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I pull my ropes taut and look up at her ready and waiting for what came next.  She comes right up close to kneel over me.  In a most unladylike way she slaps her big schlong down on top of mine.  As if dressing a salad she pull the stopper from the bottle and drizzles the golden oil down over our dicks.  I liked how the moonlight made the stream of oil glisten.  She pours more than enough out, coating both our members in the slick warm oil.  She stoppers it again and sets the bottle beside my shoulder.  Reaching down with both hands she lubes us both up, her in her right hand and me in her left.  At one point she has to borrow her left hand to coat her thick cock properly, it was a two handed job for her.

Resting her cock she kneels there looking down at the pair of them with such a sweet and gentle smile on her pretty face.  Raising my head I look down my body to see the two penises gleaming in the reflected radiance of the moonlight.  They pointed straight at me really giving me a clear look at the utterly humbling difference in girth.  Hers was so much thicker, the knob fatter, even the hole at the tip twice my size.  It was a member I might have expected on a minotaur not a cute little demon girl.  Remembering that slight discomfort I felt when she had only put a single one of her slender fingers into my butt I could understand her concern with hurting me with such a mammoth member.  When the time was right, she would take me.

Slowly rocking her hips she begins to slide her cock alongside mine.  “Aren’t they a lovely pair?”

I nod.

“They belong together, don’t you think?”

I nod again.  The way she looked at my body made me feel so damn good.  I didn’t understand what she saw in me but I sure felt blessed that she did.

“During your training I want your Lady’s cock to be the only one you think of.”  She says with a soft authority.  Reaching down she takes one dick in each hand and rub together along the side.  “The only one you even think about pleasuring.”

“Of course my Lady.  I want no other.”  I say.  “My training?  When?”

She grins.  “It’s already begun.”

I smile too.  “Thank you.”

“You will earn your collar and make your Lady so proud.”  She whispers.  “I believe in you Quin.  In this and in everything.”

Bound in my comfy ropes, swimming in my submissive haze, with my beautiful Lady over me and saying such things, this had to be paradise.  “I’ll hope I can be the man you want me to be.”

She shakes her head.  “I want you to be the man you were meant to be.”  She then winks.  “No permission has been given.”

I giggle and nod my head.  “Understood Ma’am.”

“Call for mercy when you can bear no more.”

“Yes my Lady.”

“Good boy.”

She shifts and with both hands holds our cocks one on top of the other, hers topping mine of course.  Her left hand cups a bit lower and further back so that her fingers went around my dick and her thumb around hers while her right hand was mostly filled just with hers.  And then she begins to stroke the two slippery shafts as one.

“Mmmm!”  My eyes roll back and I pull against my bonds as Rosa’s hands work their magic.  Her grip is tight and her strokes long and even.  The slick sloppy sound of her palms and finger squeezing across the well oiled dicks is the only sound inside of the room.  With her left hand behind the right she could go right past me to her own tip with the one hand as the other slid onto my knob to hold it tight against her shaft.  I clamp my eyes tighter and resist the urge rapidly growing down below.  We had barely started, I had to hold out longer.  Stroke, stroke, stroke.  The feeling hits me and it hits me FAST.  “HAH!”  I gasp.  “Mercy!”

Kneeling higher she lets my cock go to twitch on its own as she continues to lightly stroker her own as she waits for me.  I groan and writhe, dick throbbing, as I hold back my climax as I had before.  I worried I disappointed her but on her face was a soft benevolent expression of care.  She adored seeing me like this and I adored being seen by her.

I swallow and catch my breath.  “Sorry.”

“No.  No apologies.”  She whispers as she lowers and deftly folds me back into her stroking hands.

She adds some short slow thrusts into the motion this time, her long shaft gliding over mine and her big heavy balls briefly tapping my own on each thrust.  Stroke, stroke, stroke.

“Mercyyyy!”  I whimper through clenched teeth.

Again the same.  Leaving me to fight my battle she looms over me rubbing her great Amazonian schlong.

“Hohhh fuuuuck.”  I am trembling at the ever rising power of each orgasm that threatened to erupt.  My whole body hummed with the trapped energy of an arousal that would not be given release.  The fact she continued jerking off as I had to call mercy just made it all the hotter.  Damned if I understood why.  She was bigger, more experienced, more skilled, with abilities beyond a human’s, and with a stamina that far surpassed my own.  By sexual standards she was easily twice the man that I was, but she was no man and that made all the difference.  Being bested by a beautiful woman felt so right.  As natural and undeniable as the tides.  In comparison to her I was pathetic and inadequate, but properly inadequate.  The way a humble boy ought to be in relation to his Lady.  I couldn’t make sense of it but I knew deep down this was the way things were meant to be, at least for me.

Again, the moment she saw I had settled, she returns to…stroke, stroke stroke.

“Hnnngh!  Mercy!  Hahhhhh!”  She lets me go a stroke too late.  “GNNNGHHH!!!”  My body heaves and my hips buck and my mind blanks to a white burst and…and…  “AAAAHHHH!!!”  …somehow I hold it back.  It is the most excruciating moment of my life as my body goes through the motions of release but with iron resolve I am somehow able to hold juuuuuust short of climax.  Even as it begins to recede all my Lady would have to do is order me to cum and it would cum, no touch necessary.  “Ohhhhhhh.”

“That was close one, huh?”  She quips with a giggle.

“Ohhhhhhh.”  My high warbling voice whines.  “My Lady.”  I plead.  “May I please…”



Again she goes and again I am quickly left a groaning, quivering jelly of a man.

