing but nothing in the world can replace the feel of the real physical touch of a lover.  “I missed you so much.”

“Oh my prince.”  She nuzzles into my hair and kisses me.  “I missed you too.”

“It’s been so hard.”

“I know.  I know.  We can’t be apart that long.  It’s too much.”

“Yeah.”  I gasp on the verge of tears.  “I need youuuu.”

“Ohhh Donald.”  She holds me in tight.  “Oh my sweet man.”

“Hahhhh.”  I melt into her and let her hold me up, in more ways than one.

She soothes me for a time before saying.  “Whatever Alan said to you I will make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

I shake my head.  “It’s okay.  It’s cool.  It was scary but…”  I let out a huff.  “He thinks Kitty is pregnant.”

“Oh.  I see.”  She says.  “I could see why he thinks that.”

“It was just man to man stuff.”  I let out a little chuckle.  “Honestly…it was kind of touching.  The guy’s got a heart at least.”

“Yeah.”  She says distantly.  

“I’m not used to that stuff.  We never had a father growing up.  Very intimidating!”

“Mmm.  Let’s not talk about him right now.”

“Gladly.  I am just so happy to be here.”  I hug her tight.  “We should go see to Kiki.”

“She’s okay.”  She says.  “I checked on her before coming down.  Put her under a blanket.  She’s fine for a few minutes at least.”

I smile at the promise of a few minutes alone with my angel.  “Mmm, good.”

“Ohhh.”  Evelyn feels around my arms and shoulders.  “You are so tense and tight and wound up.”  Standing my up straight she looks at my face and strokes my cheek.  “Let me help you relax.”  Her hands glide down my front and start to unbuckle my belt.  She smiles.  “I like your shirt.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s cute.”  She unzips my fly.  “New?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I nod.  “Bought with your money.”

“Your money.”  She corrects me.  Holding her skirt so that she could kneel without scuffing it she lowers down in front of me.  “Hands behind your back.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I say and obey.  Putting both hands behind me I lean back against the kitchen counter as Evelyn pulls my undies down to let my cock and balls fall free.

She beams at the sight of it.  “Ohhhhhh!”  She coos as if my completely flaccid dick were the most absolutely unbearably adorable thing in all the world.  She actually bring her hands to her face as she just ogles over its cuteness.  As I was usually in some stage of arousal when I was with her she had never seen it fully dormant before, after my encounter with Alan my manhood couldn’t have retreated any further, and she was beside herself at its shrunken nubby look.  “Ohhhh, look at your little guy!  Oh my goodness.  Ohhhh, he is so darling.”  She looks up at me with a joyful sparkle.  I never knew a soft dick could bring such joy to a woman, but Mom was no ordinary woman.  Leaning in she gives my tip the gentlest little smooch.  It twitches at the contact which makes us both giggle.  Outside the sound of Alan’s car leaving the driveway, thank God!  “You trimmed?”

“Mmm hmm.  Just like you said I should.”

“Well he looks very smart.”  She nods approvingly.  “A dapper little gentleman.”

“Oh!”  I gasp as she lightly grips my package with the tips of her fingers.  With ever so light a touch she strokes me using just the tips of her fingers.  Tingles of joy ripple through my body.  “Whooo!  That’s nice.”

“Good.  Now.  Fast as you can baby.”  She whispers.  “Show Mommy how fast you can cum.  Okay?”  

I nod.

Holding my dick in the middle between a finger and a thumb she opens her mouth, closes her eyes, leans in, and slowly wraps her plump lips around the base.  “Hmmmm.”  She hums softly as her warm wetness envelopes me.

“Oh God!”  I sigh.

