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Leaning down she kisses down one inner thigh, across my taint, then right up the other inner thigh.  She grabs my balls in a surprisingly firm grip causing me jolt, the headboard creaks as it holds me in place.  Her other hand comes to grip the base of my cock, tight!


Rosa licks her lips.  “God you have a fucking incredible cock baby.  It’s perfect.”  She tilts it to the left and leans down to run the point of her nose up along the shaft as she sniffs.  “Perfect.”  She runs her nose up the other side.  “There’s nothing I can’t do with a cock like this.  Your Lady is so happy.”  Pulling down the foreskin further brushes my knob with the tip of her nose.  She had a funny little grin on her face.  “Back in Alexandria the other girls had nickname for me.  Do you want to know what it was?”

I nod.

“Sword-swigger.”  She giggles.  “Do you know why they called me that?”

My eyes widen as mouth comes to hover over my tip.  I shake my head no.

She tilts my dick to stand it straight up like a flag pole.  Opening her mouth wide she lowers so that my tip was within the cavity of her mouth but not actually touching anything.  Never breaking eye contact she continues to lower and I soon lose sight of the top part of my dick yet still no part of her mouth touched it.  It isn’t until she is most of the way down when I feel my knob push up against the ring of her throat.  She pauses there, despite her mouth being open as wide as possible she still manages a naughty grin.

“What are you…?”  That’s when I feel it.  “Ohh!”

With an insane control that had to have been learned her throat begins to constrict and loosen in steady rhythmic pulses.  The squeezes were quite tight and ran down to up in a sort of suckling sensation.  Everything was still, everything was quiet, yet at the back of Rosa’s open mouth the head of my cock was receiving a very nice wet rub.  It was incredible!  Was this normal?  Could human women do this?  I hadn’t the experience to know yet this seemed…unique.

“Oh…oh wow.”

“Gllnnngh!”  Rosa burbles, her bright eyes alight watching me enjoy her talent.

Then the ring opens up wide.  Letting go of my dick with her hand Rosa proceeds to glide effortlessly down to take my cock right to the root!  The end of my dick slides into her throat and I can feel more of the ring like muscles around my knob.

“OH Gods!”  I tremble.

Her eyes strain to look up at me.  She doesn’t simply go to the base.  She presses into me hard, her nose pushed in among my pubes.  With a little rummaging shake she pushes down into me as hard as she can, mouth still wide.  Once completely engulfed she bats her big eyes twice…then blows my fucking mind.

Those throat muscles slowly constrict around me, sealing around the top quarter or so of my length.  She squeezes…and squeezes…and SQUEEZES!  Holy shit it was tight!


Her eyes twinkle with joy.  Gradually she lets the pressure ease but only partially.  Keeping my dick firmly gripped the series of muscles then tighten not all at once but in a rippling series starting from the bottom then running up to the very tip.


“Hngh, hngh, hngh.”  She giggles with her throat full.

Once past my tip the sensation run back down again to where it began.  As I lay there gasping and trying my best to lay still the rippling gripping begins pulsating up then down then up then down, over and over.  Using only her throat Rosa was stroking my manhood.  From the outside it appeared that we were both here unmoving but inside Rosa’s mouth my cock was being milked better than any hand could.

“Oh!  By the gods!  How….ohhhh!”  It felt good…it felt sooooo good!  I didn’t know anything could feel this good.

Her control is incredible.  She changes the up and down stroking feeling into waves flowing down only from the top for a time and then switching it up so they shot upward from the bottom.  She then grips area just below my knob, holding it super tight, as she concentrates the rubbing on just my tip.  Along the bottom of her mouth and running down into her throat her long tongue begins to slither forward and back adding yet another mind bending sensation to the rest.

I hold out for a bit but it was all way too much.  “Ohhhh!  Lady…Lady!  Do I have permission to cum?”

“Nngh nngh.”  She says no, amusement dancing in her eyes as she watches me struggle.  The milking motion returns, not as fast this time but slow and powerful.

“Hmmm!”  I clench my fists, I tighten my abs, I grit my teeth, and I squirm like a little grub caught in a robin’s beak.  “Ohhh my Lady.”  I plead as I feel the pressure build.  “Please…please may I cum?”

“Nngh nngh.”  She denies me again.

“Hahhh!”  I clamp my eyes tight so that I could concentrate everything I had to pushing back the rising energy in my loins as Rosa’s milking throat shows me no mercy.  “Lady, please, please, please let me cum.  Please!  I’m begging!  Please let me cum!”  My body begins to quiver as the moment I would no longer be able to hold back rapidly approaches.  I fight it, I fight it with every ounce of my power in a passionate need to obey my Lady, but I was about lose this fight.  I couldn’t disappoint her!  I just couldn’t!  My whole body is one taught knot of muscle as I strain to contain my release, the headboard groans but holds as I heave against my ropes.  “HNNNGHHH!!!”

Coming right to the point of no return Rosa continues, then all at once the constriction releases and she slips right up off of me.  My eyes flare open as my wet cock slaps down onto my stomach twitching and throbbing hard, my balls aching for climax.  Panting and grunting I glare down at my bucking penis and will it to submit.

“You can do it.”  Rosa urges me as she too watches my rock hard manhood jerk.  “Fight it.  Hold it back.  Control it.”

I don’t know how but…eventually the pressure abates and my twitching dick gradually comes to rest.

“Good boy!”  Rosa is ecstatic.  “Ohhhh, such a good boy.  I’m so proud of you Quin.”

Still panting I look at her and smile.

She winks and says casually.  “And that is why they nicknamed me the Sword-swigger.”

