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Rosa’s petite body easily held in my arms I carry her back around to the front, stepping carefully to avoid the broken shards of ceramic.  It seemed right to enter our new home for the first time through the main door.  Standing between the crooked front door and the stagnant pool we look up at the imposing structure.  At one point it would have been a gleaming white, faded accents of red horizontal lines could still be made out.  

“We won’t be wanting for space.”  I quip.

“Nope!”  Rosa giggles.  “I might have to carry a map so I don’t get lost.”

Putting the staggering amount of work it was going to take to spruce this place up again out of my mind I step up onto the small porch and approach the door a bit warily.  Peering through the space I could see natural light in the distance but all was dark in between.  Reaching out with a foot I push the door, the bottom corner scrapes along the smooth yet bumpy mosaic floor.

“Pretty.”  Rosa says as the light reveals the multicolored labyrinth design of the floor.

I step through, entering our house with my Lady in my arms, feeling a sense of victory filling my spirit.  As big of a milestone as it was for me to take on this place it was Rosa’s presence that made this moment special.  I couldn’t even imagine it without her.  I kiss her, and we smile at each other, then let her down onto her feet.  The walls of the entrance hall were painted plaster depicting a lovely country garden, perhaps the garden of this very villa back in its glory days?  To my surprise, and a pleasant one it was, the interior was in much better condition than the shabby outside of the building.  The floor, the walls, the timber of the roof all looked a bit neglected but generally to be in good shape.  This was a placed that had been lived in and kept up to a minimum standard at least.  Through the open doorway across from us I can see the pillars and open roof of the central peristyle.  

With me leading the way we pass through a short hallway with doors to each side, the one on the right had a small plaque indicating that the slave quarters were through there.  The hall opens into the spacious peristyle, this room alone is as large as the entire house that I grew up in.  It rose up the full height of both stories to an opening in the roof.  We find a waist high wall topped with pillars that supported the ceiling.  Within the area open to the sky is a small inner garden full of mostly dead ferns and weeds.  All around the rest of the room lead to other rooms or hallways.  At the second story level were a few shuttered windows that could be opened to look down into this area.  More broken amphora and pottery lay here and there along with some wooden furniture, much of it also broken.

From here we look around at the various exits all around us wondering where to go next.  Most of the doors were closed but there was one broken open like the heavy front door.  I suspected thieves had visited in the months since my uncles death.  Having nobody here to watch over it I wasn’t surprised.  Perhaps they found something of value but looking around at the state of the place I was dubious there would have been much here worth stealing.

We continue our exploration.  We find the atrium messy but with the impluvium pool in good repair and half full of clear rainwater.  We find the tablinum, the office of the house seemed to have been turned into some sort of gambling den as there are cracked bone dice and parts of other games of chance scattered about the table and floor.  We find a hall, grander by far than the one Peisandros hosted us in, with more amphora and tattered furniture.  It had a mosaic floor and the walls are covered in frescoes of figures dancing and performing lewd acts, though in the deep dim they were hard to make out.  We find the kitchen with long since rotted food and just a few usable implements in it but in good working order.  We find stairs up, we find stairs leading down to a cellar which we leave be, we find all of this and more.  So many rooms!  Most too dark to see.  It was simply too much for two weary travelers to explore in a single evening.  Besides, Nox had nearly pulled her blanket completely across the dimming sky.

“We’ll have plenty of time tomorrow.”  I say.

“And the next day and the next day.”  Rosa takes my hand.  “And forever.”

I liked the sound of that.  I squeeze her hand and we make our way back to the front to get our packs.  “It looks like this place was a…party house of some sort.”

“Mmm.  A pleasure mansion or simply a den of iniquity.”  Rosa nods.  “Your uncle was a drunkard and a gambler and an all around hedonist it seems.  I think I saw a shrine to Bacchus back there.  Gods only know what these walls have seen.”

“His reputation precedes me.”  I say, recounting what the official had said back in the city.  “Great.”

