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Huddled tight against Alan’s wide chest my sister is carried up the stairs, her curls bouncing with each step.  Once outside he turns left and heads toward back door of the house but pauses when Kiki points out toward one of pool side lounging chairs.

“Can I sit there?”  She peeps.  Alan grimaces as he looks out toward the pool and the yard and the chairs he had just told her a few minutes ago were off limits.  “I think the fresh air would help.”  She balls up tighter to him.  “Please?”

“Rrrm.”  He grumbles but changes course.  I swear I catch a little grin play at my sister’s lips as she peeks back at me over his arm.  He lays her down on the reclining chair as softly as a falling feather.  

“Thank you Alan.”  She says taking his hand to give it a brief squeeze of thanks before he stands up straight again.

“Sure.”  He says.

“That was so sweet.”  She says.  “Very fatherly, so I assume.  I never had a daddy growing up.  It’s why I get so nervous around men I think.”

“Mmm.”  He shifts uncomfortably at her over sharing.  “You okay?”

“I’m okay.” Kiki looks around at the three of us and lets out an embarrassed chuckle.  “All this fuss.  I was just a little light headed.”  Closing her eyes and facing the sun she relaxes and lets out a soft breath.  “I just need a few minutes of fresh air.  I’ll be okay.”  She was still a tad pale but that sickly pallor that had washed over her was starting to ebb thankfully.

“I’ll fetch you a throw.”  Evelyn says.  “Don’t want you catching a chill.  Need anything else?”

“I’m okay.  Really.”  Kiki says.  Mom was already on her way though.

I kneel down beside my sister and give her a quick once over.  Compared to the week we’d just been through this was mild.  She would be okay.  She’d simply pushed herself too much all at once.  Taking her clammy hand in mine and I pat it with my other one.  “You rest.  I’ll get your water.”

“Thank you darling.”  She whispers, eyes still closed.

“Of course…dear.”  I kiss her hand and head back to the suite leaving Alan and Kiki alone.  It’s not like she could do anymore damage to our chances at this point.

I hustle down the stairs and walk back through the living room of the suite.  I shake my head sadly at what could have been then move on through to grab the two drinks still sitting on the washroom counter.  On my back through I stop as I hear heavy steps plodding down the entry.  By the creak of the stairs it could only be one person.  Alan comes into view and fills the doorway into the suite.  His gray eyes lock on me, his face grim.

“Hey Alan.”  I say in a upbeat way.

He nods toward the kitchen counter.  “Put the drinks down Donny.”

“Oh, uh, I was gonna take them…”

“You and I need to talk.”  His tone is as hard as iron.  “Put the drinks down.”

A tense silence fills the air as Evelyn’s massive husband stares me down.  Oh God.  Did he know?  Had he figured it out?  He blocked the only escape as well as a two ton boulder.  I had no choice but to deal with this.

“Right.”  I croak, my voice suddenly dry.  I walk to the kitchen, trying to hide my fear, and set the drinks down.  “Wh-what’s this about?”

He steps through and comes up on me.  Looming over me he narrows his eyes with disdain.  “What in the hell do you think you are doing here boy?”

My breath quickening, my heart pounding, I stand as tall as I can.  Trying what I can to look tough.  From his vantage point it must have just looked laughable.

I swallow.  “I d-don’t know what you m-mean.”

“Do you think I’m a fool?”  He growls, anger simmering just beneath the surface.  “You don’t think I can see what is going on here?”  He shakes his head.  “What in the hell did she ever see in a fuck up like you?”

Ohhhhh shit!  He knows!  He knows about me and his wife!  I’m dead.  Straight up dead.  Even if I screamed Evelyn wouldn’t be able to get here in time to save me.  Balling up my trembling hands I ready myself for the worst.  I was no fighter but I would do my best.  “I don’t think you are a f-fool.  C-can we t-talk about this?”

I flinch as he raises a hand…then relax as he rests it down on my shoulder lightly but with a firm grip.  Leaning in close he stares me eye to eye.  “Kitty is pregnant.  Isn’t she?”


“You idiot.”  He says, the words were hard but his tone softening.  “You knocked her up and you’re moving her out here with no damned plan on what you’re doing.  You have no family out here.  No friends.  No contacts.  No support network.  No job!  You are just winging it out here.  What in the hell are you thinking son?”

“I’m not your son!”  I snap back at him without meaning to.

He sighs and shakes his head.  “Idiot.  Both of you.  She’s a sweetheart but she’s not ready for kids, and you sure as hell aren’t.”

I collect myself and fall back on our prearranged story.  “I’m between jobs…w-we have savings…”

“Yeah.  Her savings no doubt.”  He cuts me off.  “I know your type.  Layabout mooch.  Probably playing those video games all day.  Between jobs?  Seriously?  Now?  How long has she been carrying your worthless ass?”

“Uh…um…I…I was thinking school…maybe classes…”

“Classes!?”  He exclaims.  “It’s a bit late for classes don’t you think?”

“Oh.  Is it?”  I say.  “Um…we’ve got an income…she works from home…”

“Oh, I know.”   He scoffs.  “Evelyn told me.  That won’t matter once the baby’s here.  Being a mom is a full time job.  Do you understand that?  Do you have the first clue what you're getting into here?  She can’t be carrying a kid and a dead beat husband.”


“Trying?  You’re trying.  Hfff.”  He huffs.  “Donny, listen to me, you’ve got a kid on the way.  You CAN’T be between jobs right now.  You hear me?  You fucking nut up and you work.  It doesn’t matter if you’re washing dishes or making sandwiches.”  A thick index finger stabs into my chest.  “YOU put the ring on that sweet girl.  YOU put the bun in the oven.  Right now YOUR whole life is looking after your woman and that kid of yours that she carries.”  He gives me a shake.  “Shit just got real boy.  Playtime is over.”

“I’m not a boy.”  I mutter.

He steps back and runs a hand through his thick dark hair.  He then looks me up and down with a look of sad hopelessness before his expression hardens once more.  “I don’t even know you two.  I don’t need this shit in my life.”

Just then a voice comes from behind him.  It was Evelyn, her voice low, wary, and cold as ice.  “What is going on here?”

“Nothing.”  Alan straightens up to his full height.  “The boy and I were just talking.”  He really leans into that word ‘boy’.

“About what?”  She asks as she circles around him toward me.  One look at me she could see how shook I was.  In her hazel gaze burned with barely held back maternal protectiveness as she locks back onto her husband.  “What did you say to him Alan?”

“Just a bit of friendly advice.”  Alan says, still staring at me and missing the glare his wife was giving him.  He holds me in place with a long hard look before turning on his heel and heading for the door.  “I’m going to the office.”  He says without a backward glance.  “We’ll talk about…this…later.”

 “Very well.”  Evelyn says frostily.  “Have a good day at work dear.”

“Mmm.”  He grunts then stomps back up the stairs.

“Oh Jesus.”  I slump back against the counter.  My hands shake and my head spins as I drop from my adrenaline high.  Evelyn is on me even as the upper door slams shut.  She pulls me to her breast and holds me.  I wrap my arms around her soft comforting body and cling to her tightly.  “That was so scary!”

“I know.”  He kisses my head and pets my hair.  “I know baby.  I’m right here.  You’re safe now.  Mommy’s here.”

Chapter 36 


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