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A single red leaf drops from the canopy above and floats down into the path of my glum pixie pal.  She catches it and wraps it around the front of her body like towel after a shower.  After so boldly showing herself to me she now seemed…ashamed.

“Loxy.”  I stand and start after her…only to have my pants fall down around my ankles and trip me.  “Uff!”  I hit the soft earth with a heavy thud.  At some point in the past couple of minutes tricky little Loxy had undone the button and fly.  “Damn it Lox.  I knew this was a trick.”

I turn over on my back and she had zipped back to check on me.  With a guilty giggle she says.  “I forgot I did that.”

I look up at her.  “Very funny.”

She sighs, a sound not unlike the barely audible squeak of a mouse.  “I wasn’t trying to be to be funny.”  She flutters down to land on my chest, the leaf still in place held over her body by her armpits.  She kneels down then curls up into a little ball.  Pressing her ear against me she closes her eyes and listens to the rhythm of my heart beat.  She liked to do that.  Reaching up I very gently pet her exquisitely delicate wings.

She smiles.  It is impossible to describe the smile of a pixie.  When they smiled or cried or showed anger they did it with their whole being.  The emotion shone forth pure and true.  It might be fleeting, as was their mercurial nature, but while it was happening it consumed them entirely.  When Loxy smiled she really smiled.  That sort of honesty had a beauty all its own.  It was only after meeting her I realized how many complicated layers humans had between their true soul inside and what they showed to the outside world.

I relax and continue petting her with a finger in no hurry to get up.  I gaze up into her sprawling boughs and scarlet leaves admiring just how darned pretty she was and listen to the gentle rustle as the breeze drifted through her branches.  I close my eyes, take in a big deep breath…then let it out and feel all of the stress and worry of my week in the city blow out with it.  “Haahhhhh.”  This…this right here…was my happy place.  The years of joy we shared seemed to echo all around us.

We lay there for a time, Loxy listening to my heart as I slowly pet her smooth glassy wings, before she stirs again.  I feel her kneel up so I open my eyes again and crane my neck to look down at her.

“I like it when you touch me Jack.”  She says.  “I like it when you climb up into my branches to let me hold you.  I think about it, a lot, when you aren’t here.”  Tears begin to flow down her fine cheeks once more.  “When you are far away and I can’t feel you near…I cry.”

“Aw Loxy.”  I whisper.  I knew how she felt.  I hated being apart from her too.  Everytime I left it felt like I was leaving a piece of myself here.  With my pinky finger I wipe the tears from her cheeks.  She takes my finger and hugs it, kisses the tip, then hugs it even harder.  I wrap my hand around her and gently hug her back.  I could so easily hurt her but our years together had taught me exactly how hard I could go.  When she finally lets go I can speak again.  Up above her head I reply, she looks up to see what I am saying.  Over the years she had become very adept at reading sign language from any and all angles.  “What’s going on Lox?  Talk to me.”

She scrunches her nose and sort of rolls her lips around in that very particular way she had when she was thinking hard.  “Jack, I like it when you touch me.  I like touching you.”  She looks down at the leaf cover her body.  “You are an adult now and…I want us to touch in new ways Jack.”  She traces a finger along her shoulder and down toward her cleavage.

I cock an eyebrow as things slowly begin to come together to form a picture, a picture at odds with everything I had known until now.  This friendship, this pixie, this tree, this forest, everything about this place was saturated with pure and wholesome memories of childhood.  Except for me almost nothing else had changed here in my sanctuary from the real world.  Coming here was like stepping back into my past, into a simpler and happier time.  These things Loxy was insinuating at…didn’t belong here.

“Loxy…you are a pixie.”

“I am a woman as well.”  She says with her particularly precious pixie pout.  “Or hadn’t you noticed?”

“Of course I noticed.  I’m not blind.  You are beautiful Loxy.”

