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Completely incapacitated I roll on the ground clutching my sore balls in absolute agony.  I gingerly feel each throbbing testicle and I am relieved to find them both in tact.  She hadn’t hit me full strength, thank the Lord!

I roll to my stomach and attempt to rise only to be treated with the slap of my own belt across my bare back.  “Haaah!”

I plant my hands on the ground to get up, this proves to be a big mistake.  The moment my hands weren’t shielding my crotch she slices my tights open from the waist at the back all the way down and around my taint.  Before I could stop her she was the one with my nut in her grip.  

“Nnnnnn!”  I whimper and go very still as her grasp on my tenders tightened.  “Mercy!”

There is a sucking sound followed by the pop of fingers leaving lips.  “Mercy?  You got the wrong Sister, mister.”

A split second later two wet fingers touch my asshole and a second after that she punches hard into me and plunging both fingers in through my screaming sphincter right to the base knuckles!

“FUCK!”  I shout…even as my hips tilt up toward her.  Never, never, never had Belle touched my butt, not matter how many times I’d asked.  Despite the pain in my sack my dick flexes harder than ever as I let out a long lewd groan.  “OHHHHHHH!”

“What’s this!?”  She says in a voice of pleasant surprise.  “The Angel of Justice, hero of the city, likes it up the ass!?”

“Y-y-yes M-ma’am!”

“Ma’am!?  Ohhhhh, this is too good.”

“Shut up!”  I push back into her.  “Shut the fuck up and fuck me.”

She doesn’t leave me waiting.  Letting go of my balls she spreads a cheek wide and spit down onto my hole, then start finger blasting it with all of the tenderness of a jackhammer.

“Hnnnnnghhhh!!!”  My eyes roll back a my finger claw across the cold hard floor.  More spit follows and then another finger.  “GNNNGH!!!”  I thrust back against her punching hand and through gritted teeth moan like a total brazen whore.  “Ohhh yesss, fuck yessss!  Ohhhh myyy God!”

Her fingers pumping in and out she slips her other hand back through the slice in my tights to take my achingly hard manhood in her grasp.  The pad of her index finger quickly finds the tip and copious slick precum that was dribbling out of me at a steady rate.  She slides her finger around it for a time before suddenly giving my cock a rough few slaps then takes in a grip tight enough to crush a normie femur into powder.  

“GAHHHHHH!”  I howl.  “Yes!  Yes!  YES!”

With no lube she starts stroking my dick in time with with her rough plunging fingers.  “Yeaaahhh, take it you hero BITCH!”

“Hahhhh!”  Not under my own control my hips start to hump along with her.  Staring out into space I just give myself over to Sin’s gloriously rough treatment.  This was not her first rodeo, the way she was hammering my singing p-spot had me in rapture.  “Hoooohhhhh!”

“Look at you taking it so good.”  She teases.  “I wish I’d brought my strap on, I could have really turned you out.”

“You…you…you have a…?  OHHHHH!”

“Ha!  I fuck better than you do I bet.”  With no warning she pulls out of my hungry hole, just when it was REALLY feeling good, and lays thunderous spank across my ass.

“Ngh!  Put it back!  Wait…wha…what are you…?”

Her one hand still had me by the dick, and using ONLY that she stand and lifts me clear off the ground.  In a strange sort of hammer throw she whirls me around a few times then lets go and I go hurtling through the air.  I crash right through the great crucifix, smashing it splinters and surely leaving a nasty welt across my bare back, then nearly slam into the frescoed wall behind it before I can slow myself with my levitation power.  I spin and coil my body into a tight ball, then with all of my strength launch myself back at her like a human missile.

She stands ready for me.  When I am within ten feet she starts for a jump and at the same time I turn my gliding ability off entirely to let momentum carry me the rest of the way.  The sudden change in trajectory throws her off just long enough for me to tackle her at the legs.  The pair of us go down in a rolling, punching, kissing, kicking, sucking, groping mass of flesh.  Pews and candles go flying in our scrambling melee/making-out.  Fairly quickly the tides turn my way.  In the pure striking of the titty slapping of earlier I was at the disadvantage, but here in an close-up grapple…she was all mine!

With me on top, her legs around me in guard, I grab one wrist and pin it to the ground.  Eventually I chase down the other an pin this one too.  She kicks and twists and tries to buck me off, but I had her.  The fight drains from her, her body relaxes, and she gives me such a pretty smile.  

“Hello Angel.”  She says in the same sultry tone as when we met at the rooftop.

“Hello Sin.”

“Looks like you caught me.”

“I alway do.”

