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I felt like a million bucks after talking with Evelyn.  Walking back out into the living room I leap onto the sofa and bounce to a rest beside my sister, the old couch creaking under our combined weight.  Taking her around the shoulders I pull her in tight to my side.  She laughs and lays her head on my shoulder as she hugs me back.

“This is really happening.”


I cannot remember the last time I saw genuine hope in my sister’s lovely brown eyes.  Kiki had never lost her humor or her zest for life yet her heart had been hardened by experience and her spirit jaded by years of working as a call girl so seeing that glimmer of belief was so nice.  I had heard it said that sometimes you had to hit rock bottom before you could really build yourself up again.  Perhaps that was the case with my sister.  I prayed it was.

Kiki puts the blanket she had over both of us as we settle in together, as much to leech my heat as anything but I didn’t mind.  

“So you know the plan for tomorrow?”  I ask as we cuddle close.

“Yes.”  She laughs.  “But I’m not allowed to tell you tonight.  She doesn’t want you worrying your precious little head about it.”

I blush and she laughs some more.

“The pair of you are so weird.”  She emphasizes the last bit.  “So…weird.”

“We are not!”  I object…before confessing.  “Alright, maybe a little.”

We try to watch a show though we mostly we talk through it as we are both buzzing about what tomorrow would bring.  Afterward I put Kiki to bed and make sure is comfortable and cared for.  She didn’t really need that level of care anymore but neither of us wanted to let this little phase go just yet.  My sister could use a bit of extra TLC right now and I was only too happy to provide it.  Besides, she wasn’t out of the woods yet.

That night I have trouble sleeping for three big reasons.  The first was the anticipation of getting the move solidified and getting out of this dump, hopefully for good.  The second was the near terror I felt about meeting Alan.  I was his wife’s young lover.  The dude would probably kill me if he found out what was happening.  I was playing a dangerous game here and I knew it.  The last, and most urgent, was that I was sooooo fucking horny!  

Talking to Evelyn had gotten me all worked up, as it always did, but knowing that I’d get to see her tomorrow made it that much more powerful.  Normally I’d rub out a quick one but she had told me not to.  No masturbation for me, not in the normal way at least.  I had to hold in my cum until she got it out of me.  She said she wanted my balls full for her.  She would never know if I disobeyed of course but…how I could look her in the eyes tomorrow knowing that I’d been a bad boy?  The answer was that I couldn’t.  When I agreed to her request I thought it would be easy, I was wrong!  As I lay there excited and worried in equal measure visions of big heavy Mommy boobs and a massive Mommy cock swam in my head.


The next morning I am awoken by a knock on my door.  “Rise and shine kid.”  Kiki calls through the door.

“Hrm?”  I grumble and turn to look at my bedside clock.  “It’s only 8!”  Even as I am saying that I sense something off.  Something felt off.  As my waking senses focus I am able to narrow it down.  Down at my crotch things were…wet and…sticky.  Had I pissed myself?  Was I bleeding?

“She wants us there early.”  Kiki says.  “It’ll make a good impression she said.”  She pats the door.  “I’m jumping in the shower now.”

“Alright.”  I mumble as I push my blankets down to see the wet spot soaked through my undies.  I stare at it in disbelief.  I’d had a wet dream!  All inside my shorts were coated with a tacky load of drying jizz!  What the hell?  That hadn’t happened to me since I was fifteen.  “God damn it.”

Feeling humiliated at having this happen at my age and guilty that I had dumped my ‘cummies’ without permission I clean myself up as best I can.  As I wipe my mess from my skin snippets of my dreams flit like momentary phantoms through my mind.  Images of luscious flesh, both soft and hard.  Sensations of a mouth full of nipple and pussy and cock.      The feel of a soft spank and a probing finger.  Hazel eyes, soft red hair, full sensuous lips…GAH!  No wonder I’d popped my cork.  I needed to see her so bad it hurt!


Showered, groomed, dressed, and looking as good as I could possibly make myself I stand staring in the mirror, Kiki at my shoulder similarly done up.  I had on my best jeans and the blue short sleeved collared shirt we had picked up yesterday.  Despite myself I did have to admit it looked pretty good on me.  Kiki’s transformation however was night and day.  Gone was her usual casual but cute tank top and shorts and in its stead she wore a pair of denim overalls I hadn’t seen her wear since high school and a crisp new white t shirt and sunny yellow cardigan.