“By Venus you are too much.”  Rosa whispers as she watches me struggle.  She waits for a time, her left hand gently caressing my tight aching balls then on down to my still warm tender butt.  “Quin.”  She says as her eyes pan over my body.  “We are moving too fast, you don’t even have a collar yet, but…I want something from you.  I want it very badly.”

“Anything.”  I huff as I come down from containing my latest climax.

“Don’t agree so quickly.” She says softly.  “What I want is something precious to a man.”

“What?  What is it?”

She nibbles her lip with a fang.  “I want your orgasms.”

“You want me to cum?”  I ask.  “Or…you want my…semen?”

“No.  No, no.”  She shakes her head.  “I want them. I want to own them.  I don’t want you cumming unless I say so.  Ever.”


“No jerking off to conclusion.  No accidents.”  She says, her eyes burning with some inner light.  “Even if you are with another you must deny yourself release unless I tell you it’s okay.”

“There is no other.”

“Shhh.  Your orgasms would belong to me.  Mine to give or deny.  Mine.”  Her fingers take grip of my manhood once more and the stroking starts again.  “Don’t answer tonight.  This is a very big decision for a boy and his Lady.  Just know that I want it and really think about it.”

“I…I…will.”  I groan as her hands stroke, stroke, stroke.  “Ohhhhh…ohhhhhmmmm…MMM…MERCYYY!!!”

The torture continues on and on and on, far beyond the point I thought I could ever withstand.  Sometimes she barely strokes me once before I must beg off again.  My orgasms were in the same bondage as my strong muscular body, potent and powerful but bound by my Lady.  The erotic suffering is…delicious.  I wanted to cum so bad, denial after denial is sweet terrible agony, but my need to obey was stronger.  How many times?  I lose count.  At a certain point, minutes or hours later I couldn’t say, it didn’t seem to matter anymore.  Perhaps I would never cum.  Perhaps I would ride this edge of bliss forever.  That was okay.  It was nice here too.  So safe, so blissful, so free!  I might just stay here forever.

Morpheus was close.  I could feel myself drifting off into that waking dream space I had experienced in the slave hut.  Knowing what it was and what it felt like allowed me the awareness to warn my Lady before the power of speech was taken from me.

“Ladyyyy.”  I say with a soft lilting voice that seemed to follow several seconds after I thought I said it.

“I see you.”  She whispers as she stops her stroking altogether.  “I see you baby.”

I gaze up her, seeing only her.  The room, the moonlight, the whole world nothing but a fuzzy fog.  Even the pinch and pressure of my ropes fade away, though I could still feel their comforting embrace swaddling me.  But her I saw with perfect clarity shining out from the gloom.  Her soft pouting breasts, her nubby horns, her pouting pink lips, her flowing violet hair with the pretty pink tips.  An angel of a demon.

“I’m floating.”  My voice is slurred and distant to my ear.  Everything was moving so slow.  “Floating.”

“Yes you are baby.” She says.  Crawling up she comes to straddle and sit on my chest, not easy given my ropes but she is small and nimble enough to manage it.   She looks down at me.  “I won’t let you float away Quin.”

“Mmmm.”  I coo.  “It’s quiet here.  I like it here.”

“Yes my boy.”  Her voice is ethereal, a calm current on a sea of tranquility.  “I like it here too.”

“I’m glowing.”

“Yes my boy.”  She brushes a hair from my sweaty forehead.  “I see your light.  I see you shine.”

“Mmmm.  Your ears…they’re so nice.”

She tilts her pointy ears up and down, even alternating the ups and down on either side.

“Mmmmm.” I smile, though I hadn’t really stopped smiling.  I blink a long slow blink.  “He he he.”  My bleary eyes focus on the tower of hard flesh sprouting up from between her legs.  I purse my lips.  My Lady dips it lower so that I can give it a smooch on the tip.  I giggle and lick my lips.  “Num num bumby bum.”

“My goodness, you are flying.”

“Flyiiiing.”  I sigh.  “My Lady riding me.  I am your Pegasus.  Ride meeee.”

She stretches her lithe body and closes her eyes.  “I can feel the wind my powerful stallion.  Take me away!”

“Heeeee.”  I had enough sense to know I was out of my mind, yet had not the wherewithal to resist it.  Not that I wanted to, this was wonderful.  I mumble and sing a little and wriggle in my bonds and swim around in the bliss.  The high is incredible, even better than the first time when it took me unaware.  “Sexy.”

“Me?”  Rosa asks.

“Me.”  I say.  “Sexy.”

Rosa titters.  “Yes you are.”

“Playtime.  Sexy.”  I say in a begging tone.  “Playyy.”

“You don’t want to stop my boy?”

I shake my head.  “I never want to stop.”

She chuckles.  “I thought you might say that.” Caressing my cheek she says.  “One more thing then, because you are such a good boy, but I’ll be gentle.”

“Thank youuuu.”

She leans down over me and offers me her cheek.  “Give me a kiss.”  I kiss her in that special way we had and wait with giddiness for the words that would follow.  “Good boy.”

In my soaring dizzy wonderful euphoria my words come out on their own.  “I love you Rosa.”

Rosa freezes, her body going taut and her face hardening just for an instant, before she brings two fingers to my lips.  “Shhhh.  No more talk now.”

I grin drunkenly.  “Yes my Lady.”

Sitting tall atop my chest she stares down at her boy in his trance.  For the first time tonight she looked confused, concerned, unsure of how to proceed.  “Quin…don’t…”

“It’s okay Lady.  It’s okay.” I say between my happy nonsensical babbling.  “I’ll be a good boy.  I’ll be a good good boy.  I’ll be a good good slutty boy for you.  Please…don’t stop.”


“Yes my Lady.”

Chapter 41 


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