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Perhaps it was a trick.  Regardless, I didn’t even have to think about it.  Not tonight.  My blood was up, I was tipsy, I was disillusioned with the whole hero’s life and my place in it, and more than anything I was hellaciously horny.  It had been a long time since I’d been with someone who could handle me and I wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass by.  The fact it was my sexy archenemy only made it better.  Reaching up I undo my mask and throw it to the side.

“Alright Sin.  Let’s do this.”

“Ha ha ha!  Yessss!”  She reaches up to pull off her habit’s headpiece, allowing her long blonde wavy hair to spill freely down her back.  This she tosses away as she spins back to face me once again.

Slowly, cautiously, hands as the ready, we approach each other to square off, neither of us quite knowing what would happen next.  She springs in, a series of super quick jabs leading the way.  A couple of them catch me, doing no real damage, but the last one I catch just before it lands.  I pull her into me and plant a hard kiss back on her.  My free hand reaches for her hair but she spins away so that I just feel the tips slip through my fingers before she is out of reach.

“He he he.”  We are both chuckling now, though honestly I couldn’t say what was funny.

I stay on her, moving with her as she dances back.  I juke and weave so as not to make too easy a target as she pirouettes to one side and then the other so as not to be backed into a wall.  I test her with a hard right cross, which she dodges easily, followed by a rapid turn and then straight front kick.  This too she avoids and counter strikes with a stiff swat to my junk.

I grab my package in surprise.  “Cheeky!”

She gives her own plump butt a proud spank.  “You know it.”

“Best ass in the biz.”  I say as I close in again.  “Always said so.”

“Aw, you say the sweetest things.”  She leaps up and forward, spinning into a leaping roundhouse kick with my skull as the target.  I manage to block the kick then thrust a palm straight into her cooch to send her flipping back.  “Hey!”  She protests as she lands and grabs her crotch, not expecting me to give as good as I got.  After a second of shock a huge grin brightens her beautiful face.   She waves me in for more.

I charge forward, hands out in front of me at chest level.  Instead of a boobs however I hit nothing but air as she sidesteps and lays a withering spank across my ass, the cracking strike echoes up through the high stone walls.

“Oooo!”  I straighten up to my tip toes and rub my sore behind.

“Ha ha ha!”

I hear the click-clack of rushing heels on floor and, with the aid of my levitation powers, I flip straight back toward her but over her head.  She springs straight into my dangling cape.  Grabbing it she whirls me around a few times before slamming me down into the hard ground.  She leaps on top of me but I roll with her weight and end up being the one on top.  Pinning her under me I grab one of her tits and lay another kiss on her.


We both moan as we allow ourselves to enjoy this one for a few scintillating seconds.  I plunge my tongue through her lips to find hers there to meet me.  Our tongues dancing we clutch at each other and kiss with a unrestrained passion only life long enemies could.  It only lasts a moment though.  The instant I relax she rolls and throws me to the side, but not without me claiming a prize.  I grip her tit as she throws and come away with a piece of her outfit.

She springs to her feet and looks down at her exposed breast.  And what a breast.  She might have had a little nip and tuck to smooth the wrinkles of her face but her big heavy tits were all natural, just the way I loved them.

“Niiiice.”  I tease.

She covers it, her hand smooshing into the soft tit.  “Angel!”  She says aghast.  “My Lord and Savior is watching!”  She motions toward the crucifix.

“He can thank me later.”  I toss the reinforced material I’d torn behind me and approach her much more boldly than usual.  I come to stand just out of reach and wave her on.  “Bring it, bitch.”

She snaps out a lightning quick groin kick, which I am just barely able to block, that turns out to be a ruse.  I catch the red glow of her claws as she rakes down my chest and abdomen.  I let out a gasp, thinking for a moment I’d been betrayed, only to look down a second later to see my suit slice open from shoulder to waist, each claw cut exposing my buff bare torso beneath with hardly a mark on my skin.  I look up to see Sin’s claws were extended just a fraction of an inch.  I didn’t even know she could do that.  

She shoots me an impish wink.

The left side my top falls open thanks to the weight of my attached cape.  Instead of letting it slow me down I just tear the whole damn thing off, leaving me shirtless.  Sin lusts after my wide powerful pecs just as much as I had her breast.  I may have been a tad past my prime and my physique bordered somewhere between bodybuilder and dad bod, but like me she didn’t mind a bit of maturity.  Not one bit.

