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“Mmmm?”  Rosa rustles.

I pull her closer to my face and kiss her head, right between the horns, and nuzzle into her lucious hair.  Her body tenses in surprise and she looks up at me.

“Quin!”   She gasps.  “You’re alive!”  Her face breaks into a huge incredulous grin, she had such cute fangs.  “YOU’RE ALIVE!”

“Of course.”  I say.  “You told me to stay.  I wasn’t about to disobey my Lady.”

Collapsing on top of me Rosa breaks down sobbing.  Tears of joy.  Tears of relief.  Tears as an overwhelming outburst of the fear and tension she’d been holding inside of her.  Grabbing my head from both sides she begins kissing me all over my face.  I hold her close and laugh joyously.  Many long wonderful minutes are spent just clinging to each other, not wanting to let go.

“How…how are you?”  Rosa feels around my body, particularly at my ribs where the harpy’s talon had stabbed me.  In the dim light however there wasn’t much to see.  More than anything though she just wanted to touch me and feel me and make sure this was real.  I hold her close for the same reason, just wanting more than anything to feel her on me.  Half laughing, half crying, she asks.  “How are you feeling?  How’s my boy?”

“Sore.”  I say.  “But not bad considering.”  I press against the blood crusted dressing, impossible as it was it felt no more than a bruised rib underneath.  “It must not have been as bad as I thought.”

Kneeling up a grim look comes over Rosa’s moonlit face.  “No.  It was bad.”  Her tired voice trembles with emotion.  “It was real bad.  I…I thought I lost you.  I thought you were gone.”

“But, how…?”

“Magic.”  She answers in a hushed tone, seeming to disbelieve it herself.  Looking down at her hands she is silent a moment before whispering.  “I was desperate.  You were dying.  I didn’t now what else to do.  I called out for help, to the forests and the mountains, to my father’s spirit, to the old green king himself.  I reached out and in, deep down.  I…”  She swallows.  “…I offered myself as sacrifice.”


“I couldn’t lose you Quin.  I couldn’t.”  She brings her hands to her bare chest.  “It aches inside.  Like…a piece of me has been torn away but…I’m okay.”

“You healed me?  You used magic?”

“I must have.”  Her brows furrow as she recalls the experience.  “I remember…green.  A green light.”  She shakes her head.  “I passed out after that.”  She lets out a sigh.  “And woke to find you holding me.  Oh gods baby, I thought you were gone.”

“I’m here, I am right here.”  Reaching up I touch her soft cheek with a finger tip and smile.  “We survived, that’s all that matters.”  She smiles back, happy for a moment, before a great sadness comes over her.  “Rosa?”

She bows her head.  “I am ashamed.”  She whispers.  “I am so ashamed of myself.  What…I did to you.  How can you ever forgive me?”

“It’s okay.”

“No baby, it’s not.  It’s really not.  I struck you!  I struck my beautiful boy.”  She shakes her head bring her hands to her knees, entering what I now recognized as a Kneel.  “Even as that monster carried me away…all I could think about is what I had done to you.  I…never…meant…”  Her voice fades away.


“My fear, my anger, my emotions took control of me…just like…after Danae…”  She shudders and shakes her head again.  “I am not Lady enough for a boy as pure and as precious as you.  I am not worthy of you.”  Her shoulders slump.  “I don’t deserve you Quin.”

I look upon my Lady, my heart overflowing with love.  I had heard these words before.  I had heard them come from my own mouth on that day, that special day, when I gave myself to her.  I try to hide my smile.

“Deserve me?”  I say, paraphrasing her own words back to her.  “To be deserving of a boy isn’t something you just are or are not.  It’s work, it’s a process, it’s a commitment.  It is about having faith in yourself.  It is about being strong enough and brave enough to let your boy see that special side of yourself that is only for him to see.”  She raises her head and looks me in the eyes.  “It is a journey, together.”  My warm smile widens.  “And if you fall short…you will be corrected and forgiven.  We will learn and move forward.”  I reach up to touch the dark print my bloody lips had left on her cheek.  “Don’t be afraid my Lady, I will never let you fall too far.  I will always be there to catch you.”

“Oh Quin.”  Rosa’s sadness melts away, replaced by humble pride and love.  Wrapping her arms around my neck and shoulder she pulls me up for a hard, deep kiss.  I slip my arms around her and kiss back with equal passion.  Bodily we are aching, bruised, beaten, and exhausted yet the burning connection of our spirits take over.  Her hands grimy with the filth of the harpy’s foul feathers and mine caked with the creature’s vile ichor we grope and grasp at each other’s body.  Our lips remain locked as we paw and shift to undress each other.  We are both surprised when Rosa reaches down to wrap her fingers around my manhood already at full potency, I must have awoken with it.

