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I meant to do this awhile ago but it completely slipped my mind.  I mentioned in an update that I wanted to offer you top tier patrons polls of your own but that they would be for more minor things as I don't want the other patrons feeling ripped off or anything.  But I would like to recognize you generous folks somehow.  If you have any feedback or suggestions on this please let me know.  Is this TOO minor?  Is it just not important y'all?  Like I said, lemme know.

Anyway, on with the poll.  (Spoiler ahead.)

If you recall Rosa offhandedly mentioned receiving a gift from Peisandros, one Quin knows nothing about as of yet.  The gift was a cock cage for Quin.  It will be designed to be worn for long periods and crafted from some precious metal or a material that can be safely worn.  This gift will be used in the sequel if/when it is written.

So you know it is a cock cage, but what is the design that goes over the penis?

I will leave this poll up until Sunday or Monday unless there is an obvious winner.  Also, with so few of you there is huge likelihood that the poll may end as a tie.  Feel free to mention your second choice in the comments for use as a tie-breaker.  If need be I will cast the tie-breaking vote.


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