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Rosa shrugs off her shawl and lets it glide from her shoulders to the floor.  She then unfastens my belt and pulls it from me and leaves it on the counter to my left.  Very, very subtly she rocks her hips in a slow rhythm, gently grinding her cock and balls into mine.  Sliding her hands up under my tunic she starts to push it up my body while simultaneously feeling my torso with her soft slender hands.

“Take it off.”  She says softly.

I help her pull my tunic up and off of me then rest my shoulders back against the cool plaster wall again and return my arms to above my head.  Rosa drinks in the flesh of my torso in the warm illuminating flame of the lantern.  She knew how to look at a boy and make him feel like the prettiest thing in the world, at least she did with me.  Cupping my pecs, one each hand, she rubs along the bottom sides of them then across them back to ward the center.  She gropes them, feeling the thickly muscled flesh, then softly pets them to feel the hair and the skin.  She runs her hands over my tight abs and along my side.  She traces my wide shoulders and feels up across my biceps then around to rub them down my sides right to my hips.  It was as if she was sculpting me from a piece of wet clay.  She luxuriates in experiencing my body, both with her burning gaze and her gentle hands.

“Who is my sexy boy?”

“I am.”  I whisper.

“Mmm.”  She smiles, down below I feel her harden further.  I could even see the bulge through her dress now as it grinds into my own tenting breeches.  She rakes her fingers lightly down body sending tingles out across my skin.  “Do you just want to cuddle?   Or are you a slutty boy tonight?”

“Slutty!”  I sigh.  “Ohhhh, I feel slutty tonight my Lady.”  I tighten my legs around her and hook them around her lithe body.  “Please use me.”

“I thought so.  Lady’s got something very special for you tonight.”  She grips her hard shaft, showing the outline of her long thick dick through her clothes.  “Something special just for her good boy.”

“Mmmmm.”  I mewl lewdly as I press against her.  “Fuck meeeee.”

She leans in to give me long tender kiss where my chest meets my abdomen.  “Soon baby.”  Another linger kiss.  “Soon.”

“Nnnn.”  My head is swimming with submissive bliss already and we had hardly begun.  “Ohhhhh.”

“Yesss.  Let me hear your lovely voice.”  She extends half a foot of her long tongue and runs it across my pecs from one nipple to the other, there she flicks and tickles my nip with her tip.  Between my legs she continues her easy but constant grinding.  My manhood is as hard as oak and strains against her, my ass hungers for any touch.  She giggles.  “My cutie.  You are so eager tonight.”

“I need you my Lady.”  I say in a hushed voice.

Her eyes flare with rising desire.  Reaching up she caresses my cheek with her palm and places the pad of her thumb against my partly open lips.  I kiss it then purse my lips around it to suck it.  Her other hand comes to my other cheek.  Holding my face she stares into my eyes and says.  “I love you.”

“Hmmmm!”  I release her thumb.  “I love you my Lady!”

Pulling me in while rising to her tip toes she kisses me, tenderly at first but becoming more passionate as it goes.  Her tongue slides into my mouth, curling around itself and filling the cavity from cheek to cheek.  I suck it and thrust my tongue between its writhing coils.  And still our groins grind together and it was feeling soooo good.

The kiss parts, several inches of her long tongue gliding through my wet lips as she pulls away, and dips down to return to kissing and licking my chest and stomach.  Her tongue danced across my flesh.  And still our members rubbed, a bit harder now and a bit faster.

“Nnngh…I’m gonna cum.”  I whisper meekly, feeling terribly embarrassed on how quickly the feeling had come upon me.  Try as I might I couldn’t stop the rising pressure.  Having my legs wrapped around her as one about to receive would do, having her pin me against the counter and wall, and knowing what she was going to do to me had my libido soaring.  “I’m sorry!”

“Shhhh.”  She slows up to let me gain control of my body again, doing it so that it wasn’t abrupt and wouldn’t break our natural flow.  It is difficult but I manage to hold it back.  She kisses my body and hugs me tight.  She sucks and nibbles my nipples and the slow rocking ends.  Once she was sure I wasn’t going to climax she says softly.  “Not yet my boy.”

“Yes…my Lady.”  As the pressure fades I felt kinda proud of myself, the embarrassment swatted away by my Lady’s gentle control and understanding.  I arch my body and push my nipple harder into her sucking mouth.  “Ohhh.”

“Mmm.  Good boy.  Such a good boyyy.”

She pulls away, pushing my legs apart with just the hint of a touch.  A hint was all I needed to obey in my current subby state of being.  I unhook my legs and spread them for her.  The tip of sinuous tongue still tickling and probing my belly button my Lady unfastens my breeches.  She lifts the waist to peek in and my dick springs forth, bobbing up and down as if repeatedly bowing in worship.  Mouth wide, she smiles her cute fangy smile.  Like a striking adder her tongue zips down into my pants and with a single swipe slurps the copious smear of precum that wet my skin.  She pulls her tongue back and smacks her lips.  “So excited.”

“Yes my Lady.”