Evelyn, as always, is sooooooo incredibly gentle.  The suction was barely enough to draw water up a straw and yet it felt incredible!  The few times I’d been lucky enough to receive head in my life had been so completely different from this.  Those girls went at me like a hungry dog with a bone.  Slurping and sucking to get me hard and get me off as fast as their mouths could go.  Not with Mom.  Slowwwwwly she pulls back the couple of inches I sported at the moment and then just as unhurriedly slid back forward to take me all into her mouth once more.   Those other girls’ tongue slapped and battered my dick.  Not with Mom.  Inside of her hot swaddling mouth her tongue caressed with the same tender care as her embracing arms.  She sucked me with such…love!

“Mmm.  Mmm.  Mmm.”  Her serene hums are reminiscent of her lullabies.  As my penis grew she could no longer take it all.  Holding the base in a light grip she continues lavishing her tender attentions on that which she could reach.  Those other girls could go further, one of them even deep-throated me, but that wasn’t Mommy’s way and I wouldn’t have changed it for anything.  Slowly, casually almost, she bobs forward and back, her long luxurious red hair radiant in the sunlight coming from around the blinds.  Loosely gripped within her supple scarlet lips my glistening shaft glides smoothly.  “Mmm.  Hmm.  Mmm.”

Her eyes closed still she looked so calm.  So at peace with the world.  She was servicing her boy and she simply could not be happier about it.  When at last she does open them to gaze up at me I fall head over heels in love with her all over again.

Slipping off of me but continuing to hold my penis with her hand she smiles.  “Feeling better?”

“Mmm hmm.”  I nod.

“Oh good.”  She says.  “Let Mommy hear how good you feel.  Let me hear your happy noises.”


“Good boy.”  She kisses my manhood.  Not crudely but tenderly and with emotion, her lips lingering as if she were reluctant to part with my flesh.  She then kisses it again, and again, and again and again and again.  She then cradles it in her hand like a precious jewel and nuzzles it with her nose and soft cheek.  Placing her lips around the knob she suckles for a few seconds before sliding down to suck the top half again.  “Mmm.  Mmm.  Mmm.”

“Ohhh.  Mmmmm.  Hoohhhhh.”  I mewl softly but openly, letting her hear the pleasures of the flesh through my mousy moans.  “Ohhhhh.”

It is music to her ears.  Her wide eyes glimmer at the sound.  She starts to suck just a little harder and just little faster, for another woman this would be the warm up but with her I knew this would be as intense as it got.  True to who she was she treated me like some fragile blossom…and I LOVED it.  What was lost in physical titillation was MORE than made up for through emotion.  Mom wasn’t doing anything as crass as sucking a cock, she was making sweet soulful love with her mouth.  She was looking after her lovin boy in the best way she knew how.

“Ohhhh.  Yesss. Ohhhhh.”  My voice gets higher and even more meek.


I give myself over to the bliss.  Soaring along with the currents of sexual pleasure she was stirring within me.  Surfing with the thrills and savoring every blessed sensation I feel my climax coming and coax it along with thoughts of her.  She wanted her nut quick and I would obey because I was a good boy.  I was her good boy.

“Ohhhh Mommmm!”

Hearing my quickening breath and reading the building energy of my body she pauses one last time to say.  “I want to taste you.”  With her free hand she starts to lightly massage my balls.  “Gimme all your cummies baby.  Mmmm!”  Latching onto me again she sucks in the same steady way while encouraging my nuts with her tender squeezing.

“Ohhh…ohhhh…MMMM!”  I get right to the edge of climax, holding there longer than normal thanks to her extreme gentleness.  Gripping the counter behind me I squirm as I ride that high before, inevitably, I am hit with that pulsing of orgasmic bliss of release.  “GNNNNNGH!”

“Mmm!”  Mom lilts as she feels my hot creamy seed burst into her warm wet mouth.  “Mmmmmmmm.”

“Ohhhhhh God yessssss!”  I groan as my body bucks to the rhythm of my pumping jizz.

Without a grimace and without hesitation she dutifully sucks and swallows my big load, refusing to allow even a single drop of my load to escape her lips.   All the while she takes in my expressive O face and my lilting whimpering moans with a look of pure, radiant, unabashed pride.

Chapter 37 


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