All my taut muscles relax and I let my head flop back to rest.  “Ohhh wow.”

She gets closer again.  “As the Christians say…no peace for the wicked.”

“Oh no!”

“Oh yes!”

She points my dick skyward and opens her mouth wide again to hover over it as she had before.  I grab the headboard and ready myself.  I was barely recovered and not sure I could withstand another round, but I was determined to face it bravely.  She had another surprise up her sleeve.  Instead of coming down onto me this time I see the tip of her tapered tongue peek out through her fanged teeth like a curious eel.  It comes to touch the very tip of my dick.  It laps the little dewdrop of precum then verrrry slowly begins to slither down and around my pole.

It was a strange sensation, totally different than the throat.  Her tongue had a knobbly texture to it that I could feel as it creeps across my skin.  The fleshy protrusions along the sides of her tongue bringing an added element of variation.  As it extends it curls around and around my hard on to form a coil encasing it from tip to base.  And she doesn’t stop there!  It continues to glide around me bringing a wet firm twisting as it slithers.  I feel the tip start to work down along the side of my sack and eventually curl around my balls.  The whole time Rosa is peering into me with naughty intent, her sharp demon horns matching perfectly with the erotically evil expression on her face.  Deep down I knew what she had done to me with her throat was not human, but this display of her demonic nature was plain to see with the naked eye.

“Ohhhhh.”  I sigh as I feel that pressure down below quickly starting to build again.  “You are beautiful!  You are so beautiful!”

“Nnnngh.”  She hums happily.

With my cock and balls both completely entwined like prey held by a constrictor snake she pauses…allowing her slippery drool to ooze down her tongue and drip from her lips…before in one mighty flex she tightens everything at once.

“HAHH!”  I buck.  It lasts but a second before relaxing again.  I stare at my lady breathing hard.  “HAHHH!”  Again she squeezes and before the shock of it is even over she eases up and goes straight into thrusting her tongue.  The coils slide up and down my cock as the end bit fondle and tickle my balls.  “Oh gods…oh fuck!”  I say frantically.  “Can I cum please?”

“Nnngh nngh.”  She says no.

From the coils going straight up and down it switches to the length gliding along, spiraling down along my dick then slithering back again.  The twisting, the texture, the feeling is incredible!  Something altogether new from even what her throat could do.  This was a tour de force of oral sex!

“Lady, please, let me cum, let me cum, let me cum!  PLEASE!”  She shakes her head no.  I am right back where I was before. Flexing and straining against my own climax.  If anything this time was even more difficult.  “Ohhhh!”  I moan in exquisite agony.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, or better, the end of her tongue releases my nuts to slither south.  My eyes are saucer wide as I feel her wet tapered tip tap my anus.


Without a second to spare her tongue loosens and zips back into her mouth as quick as a toad’s.  The swirling lick on the way up takes me to the brink.

“HMMMMM!!!”  I flex every muscle and, face screwed up in herculean concentration, I push back against the energy gripping my balls.  Any other time I would have been blasting cum up my stomach but with my Lady watching somehow I find a reserve of strength to continue to resist.  Again Rosa and I watch my cock bounce and flex…then gradually come to rest.   The moment passed I melt, only the ropes keeping me from flopping down completely.

“Oh gods!”  I gasp.  “Oh my Lady!”

“Look at you.”  Rosa says with genuine awe.  “So strong!  So powerful!  You are a god!  I am so proud of you Quin.”

“Hnnngh!”  I whimper softly.  I certainly didn’t feel like a powerful god as I lay there trembling.  Whatever I had done she was the one who deserved the credit.  “Ohhhhhh.”

Bringing her hands to her chest she wriggles and titters and, in that crazy way she had, transforms from powerful Lady to adorable cutie pie in the blink of an eye.  “This is so fun!  Having my own boy…no, not just a boy.  Having you Quin is so much better than I imagined.”

“Yes…fun.”  I mewl, overwhelmed by it all.  Even now I worried I might bust my nut if I didn’t stay focused.

“Take a breather.”  She says with pat to my ass.  “You earned it.”

“Thank youuuuu.”

Slinking off the side of the bed she leaves me to recover for a few moments.  My balls still glowed with pent up energy and my dick was stiff enough to drive nails.  A weird sort of fiery vitality flowed through my limbs, as if the explosive force of the orgasms I was denied had diffused back into me again.  Each had been a climax of sorts, not really but kind of, yet unlike an actual climax where I would feel spent I now felt more vigorous and full of life than ever.  They were more blissful triumphs than moments of orgasmic release, but just as powerful.  I couldn’t understand it but in the process my already all-consuming need to please my Lady had somehow intensified and deepened.  By controlling my orgasm through sheer adoring obedience it was as if a little bit of my will had become shared with my Lady, as if she had claimed a tiny piece of my soul for her own.

“I feel funny.”  I whisper.

“Oh?” She says as she crawls back up onto the bed with our bottle of olive oil in her hand.  “Good funny or bad funny?”

“Good.”  I stare at the ceiling as I bring my focus inward, trying to make sense of everything.  It was a hopeless task.  Words come without thought.  “I’m yours.”

“Aww, I know my boy.”

“No…no…I’m yours.”  I say again, not even understanding it myself.  “I’m yours.  It’s not…I don’t know the words.  I’m yours.”

Her smiling face softens as she runs a hand up my stomach.  “Are you scared?”

“No.  No, it’s…nice.  It’s…comforting.”  I let out a great breath.  “Hahhh.” 

Kissing my foot and rubbing her soft cheek against it she says.  “My boy.”

Chapter 40 


Chiyo Takeda

Well damn I ran out of chapters again