Surrounded by the stench of the cold rocky lair with the heap of a stiff monster’s corpse not five feet away this hardly seemed the time, yet this could not wait another second.  Moving on instinct Rosa straddles me.  My rock hard cock quickly finds her hot wet pussy.  Wasting no time she rests her weight down onto me and I feel a woman for the very first time.

“Ohhhhhh!”  We each let out a sigh of passion.

As I push deep inside of her Rosa’s tight warm tunnel envelops me and it is…bliss.  As she settles down on top of me her heavy flaccid cock and balls rest upon my stomach.  My hands run up her soft lithe pale moonlit body to find her breasts as she begins to ride me.

“I love you.” She breathes with each downward press.  “I love you.  I love you.  I love youuu!”

“I love you!”  I gently squeeze her supple tits.

“Ohhhhh.”  Her hands run up and down my arms.  “Ohhh Quin!”  Gliding up over my hands her arms continue up over her head and her back arches.  She rides me with all of the grace and elegance as one of her sensual dances.  She writhes and twists with fluid finesse, moving to a music only she and I could hear, her pussy squeezing and grinding and rising and falling in the rhythm of this sexual dance.  “Quinnnnn!”

“Rosaaaa.”  I sigh back.  I continue to explore and feel her perfect body with my left hand, rubbing and feeling along her neck, ass, legs, and tits, as my right slips in under her big balls to find her clit and rub it with my thumb.  She is so fucking wet.

“Ohhh gods yessss!”

I could FEEL her as we made love.  Physically, mentally, spiritually.  I could feel her slick wet vagina squeeze around me, I could see the joy it was giving her, I could feel her energies stir.  As she slides up her pussy grips me all around, as she lowers she seems to almost suck me back in.  I felt as if I filled her up in ways I barely grasped.  Being so deep inside of her, being a part of her, brought me a new type of connection with my Lady.

“Hahhhh.”  I moan lustily.  “Ohhhh Rosa.  You feel so good.  Ohhhhh.”

Continuing to pleasure her clit my other hand come to grasp the thick shaft of her hardening cock.  With a light touch I begin to stroke it, long and smooth strokes up and down.  Leaning down over me places her hands on my shoulders, pinning me to the floor, and gazes down into my very soul.

“I love you.”

“Hooohhhh!”  Those glorious wonderful words never got old.  “I love youuuuu.”

Losing a bit of grace she lets her carnal instincts take over and rides me harder, her legs spread wider as she grinds into me on each incredible stroke.  Moving on their own my hips thrust with her, thrusting up as she pushes back down onto me.  Her ragged breath washes down over my face, her eyes flare and squint at the erotic joy of our sex, her nubile body now bounces against me as our flesh claps together stronger and harder.

“Ohhh Quin…ohhhh yessss baby…ohhhhhhhh!”

Feeling ready to burst I hold back using all of the tricks and willpower I had learned from Rosa during my time in bondage.


“We’ll cum together baby…mmmmmmm!”

“Yes…my Lady!”

As if were on a dance floor I follow her lead.  Moving, thrusting, grinding our bodies move as one to the natural rhythms as old as time.  Man and woman, together in the throes of passionate love.  Even in the pale light I can make out the flush that colors her smooth cheeks, spreading right out to the tips of her lovely tapered ears.  Her fingers dig into my shoulders as our beaten bodies fuck as hard as we dared let them.  Her breast bounce and jiggle as all pretense at elegance is lost in the chase for raw sexual release.  Between us her cock was now as hard as mine and oozing slick warm precum down on my belly.  Her sack presses down hard into me on with each urgent thrust.

“Ohhhh gods baby.  Baby.  Ohhhhh yes!”

“Ohhhh my Ladyyyy.”

“Cum with meeee!”


As one we find our climax.  We writhe and buck and hold onto each other as if everything depended on it.  I feel her orgasm all around me and she feels mine filling her.  My manhood throbs hard as her juicy pussy rhythmically tightens and quivers around it.  For one magical instant our souls touch and mingle, forged together in the heat of our rapture.  Our voices sing out and echo off of the caves walls to radiate out into the mountain valley beyond.

Chapter 71 



Oh I thought Ceres said that Rosa didn't need to sacrifice her Vitae to rez Quin as long as he "chose" to go back. I guess it was just a prerequisite then. Lame, Rosa better not get wrinkly. Hopefully it's more of a Parasyte situation and there are benefits and downsides to this sort of sacrifice that have fun implications. As opposed to simply Rosa being a life force cripple from now on, (whatever that would imply). Regardless I'll try not to elaborate further to avoid stepping on whatever ideas you might have.