We kiss, hard and deep, as we moan into each others mouths.  Our body writhe together in a shared lust.  I kiss down one side of her neck to her breast and then back up again.  She goes to head butt me but I avoid it and dive down to kiss along the other side of her neck and down to that breast as well.  When I come back up she goes for another butt, expecting it I head butt her right back.  Both of us go blurry for a moment before I whisper.  “Enough.”

She gazes deep into my eyes and in that moment our whole long relationship flashes before my eyes.  The banter, the quips, the chases and schemes, the plans and the sleuthing, and most of our battles.  So much had changed over the years, but through it all we always had each other.  Born from hate but as constant and abiding as the strongest love Angel and Sin had always been there for the other.  With a very subtle nod she let me know there would be no fight from her, not the type that left bruises at least.

Reaching down I tear what remained of her shorts off, then what remained of my tights.  Spreading her legs wider she gives herself over to the needs of her body and soul.  I do as well.  Letting go of her wrists I prop myself up high as I slide my cock into the hottest, wettest, tightest fucking pussy I had ever felt.

“Ohhhhhhh!”  Our voices sigh as one.

For a time we make love, slow and intimate our bodies moved together, though we both knew this was just the warm up.  We both knew what we really wanted and really needed.  This kind of sex we could have with regular folk.  But we were not regular folk, we were supers with super needs.  Gradually my thrusting gets harder, not any faster but harder.  Slowly I pull back through her gripping cunny then ram hard back into her, enough to crack a normal humans pelvis.

“Ah!  Ah!  Ah!”  She gasps on each powerful thrust.  “Ohhhh Angel!  Don’t hold back!”

Harder still I go, starting to pick up the rhythm now.  Our bruised and sweaty bodies clap together, louder with each driving thrust, and echo back to us in the cavernous cathedral.

“RRRR!”  Sin growls as she bears down to cinch her pussy tighter, squeezing my dick like only someone with superhuman strength could.  I flex back and bring it to maximum hardness as it slides deep in then most of the way out on each stroke.  “Haahhhh!”

“Sin, you feel so fucking good!”

“Ohhhhh, you toooo.”

Faster I fuck her, harder I fuck her, savagely I fuck her.  Our slapping flesh becomes thunderous as I am at last free to let my lust run wild.  I allow years of frustration from being forced to treat my partners like a delicate flowers for fear of hurting them pour out and into the gorgeous villain beneath me.  Sin’s long blond hair forms a golden halo around her head, her blue eyes flare and roll to express the erotic pleasures coursing through her body, her surprisingly supple hands fondle my chest and flexing abs, her soft womanly flesh ripples from our booming impacts and her big gorgeous tits bounce as our passion burns brighter.

“Yes!  Yes!  Ohhhhh Angel!”  Sin’s long legs wrap around me and she grips at my sides.  Not only can she take what I am giving she actually thrusts back up at me for more.  I shift one hand to her throat and grasp it firmly, not enough to choke but enough to let her feel it.  “NNNNGHHHH!!!”  A deep feral groan rises up from within her.  “YES!”

“RRRMM!  RRR!”  I growl and snarl as I take it up one last gear to give her all I had to give.  Beneath her hips tiny fissures begin to spread out as the floor cracks beneath the awesome might of my steady full powered pounding.  

“OHHH GOD!”  Sin’s eyes roll back and her expression shifts from building intensity to complete release as a climax rocks her hot body.  One hand clamps a steel grip at my wrist at her neck and pulls in tighter as she actually leans into it.  The other slaps down on my back with the force of a sledge hammer and claws across it, with just her regular fingernails thankfully, and her legs squeeze me in an anaconda grip while her body begins to buck and writhe.  “OHHHHHH!!!”

I push into her strong and deep and hold there to let her ride out her O.  Her pussy, already so hot and wet and tight, grips and spasms around my manhood wonderfully.  Watching her cum…I can’t help myself, flipping my hand around from the front to the back of her neck I pull her in for another deep passionate kiss.

Taking me off guard she gives a sudden and strong twist and rolls the pair of us over until it was me with my back to the ground.  Pushing off my chest she sits up tall, her face flushed by her still receding orgasm, and looks down at me in all of her villainous splendor as I were half a foot tall.  “I needed that!”

“A hero is always ready to help those in need.”  I wink and give her a quick thrust from below.

“Ngh!  You are literally the worst.”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

Gyrating her hips she grinds down into me, my cock firmly buried inside of her still.  My hands start to explore, running up her smooth tummy before finding her incredible tits.  Grinding and thrusting she sighs as she delights in the feel of my hands on her flesh.  “Touch me like you mean it.”  She whispers.  I slap one tit, then the other.  Back and forth I slap and fondle her heavy jugs until they get a lovely hint of a rosy hue.  She gasps and hisses and grips her own legs tightly.  I squeeze them, hard, then pinch the nipples with a force that could have folded a quarter.  “HAH!”  She throws her head back and pushes her chest into my hands.  “ Ha ha ha HA!”