As her head nods back down from looking up at my hands a stray strand of scarlet hair tousles across her face.  With a series of annoyed puffs she attempts to blow it out of her eyes, it was an literal impossibility for my friend not to be ridiculously cute.  I cannot help but smile.  The pesky hair sorted she finally replies.  “Jack…I want us to become…closer.”

“Lox, you are my dearest and closest friend.”

“We could be more.”  She says.  Her emerald eyes pan across my face as a gentle smile grows on her ruby lips.  “I’ve watched you grow up into such a fine young man.  A man so full of kindness and laughter and understanding.  As the sun nourishes the tree, your bright soul feeds the woman in me.  I want you.  I want us.  I know I am a silly fool, but somewhere along the way I’ve fallen in love with you Jack.  I want to be with  you.”  She shudders and jingles nervously as she confesses.  “I want to be your girl Jack.”

I lay there, stunned.  I knew she loved me of course, but ‘in’ love with me!?  This wasn’t fair!  This just wasn’t fair.  I had gone through this myself.  Back in my teens I was absolutely smitten with the adorably sexy Loxy.  My first sexual thoughts were of her.  During my first masturbation I was thinking of her.  It was only because I treasured our friendship so dearly that I was able to get past that attraction.  I trained myself to love her like a sister.  My relationship with Loxy was the one thing above all else that I did not want to spoil or complicate.

As an adult I came to realize that this was for the best.  The realities of our situation made a real full time romantic relationship impossible.  Our size difference was just the most obvious complication.  Just some of the other problems included: being of very different species, having to keep her a secret from everyone, not being able to take Loxy too far from her tree, and the pixie sensitivity to all things synthetic or technological meant giving up so many crucial modern tools and conveniences while I was out here.  It was so much better, better for everyone, if I kept this at the level of a close friendship.

Loxy knew me better than anybody and she seems to read my heart just from the expression on my face.  “You are my best friend as well Jack.”  She says.  “But I want more, if that’s possible.  I cannot claim to understand the world you live in but…”  Her face scrunches up as words seem to fail her.  “We have so little time left together Jack.  I am a selfish and greedy little pixie and I want to make the most of the years we have.”

“So little time?  Are you okay!?”

“I am well Jack.  I am speaking about you.”

“Me?  I have lots of time.  I’m only in my twenties.”

“And I am in my three hundred and fifties.”  She sighs.  “Will I remember you as my best friend?  Or as my best friend, lover, and…husband?”

I hadn’t thought about that reality too often.  On purpose.  It was a humbling reminder of my own mortality.  Loxy had been here long before my birth and, barring anything happening to these woods, she would be here long after I passed on.  I had known her over half of my years on Earth but for her it had been but one fleeting season in her long life.

“Why now?”  I ask.  “Why today?”

“I can feel you slipping away from me.  Bit by bit, weekend by weekend, just a tiny bit further each time.”  She says.  “I smell the city on you.  It’s getting into you.  Your mind cannot rest as it once did.  The bustle and the noise and the distractions are pulling you away from nature, away from the rhythms of this land, away from the instinctive natural attraction that you try to deny.”  With that she lets the leaf go to expose herself to me once again.  “I love you Jack, and I lust for you.  Ohhh, the thoughts I have about you Jack.”  Standing on her knees she begins to undulate in a sexy and sensual way as she lets out a lusty moan, which to my non-pixie ear sounds more like a kitten’s sneeze.  Her green eyes blaze with desire, her impish features alight with libidinous thoughts.  Just like with her smile, when she was horny there was no doubt about it!  “I want you.  I want us.  I want to give myself to you Jack, my whole self.”

“Lox.”  I whisper aloud.

“Tell me no and I will not bring it up again.  I will be sad but I will understand.  Our friendship will always endure.”  She licks her plump rosy lips.  “But tell me yes…and we can have a new kind of fun together.”  Her words spoken she brings her left hand to her full soft breast to squeeze it hard as her right slides down between her legs to rub her tiny wet pussy.

Part 3 



Cute Pixie: To be with me you'll have to give up city living and iphones and technology. Grim: And what's the downside? 😂

