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Quick Note: I've got another nature adventure coming up so it'll be quiet here for the first half of next week. Just FYI.


After some laughs Amos pulls Winona into a big dad hug and kisses her head. “I hope you two are happy together.”

All of her bombast melts away as she leans into his embrace. “Thank you, Papa.”

“I’ll talk to your Mom.” He whispers. “Try and soften the blow for ya.”

“Thank you.” She hugs him extra hard.

Stepping back he says, his voice deep and rich with authority. “Well if you won’t listen to your Pops, maybe you’ll listen to your boss.”

“Boss? I thought we were partners!”

“Yeah…well, you’re the junior partner.” He says. “You got that extra long lunch to go romancing your little sweetie-pie…”

“Sweetie-pie?” I giggle.

He chuckles despite himself, completely undermining his bossy tone. “…AND you’re taking off camping or whatever this weekend. There’s still work to be done around here, ya know.” He voice recedes as he enters the storage room. “We’re opening for real next week!”

“I know, I know.” As I get to my feet I am caught up in a hug from behind, the sudden unexpected motion sending all the kittens but Brutus retreating toward the grass. Winona nuzzles into my hair and smooches me. “Sorry, babe. I gotta work. Senior partner’s on my ass.”

“I h-heard.” I snuggle back against her.

“You okay just hangin out?”

“Mmm.” I smile. “I’ll make myself at home.”

“Yesss.” She squeezes me. “If you need to talk or anything…”

“I’ll be okay.” Softly I run my fingers back and forth across her forearm. “I c-could use a l-little quiet time.”

“Okay.” Another squeeze, another kiss, and one last squeeze for good measure. “Thank you for the ice cream.”

“Mmmm.” I wiggle my tushie against her. “My p-pleasure.”

She doesn’t want to let go but, reluctantly, she does to go join her father.

I scoop up Brutus who was standing at the edge of where the dry inside met the wet outside looking out toward the grass where his family had disappeared. The poor little guy looked confused. Probably wondering why his brothers and sisters and Mama wouldn’t stay where it was warm and dry. I scoop up the fuzzer and give him a snuggle. “It’s okay, b-buddy. S-Sometimes…a family just gotta g-go their separate ways.” I pet his teeny head. “Come on.”

Leaving the Crows to do their work I carry Brutus into Winona’s…no, into our attached suite. Inside I find the place cluttered. I’d only been gone a bit over a day and already there was a mess! To be fair she didn’t know I’d be coming home with her when she left today. I shake my head with a laugh and set to work tidying up. It’s not like I wasn’t used to cleaning up other people’s messes after living with Brayden, but unlike with Brayden I didn’t mind tidying Winona’s chaos one little bit. She wasn’t just my roommate, she was my partner. That made all the difference.

As I tidy I am reminded of just how small this space actually was. With just Winona’s scant belongings the room was as full as it could comfortably get. I didn’t own all the much but even that was far too much to cram into this little area. This was one of the many things I hadn’t considered when I accepted Winona’s offer. Not that it would have changed my answer. We’d figure it out somehow.

The clutter on the table I leave alone. Across the surface she had scribbled notes and maps and books and plans for our FoF game tomorrow night. I am sooo tempted to take a peak, particularly curious about Althea’s vampiric boss lady. I resist the temptation. Not only did I not want to ruin any surprises but I also knew Winona would be unhappy that I spoiled myself on the story she was working so hard to create for us.

Opening the curtains and the window wide I let the light and moist cool air rush in. It felt so nice that I pull up a chair, cross my arms over the sill, rest my chin on my arms, and just stare out into the green forest. The weather was subsiding leaving that wonderful, fresh post-rain aroma behind. In the still calm the birdsong gradually returns to greet the brightening sky.

My fears, my stress, my worries just drift away with the dark clouds.


As I let out a long breath a feeling of peace washes over me. Peace and gratitude. I get to live here now. While I had visited the wild parts of the island every chance I could I had lived my life in town. Now, to have this just outside of my window, I felt as if this was more than just a change of address. I felt as if I was escaping a prison. All this natural beauty beckoned to me like a siren’s song.

Slipping out of my socks I climb through the window. It is like walking on nails navigating the rocks and pebbles of the paved area but when my tender bare feet finds cool, wet grass I was happy I’d made the trip. I stare up at the towering conifers then close my eyes to let my other senses take over. I hear the buzzing of bee, feel the caress of the breeze, smell the abundant fir and wild flowers, and taste the moist green in the air. Soaking it all in I stand there and just…breathe.

I’m not sure how long I am like this before the crunch, crunch, crunch of familiar footfalls approach me from behind. Without opening my eyes I smile at feeling Winona’s presence.

“Hey, Sprout.” She says, her voice soft as she senses that I was having a moment.

“Mmm.” I turn toward her and look up into her eyes. “I love it here, Winona. I…I love it.”

This brings a smile to her face as well. She plucks the bloom of a clove and slips the stem of the pink and white flower behind my ear. “Now that you’re here, so do I.” Touching my chin very lightly she leans in for a light kiss.


“Pops and I have to head into town for another shipment of parts.” She says. “You’ll be okay out here on your own?”

“Yes. I’ll be okay.” I take another deep breath. “I’ll be m-more than okay.”

“We were going to leave everything open but if you want to wander…”

“No. I’ll be close by.” I say. “I have some work I need to get done anyway.”


“I’m the m-marketing guy, r-remember?” I say. “I’ve g-got a brochure to design.”

“That’s right. How could I forget.” She strokes my hair. “You’re so pretty.”

I blush at the compliment out of nowhere. “Thank you.”

“Need anything while we’re in town? I know we’re going shopping later but I thought I’d check. I’m popping into the hardware store.” She winks. “Gotta get an extra set of keys made.”

“This is r-really happening.”

“It’s really happening.”

“I don’t n-need anything right now.” With the thumb of my right hand I rub across the stone of my promise ring. “I’ve g-got everything I n-need right here.” After a moment I add. “Except…”



“What is it?” She urges me to answer. “Anything.”

“You’ll th-think it’s s-silly.”

“No! No, you name it baby.”

“Well.” I look to the paved stretch between me and the building. “C-Could you carry m-me back to the window?”


With a cutesy poke of my fingers together I coo. “Pleeease?”

“You want me to carry you?”

“Mm hm.” I nod and point. “The l-little pebbles hurt my f-feet.” I bat my blue eyes. “Please, Dommy?”

Her beautiful hazel eyes sparkle to life as the light goes on. “Well! We can’t have that, can we?”

“Mm mm.” I shake my head.

Without pause she scoops me into her arms and pulls me tight. I wrap my arms around her neck and giggle. The pebbles, while annoying, didn’t actually bother me that much. I wasn’t THAT precious! I’d asked her just so that she might hold me just like this. By her amused grin she knew my game and was just as happy to carry as I was to be carried.

As she strides, proud and powerful, across the paved pad I hug her tight and kiss her smooth cheek. “Thank y-you, Dommy.”

“Anytime, baby girl.” She says. “Anytime.”


Sulm Brampton

So cute. Ready for the joys and tribulations of figuring out domestic bliss