Slapping my hands away she comes down to slap her hands into my shoulders and seize them tightly.  With her hair draped down around her face and mine she then begins to ride.  Hard and deep and quick she slams down on top of me with all of her strength.  

“Ohhhhh!”  I moan in bliss.

Reaching down I fill my hands with her big plump ass, sinking my fingers into the soft warm flesh as I hump along in time to her vigorous rhythm.  Her full pendulous tits swing between us, her nips brushing my chest as the swayed.  Raising one hand she splays her fingers in a familiar motion and five tiny pinpoint sparks of red sprout from just under her fingernails, so small I couldn’t have seen them if they didn’t glow.  There was madness in her eyes that was both terrifying and white hot sex all at the same time.  I stare back at her, daring her to do her worst.  Reaching to the opposite shoulder she rakes her talons down across the breadth of my chest.

“HAAHH!”  I cry out as the needle-like points of her claws, not even long enough to break the skin, scratches across my pecs.  I glance down to see five stinging lines streaked across my chest.  Next she claws up my side, then down my neck and shoulder, then up my belly.  Each time my flesh lights up with bursts of pleasure and pain.  Gasping and hissing I hold onto her tight, fucking and enduring and enjoying the best god damned lay ever.

Mercifully the claws go away and Sin sets her mind back onto raw, nasty, brutal fucking.  She gave every bit as well as I did, ramming down onto me with an unchained violence one could only unleash on someone they truly loved or despised.  I fuck her back, holding her fat ass and hammering up into her drooling cunny.  As we fuck I lift us up into the the air.  When the floor recedes under us Sin hooks her legs around me and keeps going without missing a beat.  Suspended in midair we make love.

Around us the religious frescoes flicker from the flames of the candles.  Behind Sin’s writhing riding form I watch the bright colors of the stained glass windows glow from the city fires and flash from the war raging in the distant skies.  Sin’s body begins to quake and her steady pace quickens then falters as she cums hard a second time.

Closing her eyes lets out a wail of rapturous joy.  “OHHHHHH!!!”

As she rides out her climax I float us back down, steering us toward the head of the church.  As we approach ground level I tilt the plane of our bodies to leave me upright.  When she opens her eyes again she finds herself laying on the altar.  Staring up at the ceiling she gets a big happy smile and lets out a long happy sigh.  “Wow.”  Panting to catch her breath she looks left and right and becomes aware of just where she was.  “What…?”

“I told you at the beginning.”  I say.  “Your ass is mine.”

With that I pull out and flip her over.  Bending her over the altar I spread her fat cheek and spit onto her clenched anus.

“OH SHIT!”  She grips the other side of the stone altar as I plow straight into her tight asshole.  “GAHHHHH!!!”

Smack!  I lay a clapping spank across her perfect ass before grabbing her wide wonderful hips and fucking her full bore.

“GNNGHHH!!!”  She groans loudly as I show her back door all of the tender care she showed mine earlier.  “God I hate you!”

“Fuck you!”  Smack!  Another hard spank.  “Bitch!”

“Gah!”  She rams back into me.  “Fucking do-gooder asshole!  Fucking hero piece of shit!”

“You villainous whore!”  Grabbing her long blond hair and wrapping it around my fist I yank her head back.  “You evil fucking slut!”

“HAHHHH!”  Her back arches back.  “YESSSS!”

I fuck her like madman, clapping her ass as fast and as hard as my aging superpowered body could manage.  Below us the altar heaves and cracks and around us the fleshy thunder of our impacting bodies is deafening.  Her ass ripples and jiggles like a pool of water in an earthquake and her bouncing breasts slap against the sleek stone of the altar.  No mercy is asked for and no mercy is given.

“Come on fucker!  FUCK MEEEEE!  OHHH!”


It is only then I notice the light within the church gradually becoming brighter as one of the lit candles, jostled in our battle, had started a fire.  But I was just too close to care.

As my climax neared I somehow find another level of savage sexual ferocity.  From beyond the walls it must have sounded like two rabid demons were in the throes of the most vicious of combats, the truth wasn’t that far off I suppose.

“HNNGH!  HNNGH!  HNNGH!”  My groans rise in edging desperation.

“YES!  YES!  FUCK  YES!”  My nemesis sings.

With the force of a meteor I ram balls deep into her tight gripping hole causing the altar to crumble and topple beneath us.  Staying with her I hold in tight and erupt!  “RRRRAAAWWWHHHHH!!!”  I paint her insides white with hot creamy jizz, my pulsing cock and throbbing balls pumping thick wads of cum deep inside of her ass.

Her wailing voice joins mine as we experience heaven on earth together.  “HAAAHHHH!!!”

Part 5 


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