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Just a quick note to say that this is another 'cuck' story. In this case a cuckquean story. For those who don't like those jealousy based kinks this is one to pass on. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy this second sequel to 30 Days!


Kinky Contract

I felt more than a little silly sitting here in my best, and only, suit high in a downtown office tower in a rented conference room that looked more suited for high stakes meetings between hotshot lawyers representing the big movers and shakers of the city than the kinky ‘contract’ that we were here to sign. This whole facade of this being an actual legally binding agreement had been insisted upon by Javi, also known as ‘Master Xavier’ when in his role as Dom. Everyone else involved had been only too happy to play along. The ritual of it seemed to be important to them. This included my beautiful wife Sarah who sat at my side in a very smart looking gray and white skirt, blouse and blazer combo that she’d bought just for this occasion. Her hands were folded in front of her on the table she sat with stiff posture and her best poker face. Like the rest of them she was playing her role to perfection. I wasn’t surprised though. This wasn’t the first time Sarah had played adult oriented games with the others in this room.

Across the table from us sat Javi and his wife Maria, the other ‘parties’ in this contract, whom had both already ‘been’ with Sarah in a physical way. Multiple times. They’d had her together with their gimp during a night of kinky bdsm action at their home dungeon and separately a couple of nights later at our place when Sarah and I hosted a games night in which, like the drinks and the snacks, Sarah’s body was just another party favor for our guests to partake of at their whim. To say nothing of the strip poker game Sarah and Maria were joint losers in. And at the head of the long board room table to act as witness to the signing sat Casey, aka Mistress Cassandra, whom had taken great joy in cucking me with her skillful woman’s touch and her array of strap-on dildo’s during the night she’d had Sarah over at her place. And, of course, she’d had her go at her at the game night as well.

Oh yes, they’d all had their fun together. All this and so much more had happened while I had sat on the sidelines in chastity consumed by jealousy yet quietly cheering on my previously inhibited wife’s sexual awakening. While Sarah was out expanding her horizons I’d underwent a revelation of my own as to the incredible depth and power of my hotwife and cuckold fantasies. It was an understatement of epic proportions to say that this past November was one that we would never forget. Simply put, those 30 days had changed our lives forever.

We hadn’t become frequent swingers or full-time kinksters and Sarah hadn’t cuckolded me with any flesh and blood dick since then or any other alternative lifestyle like that. The most we’d done was a month ago when we’d taken a very interesting and weirdly fun nudist holiday weekend in which Sarah flirted with any guy she saw that was bigger than me before hauling me back to our room to cuck me with a cock sheath that she had named ‘Steve’, after the most hung guy at the resort of course, with my own desperate dick completely off limits until we landed back home in Texas. And ohhhh baby! After that weekend of sexual humbling I was out of my mind with lust for her. We were still talking about that crazy night we’d had the first night back.

Outside of that one exception our love life had remained actually quite vanilla. Intense, passionate, more creative and WAY more frequent than before November, but generally nothing more complex than man and woman in love and making love. The biggest difference now was that we knew ourselves and each other more intimately. We had seen into each other’s secret fantasies and embraced them as wonderful new facets of the person that we already loved so dearly. November had deepened and expanded every part of our bond both inside and outside the bedroom. As for our more naughty adventures involving others, like what we were about to do here, we had very consciously decided were to be enjoyed sparingly and as a treat. We wanted to keep them special.

A stony faced Javi, his hair slicked back and wearing a simple black and white ensemble that looked like it had come out of the closet of one of the Blues Brothers, slides one of the three manila folders he had stacked in front of him across to me. As I reach out to accept it he then slide another toward our witness Casey. In her gray tweed pant suit with the padded shoulders and her hair cut short and neat she looked ready to star in the next big courtroom television drama. Slipping on some reading glasses she opens the folder and begins to study the papers within. I look to Sarah then follow suit. Inside I find the contract with an extra copy beneath.

“You should find everything in order.” Javi says, his tone all business. “I’ll just run through the basics in case there are any questions. The gist of it is that I am signing over to you, David, my slut Muffin for the days of February 17th and 18th. I will drop her off Saturday morning and return to pick her up on the evening of the 19th whereupon this agreement ends.”

At the term ‘slut’ being dropped the woman in question, her head bowed and hands folded on her lap in a sign of humbled submission to her Master, smiles bashfully and glances up to meet my gaze with her rich brown eyes. Muffin, Master Xavier’s ‘slut’, was the submissive title of Javi’s spouse Maria. Even though I’d known for months of the bdsm side of this couple’s relationship it was so strange to me to see the normally laid back Javi and spirited Maria in their bdsm roles. It beggared belief that this exceedingly ordinary looking married couple with kids got up to the kinkiest shit every chance they had.

