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I was already well above the speed limit yet I still have to resist the urge to push the accelerator down even more.  I drive through the oh so familiar hills and fields and forests of home, a sight I saw every single weekend and holiday yet one I never, ever got tired of.  While my college friends would head out to sunny exotic destinations or just hang around the city during time off, for me there was only one place I ever wanted to be and that was right back here in the place I grew up.  Sure I got teased about it, even my mom thought it odd how often I came back to visit, but I didn’t mind.  I had long since stopped worrying about what other people thought about my homeward tendencies.

I zoom straight past the road that lead to my family farm without even a glance.  I would see my folks later tonight for supper.  The crops were swaths of amber, the foliage a rich tapestry of golds and oranges and reds, the whole landscape a postcard perfect scene of Midwest American autumnal beauty.  By God I loved this time of year.

Coming over the next rise I start to slow as I see my turn up ahead.  I leave the pavement behind as I turn onto the dusty gravel road.  My truck tears down the rough road, making light work of the bumps and dips, until after about ten minutes I am rolling up to the far West side of my family’s land.  I dip down into the thickly wooded and slow as I approach the trail I would be taking.  A gap in the foliage is all there is to hint at the space a driveway once ran.  I slow to a crawl and switch to 4wd before turning off of the road.  I go through the process of opening, driving through, and closing the barb wire fence then continue on down the overgrown trail to the abandoned graying log cabin nestled in the woods.  I park in the groove marks where I usually park and shut the truck down.

I toss my phone and watch into the glove compartment and give myself one last once over to make sure I wasn’t carrying any technology or wearing any synthetic materials.  My clothes were all natural fibers and my sandals of genuine leather.  I was set.  The keys to the truck I hide in the usual spot in the old cabin.  I was ready.

I cannot wipe the grin from my face I set off down the twisting trail.  The warm autumn wind rustles through the vibrant canopy and the song of birds fills the air.  I had only caught sight of her tree when I see a green streak come shooting out from around it.

“Loxy!”  I cry out in happiness as my best friend flies up and zips around my head for a few orbits before coming in to land on my shoulder and do her best to hug my head.  The joyous jingles of her voice rings in my ear.

Yeah, my best friend is a pixie.  Our history together started when I was ten years old exploring these woods and found her near death after a fox had inadvertantly snatched her out of the air.  After a rough start, where I nursed her back to health and got her flying again, our friendship had only grown since that fateful day.

I bring a hand to the side of my face and carefully cup her against my cheek to hug her back.  We hold the embrace a minute at least before finally letting go.  She zips back toward her Oak and I follow along.  I sit in my usual place, a fallen log with the smooth top that I had dragged in close a few years back.  She turns and hover in front of me looking every bit as happy as I felt.

“I missed you.”  I sign to her and she signs the same back again.  “I am so happy to see you!”  Because our languages were incompatible, we could neither speak nor understand each other’s tongue, we had learned American sign language together.  I had so many pleasant memories of those days as our growing communication allowed us to open up to one another, it is hard to believe that was ten years ago now.  As I get a good look I say.  “Woooah!  You are looking good today Lox.”

She really did!  She was always cute as a button but today she looked extra special  Her long hair, which had turned a brilliant red as it always did this time of year, was combed out smooth to cascade down either shoulder.  Just the tips of her pointed ears could be seen peeking up through.  Her fluttering opalescent wings had a sparkle to them.  Her lips were redder, her cheeks pinker, and on her curvaceous little body was a beautiful gown of layered fall leaves that I had never seen her wear before.  Being a creature of the wilds she usually looked a bit scruffy and tomboyish, but not today.  The one normal thing, her wide jade colored eyes glimmered with her usual precociousness.

She perks up at my compliment.  With a huge grin she smooths her dress and gives me a spin to show it off.  The back was open in an elegant V shape that ran right down to the top of her butt, giving her dragonfly-like wings room to move.  

Her teeny hands sign back.  “You look very handsome today Jack.”

“Ha!”  I laugh.  While she was all gussied up I was in old clothes and I hadn’t even shaved that morning.  “If you say so.”  I lean in and narrow my eyes, trying to get a fix on what this was about.  Pixie’s were not the bubbly happy little darlings you saw in cartoon shows, they were tricky and capricious and downright dangerous when they wanted to be.  I snap my fingers.  “That old beech, you accepted his proposal.”

A look of horror and disgust comes over her.  “Ew!  No way!”

“You rejected him?”

She nods enthusiastically.

“Mmm, intriguing.  Perhaps another suitor has come knocking?”

She giggles.  “Perhaps.”  She chews her plump bottom lip and jingles, then strokes her lovely red hair.  “You like it?”

“Yeah.  Lox, you look as cute as a crab apple.”  

“Just cute?”  She bats her big green eyes and sways her hips.  “Not…sexy?”

“Ha!  You sexy?  Yeah right.”  Pulling out a little bottle from my shirt pocket I set it on my knee and say.  “Hey, I brought you some new honey.  It’s made from some wildflowers in France I guess."


