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He kisses me again and it is so wonderful.  The girls I’d been with called me a dead fish and were always trying to get me to take charge.  Not Sacha.  Sacha knew how to control me and kiss me how I liked it.  It’s not that I wanted him to do all the work or anything like that, it’s just that I just sort of got overwhelmed when the smooching got hot and heavy with somebody I liked.  And there was nobody I liked more than him.  As he kisses me and writhes against me I feel his balls rub against my thigh and his arousal rub on me through his dress.  He was as hard as I was.

“Can we do more tonight?”  He whispers.  “I’ve waited sooo long for you.”

Closing my eyes I collect myself before opening them again and answering straight from my heart.  “Yes p-please.”

He smiles warmly as he caresses my blushing face.  “You don’t have to feel embarrassed for wanting to feel good.”  He says, understanding like no other the strict upbringing that had given me all the hang ups I had around sex and intimacy.  “Don’t be ashamed Ben.  Not with me.  Not with your best friend.”

“Mmmm.”  My whole being shone with joy.

“We’re not kids anymore Ben.  We can do anything we want to do.  They can’t keep us apart anymore.  Nobody can stop us now.”

“Yes!”  I gasp.  I was so nervous.  In the old days our lust had always been held back by Sacha’s protectiveness and my innocence.  We would smooch and pet and even masturbate together, but there were clear lines we would not cross.  When he disappeared one of my greatest regrets was being denied the chance to give him my virginity like we always talked about.  If only I’d known.  But now, as he just said, we were adults.  We were allowed to explore as far our desire would take us.  Tonight we would strike out into uncharted waters.  I was nervous, but not nearly as much as I was horny.  “Yes please!”

“I have you now.”  His eyes burn with a passion that matched my own.  “I’m gonna make you feel so good.”

“Ohhh I missed you!”  I lean forward to rest my head on his chest.  He pulls my arms around his slender body and I hold him in a very light embrace.

He hugs me back and I press my cheek into his breast to hear his strong beating heart.  “Oh Ben.”  Grabbing my head he tilts it up to face him and gazes down into my dewy eyes before kissing me again.  Running his hands down my arms he bring my arms back around.  Gripping my wrists tightly he brings them up to pin my hands to either side of my head.

“Hmmmm.”  I whimper happily.  We kiss and we kiss and we kiss.  Each of us savoring every slow and tender connection of our lips and tongues then yearning for another.  Wow!  I’d missed this so much.  In our teens we could spend an hour or more just doing this.   Sometimes we would sneak into places for a quick smooch session, those would ALWAYS liven up a boring school day.  “MMMMMM!”

“What is it?”  He chuckles and touches my grinning lips.  “Cumming?”

“I’m just happy.”

His smile widens and he returns to holding my wrists back over and behind my head as he treats me to more hot wet kisses.  Shifting over Sacha moves from straddling one leg to straddling both, then pushing forward so that our crotches pressed together.  Once he settles his weight on top of me he very slowly grinds against me, our bulges crushing together.

“Gnnngh!”  I groan as leans all his weight into it.


I had only fooled around with women since he disappeared, the type without pee-pees, and it was quickly brought back to me how fucking awesome it was to feel an engorged penis press into me.  Such a powerful and unmistakable signal of arousal was soooo hot!  With the girls I was always wondering if they were enjoying themselves or if I was doing things right.  With Sacha it was such a relief as neither of these were a question.  His stiff peener told me that he was enjoying himself and I knew with him all I had to do is let him be in control and he would make sure we both had a good time.  Combine this with his man’s sensibilities, his slender shapely womanly figure and a face way prettier than any gal or guy and it was the best of all worlds.  Sacha was the best boy, he was the best girl, he was just the best, period.

He kisses me and gropes me and writhes with growing need against me as he holds me firmly in place.  “Oh Ben…ohhh Ben!”  I could feel a shift in the energy.  His hunger for flesh was growing though and it is not long before he lets go of my wrists so that he hook his fingers into the hem of my shirt and pull it up to expose my thick hairy torso.  


“Oh!”  He makes me flinch with a stiff slap to my pec.  That felt kind nice!  I did not mind a bit of rough and tumble.  “Yes!”

“Hmph!”  He snorts.

Bucking against me and grabbing both my pecs he squeezes them hard eliciting a breathy moan from me.  “Ohhhhh.”  He then pinches both my nipples, hard!  “HAHHHH!”