Today Maria wore a flowing black dress, more traditional in style than professional like the rest of us, emblazoned with a eye-catching display of brightly colored flowers. The dress was not revealing yet highlighted the Latina’s thick, curvaceous shape magnificently. Her make up was tasteful and her lustrous black hair long and flowing. Maria was looking good! In Sarah’s letters back in November she had described Maria’s innate sexiness better than I ever could but even her words failed to capture the va-va-voom Maria possessed. Her confidence inside of her own skin just gave this ‘it’ factor that was impossible to describe. She was older than Sarah, chubbier then Sarah, and I hazard to say not as pretty as Sarah most people’s eyes, and yet for a natural submissive her powerful charisma was absolutely magnetic.

“Obviously I expect my possession back in good condition.” Javi continues. “No haircuts or aesthetic changes, no injuries, no tattoos, no permanent marks of any kind. You will return her as I gave her to you.”

“Permanent marks?” I mutter. What the hell did he think I was going to do to her?

“You will respect her safe word and her boundaries.” His voice hardens and his eyes narrow. “You may own her for the weekend but no still means no. Understand?”

“Of course.” I say.

“He’s not like that.” Sarah says softly.

“Good.” He nods then looks back to the contract.

It gave me heart to see Javi’s husbandly protective instinct come out just then. It made him more human. It was a comforting reminder that I wasn’t the only one sailing into uncharted waters here. We were all on this ship together. Despite his vast experience in the ways of kink Master Xavier had never allowed his Muffin to be ‘owned’ by another for such an extended period without him there to observe. For a dominant like Javi there was nothing more terrifying than the loss of control. The amount of love and trust he was showing in his wife was inspirational. And this was an act of love in the end. This wasn’t a returning of the favor of me allowing Sarah to enter their dungeon with them, though that certainly factored in. No, he was doing this for her.

While Javi had arranged this it was Maria who’d been the driving force behind us being here today. One of the many things uncovered during November was Maria’s raging lust for large, powerfully built men that she could call ‘Daddy’. Something about me just pushed Maria’s buttons and she had been pleading with Sarah to give her a chance at me for two and a half months now. With how jealous and possessive Sarah normally was I had been surprised when she approached me about this and even encouraged me to do it earlier in the week.

“Bodily she is to be yours and yours alone, David.” Javi says. “She may interact with and give service to others, at your command, but you will not share her sexually with anybody else. Not even Sarah.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t expected that condition. By the look on my wife’s face neither had she. “Uh, sure.”

“She will obey only you. Nobody else, including Sarah, will have any authority over her.”


I notice Maria’s shoulders rise with a big breath in and shudder back down again as she exhaled. And was that a blush darkening her tan cheeks?

Javi looks to me. “It is only fair to warn you. Maria is the love of my life and I trust her like nobody else. Muffin, well, she’s an incorrigible brat.” He smiles. “But I knew that when I collared her. She’ll obey alright but she cannot be broken entirely.” He sighs. “No matter how hard you try. Just be careful with her. She WILL cause trouble if you let her.”

“I think Daddy can handle Muffin alright.” I say with confidence. I was in charge. I was the Dom. I mean, how much trouble could a submissive be?

Maria’s eyes snap up to look at me, her brown eyes burning with desire, then snaps right back down again. Meanwhile Casey and Javi share a glance and a private chuckle between them.

“That brings me on to the next point.” He says. “She and I agreed that she cannot use Muffin while yours. You will have to give her another name.”

“Yeah. I saw that.” I tap the line where I was supposed to write her new submissive title with the back of my pen. “I can choose anything?”

“Anything you wish.” He says. “Except Muffin.”

“Or Bunny.” Sarah whispers. Bunny was her sub-name when she visited Xavier’s dungeon.

“Right.” I say, already filling in the blank. “I’ll call her Princess.” This brings a huge smile to Maria’s face.

“What!?” Sarah peeps.

“What?” I turn my head to look at her.

“But…I thought…I was your…” She blushes and looks around at the others, then shrinks back into her chair. “Nothing.”

“Princess.” Javi writes in the name on his copy as does Casey. “Good name. Classic.”


“It’s nothing.” She pats my arm. “That’s a good name, baby.”

“Beyond that she’s yours to do with what you will.” Javi says. “Just understand that she will be reporting back to me, her true Master.”

“Gotcha.” I say. I look at him and hold his gaze. “Uh, can we talk plainly?”

“Of course.”

“Man to man, not…this.” I wave at the paper.

He grins and relaxes back into his chair, the stern Xavier transforming into chill Javi before my eyes. “What’s on your mind, David?”

“You’re sure about this?” I say. “I mean, I’m not even sure what Maria and I are going to do yet but if we actually…?”