“I feel like such a nerd.”  She gripes as she looks at herself and fluffs her curly hair.  “But we gotta impress the boomers.”  She leans in to check her make up.  She had used a light touch today, applying just a tasteful amount to highlight her naturally pretty features.  She stands straight again seemingly satisfied and gives a nod.

“You look amazing.”  I say.

A little smirk comes over her and her eyes glint with an impish delight.  “I am so glad you think so…darling.”

I chuckle.  “Darling?”

“Yes.  We’re married don’t ya know.”

“What are you talking about?”  I shake my head at her silliness.  “You’re acting funny today.  When we get there we should be on our best behavior.”

“You think I’m joking.”  She says, her eyes staring into mine through the mirror.  “But I’m serious.  I’m your Missus.  It’s all part of the plan…my love.”

“It is not!  Stop it Kiki.”  I start to laugh but something in her twinkling eyes gives me pause.  “Wait…you really are serious?”

She nods.  “Mmm hmm.”

“Oh no.  Oh no!  Ohhhh no!  Evelyn said that?”

“Mmm hmm.”  She laughs and butts her shoulder into my side.  “A couple of happy young newlyweds.  That’s us.”

“WHAT!?  No way.”

She laughs harder.  “Like I said last night, y’all are weird.”

“Hey!  This isn’t my idea!”

“Either way it’s what we’re doing if we want that free pad and a steady allowance.”  She says.  “Evelyn said it was either this or we do a ‘three’s company’, whatever that means.  Alan will be more at ease if he knows the young cutie downstairs is already hitched.  Ha ha ha!”

“Oh my God.  No.  This can’t be real.”

“As real as a fake marriage gets kid.”

“You are way too happy.”  I point accusingly.   “You agreed to this?”

“Sure!  Why not?”  She hugs to my side and kisses my cheek.  “I could certainly do worse!  Look at you.  Total hubby material.  Mmmm mmmm!”

“Ewwwww!”  I rub my cheek with a grimace.  “Stop that!”

“He he he.”  He couldn’t stop giggling.  “Ha ha ha!”

I knew Evelyn said that she was going to come up with some story about who I was to get me into the place but I never expected this.

“So here’s the deal.”  Kiki continues when her titters subside enough to talk.  “We were married last year…”


“…and we’re thinking about having kids…”

“God!  No!  Stop!”

“…we’re poor but we want to raise our future children in a nice, safe, quiet neighborhood…”

“Please stop.”  I plead.

My pleas fall on deaf ears.  Kiki was loving every second of this.  “…you are between jobs and thinking about school…”

“At least that part’s true.”

“…we’ve got some savings though and I work from home as a bookkeeper.”

“A bookkeeper?”

“Hey, I took that one course once.  Remember?  Still got the textbook around here somewhere.”

“Oh Lord!”

“And that’s the plan.”  She says.  “In all of it’s brilliant glory.”

“That’s a plan?”

“Basically.  Oh yeah.  And we’re really quiet and stuff too.  No parties.  We hate pets.  Big readers we are.  Oh, we’re also Christian.  Not like church every Sunday Christians, but Christian.  Ya know?”  She just can’t help but pour a bit more on at the end.  “We must have had a nice church wedding, don’t you think?  Our matrimonial union blessed by God himself.  Isn’t that just lovely dear?”

“Would you stop.”  I take it all in and shake my head in disbelief.  “This is crazy.”

“Oh, I know it!”  She grins, absolutely delighting in my discomfort.  “Sugar Mamma’s a bit cracked methinks.  Ha ha!  I love it though.  This is gonna be fun!”

“FUN!?”  I groan.  “Kiki…we can’t be married!  You’re my…I’m your…It’s…it’s…ew!”

“Evelyn says we can.  The story is already in play.  The plan is in motion.”  She replies.  “Are you going to disobey her?”


“Didn’t think so.”  Big sis winks.  “Face it bro.  We’re hitched.”


“Aw darling.”  She teases.  “You’re gonna hurt my feelings.  You know what they say.  Happy wife, happy life.  Now give wifey a big ol’ smooch!”

I try to keep her off of me as she mauls me in an effort to smooch.  “Ewwwww!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”  Kiki howls with laughter as she eventually gets me in a headlock and knuckles my skull.  “Ohhh, this is going to be great!”

Chapter 33 


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