When I look up into his eyes again…I instantly shrink down into the couch in instinctual fear as a mad demon stared back down at me.  Sacha’s big brilliant green eyes were wide, his pupils small, and his detached expression like some porcelain mask he was wearing over his real face.  His grinding hips grind harder and faster as in that burning gaze I am reminded of Sacha’s other side.  The scary side.  That side of him that used to only come out when somebody hurt me.


“Why haven’t you cum yet Ben?”  He asks pointedly, his eyes wild and hurt and confused all at the same time.  “What’s wrong with me Ben?  Am I doing it wrong?  Don’t you find me sexy anymore?”

“What?”  I say.  “No, I mean yes, I mean…I told you that I don’t finish that fast anymore.”

“Why not!?”  He snaps with sudden anger.

“I-I don’t know.”

“Come on.”  He grabs his own chest, squeezing his pecs like tiny tits beneath his sexy maid uniform and rides me quicker and quicker.  “Come on.  It’s me Ben.  You don’t have to hold back.  Mmm!  Give me your cum Ben.  Give it to me!  Now!”

“I can’t!”

“Am I not pretty enough Ben?  You don’t like maids?  I’m sorry!  Okay?  I didn’t know I’d see you tonight!  I could have…I would have…MMMMM!”  He pleads as he rides me with growing frustration.  “Why aren’t you cumming?  Please cum.  Pleeeease!”


“Cum for me.”  His eyes then widen as a light goes on and the grinding ends.  His face falls and an expression of horror comes over him.  “You…you’ve had sex…real sex…!”  He gasps.  “You…”  He looked on the verge of tears!  What was happening?  “Ohhh Ben!  Nooooo!  You had sex!  Didn’t you?”

“Sacha…I…uh…I’m sorry.”

“How could you!?  Ben!  I…saved myself for you.”  He whispers as if his whole world was tumbling down around him…before screaming in that girlish voice of his.  “I SAVED MYSELF FOR YOU!”

“I-I-I thought you were gone…forever.”  I stammer.  “I wanted you to be my first.  I swear!  I didn’t know you were alive.”

“I thought we were best friends!”

“We are!  Why are you talking like this?”

His breathing is rapid and erratic as a thousand emotions pass across his visage one after the next after the next.  “THEY did this!   Those fucking parents and…teachers and…doctors and…RRRRAHHH!  They hid you away in the city so I couldn’t find you.  So you could fuck all these fucking city rentboys and turn you against me.”  His voice goes hushed and high with a disturbing innocence as his slim hands press into my chest and ball up into fists with jealous fervor, ripping a dozen hairs out in the process.  “I’ll do what ever those boys did for you Ben!  Anything!  I’ll fuck you Ben, every day, anyway…I know what you like.  I’ll treat you soooo good…please!”

“What?  No!”  I say.  “It wasn’t like that.  And I wasn’t with any other men.  Just…a couple of women, that’s it.”

“WOMEN!?”  He cries, seething with rage.  “How…how many?”  He hammers my chest.  “Were they pretty?  Prettier than me?  They were.  Is it cause I don’t have a pussy?  Breasts?  That’s not my fault Ben.  That’s not my fault.”

“Don’t say those things.  I think you’re the prettiest!”  I say, the heated emotions forcing the confession from me.  “I…I always have.”

“Why then!?  Whyyyy?  You…you love them, don’t you?  Ohhh Ben.  You fell in love with them!  These…women…”  His distressed voice fades before a low growl grows into a savage snarl.  Grabbing me by the throat he looms just an inch from my face and hisses through clenched teeth.  “WHO ARE THEY!?”

“Sacha, you’re scaring me.”  I mewl.

His left eye twitches as he grits his teeth and then, as my words sink in, all at once…calm.  He looks down at me and tilts his head to the left.  “Ben.”  He smiles and lets out a long sigh as his muscles relax.  In the blink of an eye the old Sacha was back again.  “Don’t be scared.”  His voice is soothing and gentle.  “It’s me.  It’s Sacha.  I could never hurt you Ben.  You know that.”

“I know.”  I whisper.  “You’re upset.  You’re angry at me.”

He sighs.  “It hurt me, you betraying me like that.”  A beautiful smile brightens his gorgeous feminine face.  He gives me the sweetest and tenderest of kisses.  “I forgive you Ben.”

“You do?”

“Of course.  You’re my best friend.  You are my angel.  I could never stay mad at you.”  He giggles.  “It’s not your fault Ben.  You were alone.  I wasn’t here for you.  Those women took advantage of you.”  He runs his hands down over my head and his slim fingers dancing through my hair. “But I’m here now buddy.”  Playfully he teases my lips with a fingertip.  “We’re together again.”



You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Sacha might have needed a little more time with the good doctors.

