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After another round of fooling around, this one involving me eating out Cassie’s pussy and sucking ‘her’ balls while giving her handjob as Rosa rode her face, our Lady brings us in for the post-coital cuddle she always treasured so dearly.

Cassie, her face wet with Rosa’s juices and my seed from her cunnilingus, unties the portal harness from me with a kiss and a quip. “Thanks for the loan.” As she pulls the hoop from my junk it slumps back into place at my groin, a very relaxed and satisfied fellow. She pats my manhood and speaks to it. “Until next time.”

I chuckle as I untie her harness. “I think you wielded him better than me!”

“Naturally.” She winks. “And when it’s on me, he’s a her.”

“Yes, Miss Cassie.” Kneeling at the foot of the bed we laugh, hug, and begin to smooch until our Lady interrupts.

“Ahem.” Rosa clears her throat. We turn our heads to see our petite Lady laying, aglow in sweat, in the center of the bed with pillows propping her up into a reclined position. Spreading her arms she commands us. “Pamper me.”

Cassie and I are all smiles as we say in unison. “Yes, my Lady.”

“Mmmm.” Rosa stretches out her nubile body as we crawl up to her from either side. “I think the Lady is retired for the night.”

“You think?” Cassie says.

“Let me test it.” I say as I give Rosa’s plump little tit a soft pinch.

“Master Quinnn!” Rosa giggles, pouts, and covers her boob. “Gentle!”

I chuckle. “Yep. She’s Rosa again.” As Cassie laughs Rosa retaliates with a pinch to my testicle, once she finds it. “Ngh!”

“Lady can come back real quick if she needs to, brat.” She warns. Stretching out once more, totally relaxed and with her slender arms out to either side, she lets out a long breath. “Pamper meee.”

Her role as our Lady might have been laid down for the evening but in her adorably pleading mewl she exercises an authority of a different sort. Never had a slave girl been more precious to her household as she was to us. Laying down Cassie sidles up to Rosa from her left as I press in from the right. With a smiling Rosa sandwiched between us, we pamper our lovely slave girl. Oh, how we pamper her.

With tender kisses to her titties, gentle caresses up and down her lithe limbs, loving whispers across her tapered ears and soft strokes of her long, luscious hair and hard curving horns we bathe our lover in the sensual attention that she craved. For my part I return again…and again…and again to the smooth, supple skin of her tummy, in which my daughter now grew. Rosa smiles in that special way of an expectant mother and plays with my hair every time I return there. She glows with soft feminine power in a way that I’d never experienced before. It was a power beyond that of any mere lover or Lady. It was the power of life itself. When we arrived here I thought my love for her could not get any deeper. How wrong I was. I was learning that the well of our love had no bottom. As joyous as I had ever seen her my beloved lays limply and soaks up every ounce of love we pour over her.

In our entwined embrace my budding love of Cassie also grows. Seeing her, who could be so fierce and willful, touch my Lady with such tender affection melts my heart. With Rosa my feelings were pure, simple, as radiant as the sun and as beautiful as the stars. Everyday with her was like floating through a living fantasy. In Cassie I found my growing bond far more nuanced and grounded, and I treasured that too. Contrasted against Rosa’s celestial perfection Cassie was as wholesome and earthly as a field of summer wildflowers, thistles and all. As a fiance, as a partner in life, as a lover and a friend I knew that her love would keep me honest and anchored here in the real world. I could never love Cassie as I loved Rosa, but the reverse was also true. Each of them owned their own facet of my heart. And when my daughter was born she would claim her own piece of me. What a happy day that will be. Boundless, endless, the love in my life would only continue to grow.

In their eyes, in their touch, in their smiles and warm whispers I sense similar emotions flowing through them. Each of them loved me in their own way. Each of them linked with the other with a love unique to that particular bond. I could never be fully on the inside of that connection to understand like they did but to see my two women so flush with love for each other was beautiful beyond the words all the great poets combined.

Caressing turns to kissing which then calms to snuggling and then a simple, sleepy three way embrace.

Spattered as we were in sweat and cum and oil and womanly nectar Rosa would normally have insisted on us bathing her before we sleep but tonight nobody wanted to disrupt this lovely flow from our first true night as lovers into what would be our first night sleeping in a shared bed. As smoothly and as quietly as I can I find our blankets and pull them up over us.

“Mmmm.” Rosa beams as she cozies herself between us. Flanked by her larger lovers there would be no errant drafts to disturb my hot-blooded Lady tonight. Hooking a finger into the loop of Cassie’s collar she pulls her in for a sweet kiss. “I love you, Cassie girl.”

“I love you too, Rosa.”

Grabbing my ring she pulls me for a smooch every bit as sweet. “I love you, my beautiful man.”

“I love you, Rosa.”

Reaching across her I cup Cassie’s head in my hand, gaze deeply into her eyes, and kiss her as well. Ours is not such a sweet kiss as Rosa’s. “Mmmm. I love you.”

“I love you, Quinnn.” Cassie sighs as she melts back into Rosa’s warm flesh.

“Mmmm.” I too relax into Rosa’s slender body and wrap my arm around them both. Their bodies, so soft and so warm, felt so damn nice.

Cozy, contented, safe, and together at last we drift off to sleep upon the same cloud.

Chapter 148



Illegally cute as always


This chapter is really cathartic. They've been through so much together 🥲