Pointing to the scar that crossed from one pec to the other she says.  “I gave you that.”

“Yeah you did.”  I reply.  “I still owe you one.  Although…”  I glance down at her boob.  “…I think yours look better the way they are.”

“Such a gentleman.”

Still ogling my body she retracts her claws moves in again.  I hold out my open hands and ready.  She moves in close and feints.  I flinch and block the phantom strike but also block the strike the follows then follow that up with my own, a quick slap across her bare breast.  She grunts but does not pull back.  I go for it again with my other hand, this is deflected as is the next and the next and the next.  Soon we are trading slaps and parries in a constant blur of motion.  In this contest her greater speed wins out.  For every grazing touch I got on her tit my own pecs would be cleanly slapped three or four times in return.  Her eyes drill into mine as her hands start moving even faster.  I hiss and cringe as her repeated slaps warm my flesh and sting my nipples.

“Too sloooOH!”

My left hand darts in to grab a handful of her soft blond hair as the fingers of my right hook into the other side of her cleavage and in one rough yank tears the rest of her top off.  Lifting her straight up off of the ground by the hair, something I never could have done with a normie, I pull her in to bury my face between those big incredible tits of hers.

“Oh fuck!”  She gasps as she digs her fingers into my scalp.

“Mmmm!”  I suck and lick the soft skin between fat titties, moving from one to the other and back again, as I hold her wriggling body up with one hand.  My other reaches around to get a good grope of her full round ass.  It felt every bit as good as it always looked.

“Ohhhhhh!”  She moans as she grabs my hair in both hands as tight as she could.

I suck my way out to one of her large tawny nips then tease with my tongue combined with hard nibbles at the tip.

“Hahhhh!”   She pushes her breast into my mouth and I latch on to give it a good hard suckle like only one of our kind could.  “HAHHH!”

Crack!  The next thing I knew am seeing stars and the next I am falling backward as the whole church spun around me.  With my head held firmly, Sin had brought a knee up right up under my chin to ring my bell.  When my head begins to clear I find myself laying on the ground with the bad Sister sitting on my chest, my biceps pinned beneath her legs and her knees to either side of my head.  God damn she played rough!  I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

Gazing down onto me imperiously she recites one of her old lines.  “Repent sinner!  Your judgment day is at hand!.”  Holding her arms out wide, as if it was she crucified on the cross, she arches her gorgeous body above me.  “Repent!”

“Sorry Sister, I still got some sinning to do.”

Bringing both my arms up and around her legs I pin her in place right where she was.  Then I reach in with both hands to find the seem of her tight shorts and tear them asunder, exposing her already wet hairy snatch just inches from my face.  With hard heave pull her into me and start eating her cunny like a man possessed.

“OH JESUS!”  She cries out.

I might have made some quip about her using the Lord’s name in vain, but my mouth was full at the moment.  With all of my super strength I tongue her clit, lapping and rubbing my tongue hard into it as she tried to squirm back to ease the pressure just for a second.  I give her no mercy.  I latch my purse lips around it and SUCK while stabbing at it with my tongue.

“HAAAHHH!”  Giving up on getting away she grabs my hair again and begin grinding down into my face.  “Oh fuck…yes!”

“Nnngh!  Mmmm!  Rrrrrm!”  I am growling and groaning as I slurp at her juicy puss.  I plunge my tongue as deep inside of her hot wet poon as I could then thrust it in and out as my lips kiss hers with a frenzied desire.


With my fingers I pull her tender petals apart and nuzzle in even deep, eating her out like it was my last supper.

“Ohhhh!  Hohhh!”  She ride my face, rubbing her sex hard into me as her body writhed in time.  Peering up her soft tummy I watch her heavy hanging tits sway to her motion.  Very slowly I begin to levitate.  The moment we were clear of the ground her legs press in tight from either side to squeeze my head hard.  A normal man’s skull would have been crushed like an egg under the vice like pressure.  I suck and slurp and pound that clitty with hammer like strikes of my tongue until I get her whole damm body quivering.  All the while rising higher and gradually letting my feet shift down to come to rest upon the ground as I hold her high balanced on my shoulders.  “Ohhhh…ohhhh…OHHHHH!”  She looks down at me hazily, on the cusp of a climax, when my eyes snap up to meet hers.

