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Summer Salutations! (Or Winter Best Wishes! for my southern hemisphere friendos.)

(TLDR: All is well. Things continuing as normal.)

I hope this update finds you all in hearty health and spirit. The summer has been a busy one but a great one for me thus far and I've still got a couple of adventures yet to go.

I've been relatively pleased with what I've been able to get done writing wise in and around everything else I am doing but I do acknowledge the output is probably not up to my usual consistency. I thank you for your patience during this busy time. As mentioned August is going to be similarly patchy, if not more so, but things ought to be back to normal again come September.

The biggest news of the month was that I was finally able to bring Slave Girl 2 to a conclusion. It is always such a bittersweet yet satisfying moment to write 'The End' at the end of a long serial. A Simple Life continues to do its thing. I'm still not sure how long I'll keep it going but I'm starting to get a sense that we are closer to the end than the beginning now. Empty Nest has been fun and seems to have struck a chord with y'all. On that note the Reader Plus short A Dream Come True had a similarly warm reception and I am looking forward to sharing it with the Readers come the middle of August.

Looking to August I think I will keep things mostly as is for the time being. ASL and EN will continue and of course the mid-month Plus short will get written (the poll for it ought to be up on the 1st as usual). I also have a 30 Days sequel short I am dabbling with. You may see the first part of that as early as today. I'm not even going to think about another serial or anything else until September when I have some time to mull it over.

In other news I've learned one of you is a fellow Patreon creator who makes futa content as well. Nameless XIII is a nsfw animator. If you're interested in checking them out you can find their Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/XIIINameless  A little birdie told me that you may even hear a reference to a familiar story in one of their upcoming works. 😏

Okay, that was a lot of words just to say all is well. LOL I hope you all continue being your awesome selves and I hope the universe showers you with many fine blessings this next month. Thank you to you all and an extra enthusiastic thank you to my continuing Good One. I love you all.

Stay kind, kinky and curious.




Cock-cobblers ought to know eachother! I know for a fact SelfAwareDegenerate is also a fan.


Noooo I never want ASL to enddddd


It won't be happening anytime soon. I'm way too hooked on those two nerds to let them go easy.