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The storm intensifies but Rosa and I were now safe and dry in the cozy one room shack.  Huddled beneath our blanket my shivering slave undresses and passes me her wet clothes.  I stretch a length of twine across the room, high up and out of the way, to use as a clothes line then put her dripping garments over it.  Here and there I lay out those of our belongings that needed drying out as the fire within the clay stove steadily warms the room.

By the time I am able to sit with Rosa her shivering had stopped and she was looking much more herself again.  Across the still steaming pot from her I sit cross-legged.

“Really restores your faith in humanity.”  She says as she sets out the bowls.

“Yeah.”  I agree.  “I wish we could have offered them more.”

Rosa nods.  “When we can we should make an offering to Feronia on their behalf.”  The irony of a woman who could never be free suggesting that we make offerings to the goddess of freedom for the benefit of others was not lost on me.

“Absolutely.”  I say.  “I won’t forget this anytime soon.”

Rosa reaches out with her bare hands and picks up the pot, one hand on the handle the other grabbing the scalding hot bottom.

“Rosa, don’t!”  I reach to stop her…before I recall her tolerance of heat.

She looks up with a smirk then proceeds to pour each of the bowls full of the rich vermilion red broth.  I cup the warm clay bowl in both hands and bring it to my face.  I take in a deep breath of savory steam.  It was some sort of bone broth with parsnips, garlic, and herbs.  The incredible aroma alone seemed to nourish me.  I give silent thanks to our hosts as well as my goddess Ceres as I blow the steam to cool the broth.

Rosa, unconcerned by the temperature, picks her bowl up and brings it straight to her lips and take a long slurp.  One, two, three deep gulps before she lowers the bowl again with a satisfied sigh.  “Ohhhh that’s so good!”

I laugh as I notice a bit of the soup had touched her nose.  She giggles and goes cross-eyed to look at it, looking absolutely adorable in doing so, before casually slurping the tip of her nose clean with a long thick pointed tongue.  It happened so quick it takes me a moment to register what had happened.

“You can lick your nose?”  I stretch my tongue out to try to do the same but can’t even make it halfway.

“He he he.”  She giggles.  “You think that’s something?”  Opening her mouth she slowly extends her red tongue.  Four, five, six inches of it!  Along either side of it are fleshy ribbed protuberances.  She curls and twists her tongue in the air with a dexterous control that was simply inhuman.  She then curls it back toward her to make the tapered tip touch the dead center of her forehead.  It then zips back into her mouth and she smiles her fanged smile.


She winks and brings the bowl to her lips to finish it off.  Placing the empty bowl to the side she leans back against the way and relaxes, only her head and feet peeking out from the blanket she had wrapped around her.  I knew she was naked under there though…and it excited me.  I blow across the shimmering liquid and begin to slurp.  I could feel the delicious broth warm my insides as it flowed down to my stomach.  Driving rain pelts the roof but not a drop gets through.  The howling wind rattles the door but the sturdy latch holds tight.  These boxes must be hell in the heat of the day, but for holding up against a storm they did the job admirably.  

This was the most privacy Rosa and I had ever had since we’d been together.  There were no distractions of nymphs or nearby campsites or snoring neighbors.  It was just her and I in a room of our own.  With no words spoken I could feel the energy between us begin to change.  As I sip the nourishing soup I notice Rosa staring at me.  I can’t help but lower my eyes and blush a little.

She chuckles.  “Do you have any idea how cute you are?”

“Don’t you mean…handsome?”

“I said what I mean.”  She says.  “Come a little closer Quin.”

I hesitate, but only for a moment.  Shifting around the pot I come to sit by her feet.  She turns to place her bare feet against my knee, the blanket parts a bit to reveal a peek of cleavage.  “That’s better.”  She says, settling down once more.

Keeping my eyes down, mostly looking at her delicate feet, I continue to drink my soup.  “Do you…want me to rub your feet again?”

“Mmm, no.  Not tonight.”  Her little toes grip against me.  

“Do you wish…to cuddle?”

“If that’s all you’ll give me, then yes.”  She purrs as her big toe traces down my shin.  “But I was hoping for a little bit more tonight.”

I swallow hard.  “Oh?”

“I know it took a lot of courage for you to tell me those things you did out on the road.”

“Yeah.”  I whisper.  “Where I come from…you don’t talk about stuff like that.”

“I’m proud of you Quin.”

I didn’t know what to say to that.  Hearing those words from her felt really good but only confused me more.  At a loss I focus on finishing up my soup.  Rosa hadn’t stopped staring at me, her intense gaze glimmering in the firelight.  Awkwardly I continue gripping my empty bowl and wait for Rosa to say or do something.  Her feet continue to stroke and grip at my leg.

Eventually she breaks the silence.  “If it makes you feel better, I feel as lost as you do.”

“You do?”

“I don’t want to hurt you but…I want you.”  She says.  “We’ve finally got a place all to ourselves and I want so badly to play with my horny boy.”

A gasp escapes me.  “Play?”

“You said people should say what they mean and mean what they say.”  She says.  “I am a woman of powerful desires.  It is said that Bacchus instilled in us demons a keen appetite of sensual pleasures.”  She sighs.  “I know you have your boundaries but…you make it…difficult.”

“What do you want…to do to me?”  I ask in a breathy voice.