“Rrrm!”  My cunnilingus ends all at once.

“Huh!?”  She mewls, wondering why’d I’d stopped.

BOOOM!  I powerbomb the bitch down into the stone floor with all of the force and violence as a head on collision, the stone cracks beneath her like a spreading spider web.  I might have felt bad before the knee to the head, but as I watch her body bounce off of the stone I remind myself of the decades of death and destruction this woman was responsible for.  That was one for the good guys.  Besides, she was a tough broad, I knew she could take it.

“Nnngh…”  She wheezes.  “…that hurt.”

As she lay dazed and gasping I walk around to her side unbuckling my belt.  I stand over her, waiting for the cobwebs to clear, and when I see her snap back to her senses I point at a spot directly in front of me.  “Kneel.”  I command.  Then, with a head motion back over my shoulder, I say.  “You kneel for him, you’ll kneel for me.”

Her eyes flit up to Jesus then fall slowly back to me.  During our first battle such a comment would have sent her over the edge, but today…I was pretty sure she’d enjoy the sacrilege.  I was right.

She sits up and gives her head a shake.  Then rolls to her hands and knees to crawl to the spot I pointed at.  Rising up to her knees she hold her hands in hands together in front of her, as if in prayer, and looks up at me as I were God himself.  “Thy will be done.”

Looking the very picture of purity and piety…ignoring the nudity of course…Sister Sin waits.  Pulling down my padded tights I let my nearly hard cock flop free.  The Sister opens her mouth into a big O.  Without using my hands I slip my dick in through her inviting lips.

“Mmmm.”  She hums as my cock fills her warm wet mouth.  Right away her tongue swirls about my knob and she begins to suck.

“Ohhhh.”  I sigh.  “Good girl!”


I run my fingers through her long hair and begin a slow and steady thrusting.  She sucks, ohhhhhh how she sucks, with a power and intensity I had not felt in a very long time.  “Ohhhh shit baby.”  My dick slides in and out and in and out of her wet red sucking lips.   It isn’t long before my manhood is rock hard, quite literally in my case.  Her tongue taps and stabs at my dick hole on pull back then gets out of the way as I glide back in to touch her throat.  “Ohhhhh yesss.”  I might not be in heaven but my dick didn’t know the difference.

“Hmmm.”  She starts to move with me, her head bobbing effortlessly to my guidance.

She took it so good I go for more.  With a hand over the back of her head I pull her in and press forward at the same time, not stopping until my hanging balls rested on her chin.

“Glrg!”  She nearly heaves once but quickly gets it under control as she take me right to the root.

“Oh GOD!”  I cry out, my voice echoing out through His house.

Even with my cock buried down her throat she stays in a perfect kneeling prayer, her pressed hands tucked between her big tits and her big blue glimmering eyes gazing up at me somehow simultaneously innocent and wicked at the exact same time.  Steel Belle had been good, but she couldn’t do deep throat.  Not like this anyway!  Maybe there was something to rumor that villains made better lovers.

Knowing she could take all I had I start to thrust again, this time faster and deeper.  Obediently the former nun sucked and suckled as I fucked her face in a free and unrestrained way I never had before.  Wet gurgling noises emanate from her throat as spittle drips through her lips and oozes down her chin.  The twinkle of tears could be seen at the corners of her eyes as my cock repeated slams deep again and again, but not one tear drop falls.

“Aww fuck yeah.”  I groan as I plow into her hard sucking mouth.  “Ohhh shit baby.  Fucking hell Sin!”

“Mmmmm.”  She coos softly, followed by a much more sinister sounding purr.  “Mrrrmm.”

Her two hands in prayer ball up into fists.  My eyes widen horror.  “Wait!”  I try to pull away but a hard chomp on my shaft keeps me paralyzed, and then…  “GNNNNGH!!!”

Sister Sin drives both fists up into my junk at once, one fist for each nut.  Blinding white pain shoots up from my groin.  I stand frozen a moment before my cock slips from her lips and I crumple to the earth like an understuffed rag doll.

Part 4 


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