With that she pulls my breeches and underbreeches from my hips.  I straighten my legs as she steps back and strips them off of me.  Before I can lower my leg she holds one foot up in one hand and starts to unlace my sandal with the other.  She takes it off and tosses to the corner.  Holding me there she starts to tickle the hairs along my shins as she takes a moment to admire my now naked body.  Her eyes slowly pan up, taking in every inch of me.  Her dress could do nothing to hide her massive erection at this point.

When her eyes at last reach my crossed wrists that I held above me against the wall she nods.  “Do not fret my boy, you’ll feel your ropes soon.”

“Thank youuuu.”  I coo in my high lilting boyish voice.

“Ohhh Quin.”

Leaning down she kisses my toe, then the top of my foot, then ankle, shin, and knee.  Turning her head she drags her soft lips across the top of my thigh working ever higher.  All at once her mouth hops over and engulfs my entire sack.  My legs kick out into air and my body jolts as sucks my balls…hard!


Just as suddenly they pop from her lips and she continues on, smooching down the other leg she lifts the foot to hold it and remove my other sandal.  Leaving me completely nude she lets my foot down and looks over her boy once more.  I felt so…exposed and vulnerable.  But because it was her that felt wonderful.  My cock twitches and jumps with a will of its own as my demon Lady ogles me.  I bring my knees up to my sides, as high as I could bring them, wanting to show her that I was ready and eager to give her my ass.  I bat my eyes and make cute needy whimpers because it felt good and I knew she would like it.

“You are becoming too good at that.”  She teases while also lightly stroking her dick through the dress.  “You’re figuring how cute you are.”

“I’m a good boy.”  I smile.

“Yes you are!”  She says.  “And a brave boy.  And a pretty boy.  And an obedient boy.  And a slutty boy.”


“Look at you.  Spread open for your Lady.  Such a sexy body.  Such a beautiful cock.  Such a pretty mouth.  Such an inviting ass.  You are my every fantasy come to life my boy.”

“Mmmmm.”  I had no words to express my joy.

“I want to take care of you Quin.  I want to spoil you so bad.  I want my boy, MY boy, to be the happiest boy in the world.”

“Thank youuu.”  I was near tears I was so happy.

“Come on baby, come suck your Lady.”

In the blink of an eye I am off of the counter and scrambling on hands and knees toward my Lady.  I get to her before she’d even had the chance to lift her dress.  I whine like a hungry pup begging for a teat as I watch the hem of her dress lift to show me her smooth shapely legs.  The moment it slides up to reveal her rock hard penis I am on it.

Holding the shaft in both hands I latch onto the knob and start sucking ravenously.  “Mmm, mmmmm, mmmm!”  I hum and mewl as I give mouth pleasure to my Lady, the pleasure as much mine as hers.

“Oooo.  That’s nice.”  Holding her dress against her tummy with one hand she pats my head lovingly with the other.  “You’re doing great.”

“Hmmm!”  Her praise spurs me to suck her harder and deeper.  The efforts of the day made her cock salty and her aromatic ball sweat fills my flaring nostrils.  It only made it more arousing.  Pulling back her foreskin I suckle her knob and gaze up at my larger than life mistress.

“Ohhh, I love it when you suck my cock.  You’re so good.”


“You like sucking my cock baby?”

“Mmmm!”  I hum my enthusiastic agreement.

“You like eating my pussy?”


“What about sucking on my little titties?”


She grins proudly as she teases her fingers through the front of my hair.  “Good.  I’ll be keeping that mouth very busy from now on.”

“Hm!  Hm!  Hmmm!”  Suckle, suckle, suckle.  My excitement comes through in my eager blowjob.

“Play with yourself my boy.”  She whispers.  “Let me hear you.”


I bring my right hand off of my Lady’s thick dick and reach down between my legs.  It shoots right past my cock and balls to come to touch my hungry anus.  I rub my entrance with my middle finger, my hips immediately rocking with my rubbing, as I continue giving head.  Even without lube I start to push and probe, my sphincter opens against even a soft touch as it yearned to be stretched by her Amazon cock.

My Lady and I had done so much together these past two weeks.  She had touched me for my first sexual experience in the tall grass near Rome.  She had rubbed her cock on mine under that carob tree as we cuddled naked together.  She had given me my first taste of bondage, introduced me to the heady joy of submission, let me suck her tits and fingered my bum to orgasm in that tiny slave hut during the storm.  After our date in Beneventum she began training me, I felt my wonderful ropes as she had her way with me during her play, she taught the pleasure of denial before I came in a way I never had before then came the old way too later on, and I felt her incredible tongue and mouth as she pleasured me orally in both ways.  She taught me to beg, as if my very soul depended on it, and let me suck her cock the first time behind that wrecked wagon in view of the Appian.  She let me serve her in front of Peisandros’ and Aemelia.  In that dim water carved cave she teased my disembodied manhood, she had me taste the sweet nectar of her pussy until she cried out in passion, she tested her control and she watched as I fucked myself for her amusement.  And, of course, in the harpy’s lair we made sweet love to each other in the traditional manner of man and woman.

But in all of that…I had yet to feel her cock inside of me, down there.  She said she was readying me for it, but I suspected she had been saving it as a reward for the journey completed, and I was more than ready for my prize.

Chapter 81


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