“It’s cool, man.” He says. “I mean, my gimp and I have had your wife. Tit for tat and all that.”

“Or tits for tits in this case.” Quips Casey which gets Sarah and Maria giggling.

“Exactly. An even swap.” Javi chuckles. “I’m no cuck but I’m secure enough to let her go have her fun. This time at least.”

“Hrm.” My cheeks warm with blush. My hotwife fetish, known to all these people, being spoken about openly brought with it a rush of embarrassment even now.

He reaches to his side and takes his wife’s hand. She too drops character to look at her husband lovingly. “I confess, normally I would never allow this. But she really wants this and I want her to have it. She lets me have my gimp without a word of protest. She lets me play out my every fantasy. She’s the mother of my children and the woman that I would die for.” They share a quiet heart touching moment of connection before he continues. “How can I deny her? And Lord knows Muffin’s more than earned this chance with how hard she’s been working for her Master these past few months.” He laughs. “Believe it or not this is actually part of my present to her for our 10th Anniversary.”

“No way.”

“Yeah way.” He says. “As you and Sarah have probably learned no one partner can fulfill every desire for the other. Not if you’re being honest with yourself. I can be many things for Maria but Daddy just isn’t one of them. I’m not built for it. I’m not suited for it.”

“And I am?”

“You are.” Maria says. “It’s not just your scrumptious size either. You’re…warm. Honorable. Patient. Strong. Sorta corny.” She laughs. “Innocent in your own way. Kinda old-fashioned but not in weird way. You make women feel safe around you, David.”

“It’s true.” Casey agrees. “For those that like that kind of stuff you’re pretty damn sexy.”

“Ha!” I look to my wife. “You hearing this.”

Looking at me with big, smitten eyes she shifts her chair to sidle up against my arm. “Hearing it? I’m seeing it. I always have.”

“You are the perfect Daddy, through and through.” Maria says. “There’s not many of you around.”

“Maria.” I say. “I don’t want you going into this with, um, high expectations. I’m still not sure if we’re going to…uh…”

I couldn’t bring myself to say ‘have sex’, especially with Sarah here. Fuck this was weird! While I had let Sarah go wild that one month in which she’d tripled my ‘body count’ in just a couple of weeks I hadn’t touched another woman in that way since the moment she and I had started dating. I was interested and I was curious, who wouldn’t be, and Sarah and I had been talking about the possibility of me swinging but I still wasn’t sure if I would be able to actually go through with it.

With an understanding smile Maria says. “It’s all good. I want you David. God how I want you! But just a couple of days as your Princess would be good enough for me. I don’t want you feel pressured into anything except having a good time.”

“Hm.” I nod. Being able to speak plainly like this had done a lot to settle my nerves. “Alright. Is that pretty much it?”

“That’s pretty much it.” Javi says. “As Maria said, just relax and have a good time.”

I look to Sarah. “And you’re sure about this?”

“Mm hm.” She nods eagerly. “I’m looking forward to it!”

I grin. “You’ve changed.”

“You too, Papa Bear.”

We share a laugh. “Alright then.”

With that I scrawl my messy signature on the dotted line. Javi similarly checks with his spouse one last time, who gives her most enthusiastic approval, then does the same. He pushes his signed copy toward Casey who takes it and places it into her folder for safe keeping. With one final look at Sarah I give mine to Casey as well.

“Okay you filthy bastards.” She slaps her folder shut. “It’s a deal.”

Javi rises and reaches across the table. I get up and shake his hand. “I’ll see ya Saturday, big guy.”

“Uh, yeah.” I say, trying hard to maintain eye contact with the man as his wife was giving me the most sultry ‘fuck me’ eyes behind him. “We’ll be waiting.”


Saturday morning arrives and I find Sarah groggy eyed in her nightgown at the kitchen table sipping her first cup of coffee of the day. The warm morning light streaming in from the window washes across her shining golden hair and drowsy features. God she was beautiful. And the way that flimsy nightie hugged her soft curves caused a stir down below. Of course, the fact she’d cut me off from sex since we’d signed that contract might have something to do with that too. As she put it, she wanted me ‘primed and ready’ for Maria.

“Mornin baby.” I lean down and kiss her. “You’re up early.”

“I’m just…excited.” She says. “I didn’t sleep much last night.”

After setting down my lunch box on the counter I turn around and lean back on the counter. “Oh yeah? Having second thoughts?”

“Mm mm.” She shakes her head no. “No. I want this more than ever. Fair is fair and turnabout is fair play.”


“You let me be with other men. I want you to be with another woman.”

“You sure?” I press. “You weren’t so sure just a couple of weeks ago.”

“I know.” She says. Staring down at the steam rising up from her mug she sighs. “I want this. I want a taste of my own medicine.”