She shakes her head angrily and pouts.  “I don’t want honey!”  With a flick of her hand she sends the vial flinging off into the bushes with her magic.

“Geez, you just coulda told me.”  I chuckle.  I knew there was no offense meant, I was very used to Loxy’s wild mood swings.  You never knew what you were going to get with her, it was part of what I loved about her.  She was ten feet of attitude packed into a five inch frame.

“You hate my dress.”  She clenches her fists and sort of stomps around in a circle, in mid air mind you.  “I made this special and you think it is ugly.”

“No I don’t.  You look wonderful, how many times do I have to say it?”

She spins, her face lighting up with an idea.  Waggling her eyebrows up and down she asks.  “You want to take it off of me?”

“NO!”  I guffaw.  “Oh my God.”

Her face scrunches up and she lets out an exasperated snort, a more adorable sound you would never hear.  “Give me your hand.”

I roll my eyes.  “Fine.”  After signing I hold my hand out toward her.

She flits forward and lands at the tip of my fingers, so light I can barely feel her weight.  I bring her up to eye height and watch her face light up in a bright smile.  Looking like a catwalk model she sashays forward, her shoulders and hips swaying.  She stops at the wrist and runs her hands up then back down her hourglass shape.  Her chin dipped low she looks up at me with her glimmering green peepers and bats her eyes again.

Limited to one hand to speak with I spell out.  “C, U, T, E.”

She glowers at me.  What the heck was with her today?  She didn’t like the word ‘cute’ all of a sudden?

“You are so stupid!”  She says rapidly and with exaggerated motions.  She swallows…the reaches up to pull one of the straps of her dress down over her shoulder.  My eyes widen as the dress folds down and she starts to expose her left breast.  Again she has that big eyed stare, her eyes staring into mine.

“Loxy.”  I say out loud, which she could not understand of course.  “You are being so silly today.”  With my thumb I push the strap back up and onto her shoulder.  With no warning she grabs my thumb and presses her tit hard into it with a defiant look.  “Lox!”  In surprise I toss her up off of my hand.

She instantly catches herself by hovering and spins back toward me, a look of frustration on her tiny pouting face.  “I wore this for you.”

“For me?”  I wave my hand dismissively.  “You didn’t have to do that Lox.  I like ya just the way you are, no matter what you look like.”

“I want to look good for you.  Like one of those girls you tell me about from the city.”

“Aw Lox, you’re prettier than any of them.”

She grins.

“Cuter anyhow.”

She scowls.  “I am not cute!  I am sexy!  I am…beautiful!”  She runs her hands over her breasts in a way that, if she were human, I would have thought was very suggestive.  “Don’t you think I am beautiful?”

“Of course I do.”  My eyes drift up into her sprawling foliage, all of it a wonderful rich red like her hair.  “You are especially lovely this year.”

My pixie pal zips up and yanks a nose hair out of my nostril!

“OW!”  I hold my nose then sign.  “What was that for?”

“Don’t look at me.”  She looks up.  “Look at…ME!”  She slaps her chest.

“Okay, geez.  I’m lookin.”

“Really look at me Jack.”  She says, her expression softening.  “Look at me.  Please.”

“I am looking at you.”

“Jack…”  She sighs.

“Lox…what are you doing?”

The next thing I knew she had pulled both straps off her shoulder and was peeling her gown down and off of her naked body!


She had nothing on beneath.  Like a falling leaf her gown drifts down to the earth below.  A buxom little sprite, she was quite a sight.  Her body was soft and voluptuous.  Her pubes, bright red just like her hair, was bushy and natural  Her breasts were fairly large in scale with the rest of her body, though smaller than a grape in real terms with perky pink nipples.  The stiff tips were no bigger than the nub of a pen.  Her hands grip nervously at her sides as she hovers in front of me, nervous and conscious of her nudity but doing nothing to cover herself.

“I love you Jack.”

“I love you too Lox.”  I try to continue looking at her without actually looking at her so I could see her signs without ogling her body.  “I’d love you even more if you got dressed again.”

Her face falls.  Her plump pouting bottom lip trembles.  Tears begins to roll down her tiny chubby cheeks.

“Hey, Lox.”  I say softly.  “Don’t cry.”  I go to scoop her up in my hands then stop.  Leaning back I laugh.  “Ahhh, this is one of your tricks.  This is a set up!  You tricky fairy, I’ve known you too long.”  I point at her then sign.  “Nice try.  What’s this all about, huh?  You gonna pee on me or something.”

She shakes her head no.  She looks lost, wanting to say something but not knowing how.  Finally her shoulders slump and her head bows low.  Turning her back on me she starts to  flutter slowly back to her tree.

Watching her perfectly shaped itty bitty tushie fly away from me I realize that my best friend wasn’t playing around.  Something was really wrong.  “Loxy?”

Part 2 



"Why is she undressing Pepeg" Black hole denseness on this one, still would love to see more


Some of my favorite Jesse moments are when he's dumb as a brick. 😂

Jason D Fluffer

Well she was way more adorable then she had any right to be... A+ work 😁