Her sultry grin grows.  “So many things.”  She says in a voice as smooth as silk.  “In my years I have had clients, regulars, and even a few brave suitors.  But I’ve never had a man of my own.  A boy who has committed himself to me.  A strong, beautiful, obedient boy.  It is a…humbling thing.”  Beneath the blanket I catch movement as she fondled herself.  Through clenched teeth she hisses.  “Are you my boy Quin?”


“I need to hear you say it.  Are you my boy?”

“B-but…I…I…”  There was a war raging inside of me.  Twenty years of upbringing battling my newly awakened desires.  I squirm.  I fidget.  I struggle to make words.  My whole body starts to twitch and shake.  “I d-don’t…I…I…”

“Shhhh.”  She soothes.  “My lust makes me impatient.  Apologies.  Let’s start again.”

“Start again?”

Her voice hardens into a command.  “Stand up.”


“Put down your bowl and stand up.”

“Okay.”  With fumbling hands I drop my bowl on top of hers.  They clatter together loudly, nearly breaking.  “Sorry!”

“Shhh!  Stand up.”

I stand up breathing hard, my hands gripping again and again at my sides.

“Turn around.”

I spin to face back toward the stove.  My shallow breath quickens even more as I hear her move.  She glides up behind me and puts her arms around my body.  The blanket was gone.  She was naked against me.  My heart hammers in my ears and my nervous tension rises.

“Shhhhh.  You’re doing so good.”

“I’m scared.”

“I know.  I know my boy.”  She coos.  “I’m going to make it better.”

“Thank you!”

“Shhhh.”  She says.  “Now close your eyes.”

I close my eyes.

“We had a hard day, didn’t we?”  She says as she reaches around me to unfasten the belt of my tunic.


She allows the belt to snake around my waist as she pulls it from my body.  “But a good day.”

“Yes.  Very good.”

“Yes.”  She pulls my tunic up as far as my armpits.  “Take this wet thing off.”  I pull the garment off to feel the warmth from the stove against my damp skin.  “Good boy.”  She takes it from me and I hear it splat off into the corner.

“What if th-they come back?”

“In this weather?  They won’t.”  She assures me.  “Besides, I suspect they know better than to interrupt a young man and his slave girl.”


“Shhhh.”  Her slender hands glide up my back to my shoulders and then back down again, tracing my tense muscles as she goes.  “Relax.  I’ve got you now.”

I take a breath, trying hard to remain calm.

“Are your eyes still closed?”


“Good.”  Next she reaches around and unties the drawstring of my breeches.  Loosening the waist she lets them go, weighed down by the damp they fall all at once to down around my ankles.  She had me down to my underbreeches.  The next time she moves I feel her breasts touch my back and her chubby cock brush against the back of my leg.


“Shhhh.  We’re almost there.”  She says.  “Keep your eyes closed.”

The next thing I knew she was stepping away from me leaving me to stand nearly nude in the center of the room.  I felt so…exposed.  “Rosa!”

“It’s okay Quin.  I’m right here.  Everything is okay.”  There is a sound of a little snip from near the pack.  A tense moment later I let out a gasp of relief as I feel her palm come to touch my chest.  “I’m right here.”  Her hand slides up to rest along the side of my neck.  “Lean down.”  I do so and feel her soft cheek touch mine.  “Give me a kiss.”  I turn to kiss her cheek.  “Good boy.  Okay, stand up straight.”  Feeling better with her there I stand tall.

The next thing I feel is something very thin and a bit scratchy get wrapped around my left wrist.  It was the hemp twine!  My dick lurches to life, surely visible through my underwear.

In a calm patient voice she explains to me.  “This is too thin for proper bondage.  It might cut you if you struggle to hard.  You’ll have to control yourself.”

I nod.

It is wrapped a couple of times before a knot is tied.  The twine was snug but not tight.  She pulls the loose end across my belt line and does the same with the other wrist.  Some part of me wanted to say something, to have her promise me she’d let me go if I asked her, yet I stay silent.  My true desire was for her to finish this.  With my right wrist secured she then takes the remaining length around the base of my back to tie it back to the knot on the other wrist then back again all the way around and tied off at the small of my back.  The result was that I now had a belt made of twine with my wrists both held tight against my hips.

“Can you get out?”  She asks.

I pull and twist to feel myself firmly bound.  “Ohhhh.”  Already my dick was rock hard but flexes harder even as my body relaxes.  When I feel the twine bind my movements all the fear and tension just drains from me, body and mind.  “I can’t get out.”

“Kneel down.”  She whispers.

Going down one leg at a time I obey without hesitation.  Stepping forward Rosa embraces my head into her soft tummy.  Her fat cock nestles between my pecs.  I rest the side of my face against her as she tenderly runs her fingers through my damp hair.  The internal battle had gone quiet.  The storm raged outside but in here all was calm.  The strange peace I’d gotten a taste of the other night fills my soul once more.  The fact I could truly feel the ropes this time make it all the more glorious.

“Feel better?”  She asks.

“Yes!  Oh yes!”  I beam.  “I’ve never felt so good.”

“That’s good Quin.  I want you to feel good.”  I could hear the proud joy in her lovely voice.  “It makes me happy to hear that.”

Again I tug just to feel the bite of hemp against my skin.  “Ohhhh gods.”

“Now that you are calm.”  She croons.  “I’ll ask you again.  Are you my boy?”

Chapter 22 


Chiyo Takeda

Gotta say I understand this is a alternate world but Tomatoes 🍅 didn't exist in Europe before the early 1500s


Doh! The worst part is I should have known that. Thank you for the heads up Chiyo. :)