“Your own medicine?”

“I…I want to feel those feelings you have. I want to understand you better, David.” She says. “I want you to make me jealous, David. Don’t hold back.”

“You want that?”

“Yes. I want that.” She looks up at me. “I want you cuckold me, David. I want you to cuck me…hard.”


“I’m serious.” She says. “If I’m truly going to understand your fetish…it’s the only way.” She takes a long breath. “I was thinking, you and I should have our own little contract for this weekend.”


“Mm.” She nods. “You won’t touch me this weekend. I am off limits. We won’t kiss…hug…have sex…anything until Javi has come to get Maria. For the next two days…” Sarah shudders. “…she’s your woman.”


“Anytime you want to touch me or compliment me or…do anything to me, do it to her instead. Okay? In fact…I want you to ignore me as much as you can. I want you to be my forbidden fruit.”

“Sarah, I don’t think you understand what you’re asking here.” I say. “You don’t understand what you’re playing with. When that jealousy gets a hold of you…”

“I want to feel that!” She insists. “For two days I can be strong, David. Like you were.”

“I don’t know, baby. This is not for the faint of heart.”

“I’ve got our safeword. Platypus. If it becomes too much…I’ll use it. You use it if you need too and I’ll be right there at your side.”

I stand a moment studying my wife. “You’re serious.”

“Mm.” She nods. “I want to share this with you, David. Or at least experience it. You’ve let me experience a lot, but not this. I love you and I want to know you inside and out.”

“Well…if that’s really what you want.”

“It is.”

“Then I’ll do my best. No promises.”

Her face brightens. “Your best is all I ever want.”

I laugh and shake my head. “This ought to be a weekend to remember!”

“I’ll say!” She titters. “Ohhhh, I’m already looking forward to Sunday night! I’m gonna eat you up!”

“Ha ha ha! Easy there, girl.” I pour myself a mug of coffee. “Do you know when they’re showing up?”

“Not sure.” She says. “All I know is that Javi and his parents are taking the kids out to their cabin, which is why Maria’s available. I guess she and her mother-in-law don’t get along so well. He’s dropping Maria off before they take off, on the pretense that she too is visiting relatives.”

“I still can’t get over they can be so kinky with kids.”

“I guess having kids doesn’t mean giving up on being naughty.” She says, a gleam in her eyes. “I hope it’s not that way with us at least.”

“Me too.” I grin at the special significance of that sentiment. Sarah and I had been working on our first little one for the past two months and come Sunday I had no doubt that we’d be right back at it again. “Okay. I’m gonna grab a shower then…”

Just then there comes a knock at the door. “They’re here!” Sarah squeaks, her nervousness peeking through. She slips the robe she had draped over the chair behind her around her shoulders. “Oh God! Eeee! This is really happening!”

“Ready or not, here we go.”

Thirty seconds later I am opening our front door with Sarah at my side ready to burst. We find Maria standing there looking bright eyed and ravishing in a classic floral dress not unlike the one she’d worn at the signing. At her sides were two suitcases and in her hands a pair of grocery bags. On the street behind her Javi sat at the wheel of their vehicle. On seeing me Javi waves then pulls away. In front of me Maria’s pretty smile beams.

“Hello Daddy.” She says sweetly.

“Erm…hello, Princess.”

Her smile grows just a little bigger.

“Hi, Princess.” Sarah says.

Maria doesn’t reply. She doesn’t even glance her way. Instead she asks me. “Have you eaten yet?”

“Hm? Oh, uh, no.” I say. “I just got home from work.”

“Awww! I’d never, EVER let my Daddy go hungry after a long, hard night of work. I might be old-fashioned but I believe that a man deserves a hot meal when he gets home.” She says, clearly throwing shade on Sarah. “Don’t worry. I brought some special food for you, just in case. You ever have homemade chilaquiles, Daddy?”

“Er, no.” I confess, not even sure what that was.

“You’ll love them! I make mine with homemade tortillas and LOTS of meat for a real man’s appetite.”

“Um…” Sarah mutters softly. Inside of a minute and she was already feeling the sting of the jealousy that she was hoping to understand more deeply. “I just…woke up. I was gonna make him some breakfast.”

“That’s okay, sleepy Bunny. You can hop off back to bed if you want.” Maria bats her big brown eyes, which were still locked on me. “Princess is here. I’ll look after Daddy now.”

Part 3


Jason D Fluffer

Now i'm not one for cuck stories. But these characters i have a soft spot for. And this dynamic i think will be very fun to read


That is a huge compliment, thank you! I have an odd stance on cuck fiction myself. I kind of love the kink but hate the genre, if that makes any sense.

Hmm hmu

goat cuck story from the goat writer