She pats my arm.  “You are your own man.  People will learn that soon enough.”

We walk back outside and look around the shadowy woods.  Through the branches I could just make out the square angle of the side of another building hidden in the foliage.  The house wasn’t the only thing left to explore.  I didn’t even truly know how large this plot was never mind what was actually in it.  Again, a task for the morning.  I bring the cart up to park it near the door and we unload our stuff then head back inside.

“I’m just going to secure this front door.  Won’t take long.”  I say.

“Meet you in the kitchen.”  Rosa replies.  

I watch her dark lithe silhouette stride down the hall toward the peristyle, her hips swaying beckoningly.  She wore that dress so well, her hourglass shape so alluring in it.  The very tips of her growing horns could be seen peeking up to frame her top knot even from behind now.  Her blade shaped ears highlighted even more her elegant slender neck.  What a woman.  What a Lady.

Once she disappears around the corner I heave the thick stout door straight and push it into the frame.  The lock had been bent during the break-in but thankfully there was the heavy bolt for securing the entry while the house was occupied was intact.  I slide it into its housing and step back.  Between the tight fit in the frame, the one good hinge and the bolt it would hold securely enough.  The other hinge I would deal with when I had better light and more energy to do it.  I knew from our little tour that the other entrances were already locked up tight.  Rosa had finally gotten the safe and strong walls she had been dreaming about.

I lift my pack and walk toward the kitchen.  Turning the corner I could see flickering fire light coming from within.  Walking in I see Rosa had started a small fire in the stove.  She had also lit one of the handheld oil lamps we had purchased back in Grumentum and set it on one of low counters that ran round the walls of this room.

I look about the room.  “At least the kitchen is…”  

The words die in my throat as Rosa slowly turns around and hits me with a sultry dominant gaze that could melt iron.

As if by instinct now my voice raises and I let out a soft submissive whine.  “Ohhhhh!  My Lady!”

Standing, paralyzed by her glimmering magenta eyes, I wait for her command.

“Is the door locked?”  She asks in that Lady voice that instantly sent fire to my loins.

“Yes…my Lady.”  I whisper.

There was something different in her gaze tonight.  A hunger that had been carefully caged inside of her all this time was now set free.  She takes one step toward me, moving with a silky feline grace, and reaches up to release her hair and pull the pin from it.  Her long wavy violet to pink locks tumble down over her shoulders and down her back.  Without a thought she drops the pin, it tings off of the tile floor and skitters to rest, and takes another step forward.  Every ounce of her smoldering attention was locked on me.

I wanted so bad to kneel or even throw myself to her feet but I hadn’t yet been told to do so.  Without actually bending I shrink down as small as my big frame would let me.  I still towered over her yet thanks to her bearing and expression I felt as tiny and helpless as a newborn puppy.  Seeing her in her full majesty made me so happy…and so fucking horny!

Another step closer and she in arm’s reach.  With fire in her eyes yet the gentleness I knew her for she reaches up and tenderly strokes my cheek.  I rub my cheek into her soft palm greedy for her touch.  Her other hand comes to my hip and, as if leading me in a courtly dance, directs me to the side.  I move with her as easy as could be.  She turns me and pushes me back against the counter then continues to lightly push.  Following her lead I rest my butt back on the counter then slide back to sit upon it.  The hand at my hip slips around to my lower back to indicate just where she wished me to sit, not right at the edge nor too far back.

She glides right in between my legs and presses herself in against my groin, through her dress I feel her own much larger cock is just as aroused as my own.  As natural as breathing I wrap my legs around her, pushing myself into her as I offer my body for her pleasure.  I slide my arms up the wall behind me and hold them as if they were bound there.  Back in the city when she told me she would take me tonight it wasn’t a tease.  I knew, with no doubt at all, that I would feel my Lady this night.

Chapter 80 



The end is so close now...I'm starting to get emotional about it. 😭 I have enjoyed their journey so damn much. 🥰