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Hello people.

Here's a overview for this month and some other news.

What's coming up

This coming week i wanna start setting up Baraag and Fantia accounts, as i had not enough time for it before. Here is an overview for the planned expansions:

- Baraag (Coming next week): Alternative / easier way to preview VaM 3D content.

- Fantia (Coming next week): Mainly for japanese audience, only some AI sets and series (slighty changed with less realistic looks). May get slightly more cartoony content.

- Ci-el (Coming in the future): Alternative way to support and access both 3D and AI content.

Additionaly i will finish my work on the next voted set (Kissing), which can be expected early next week.

And since Annette has been released i noticed a bit of an eye closing problem, so i'll be fixing it the coming days and update the download link.

This month i want to finish all sets from the vote and then slowly start releasing some more unannounced ones. You can expect the next "4 set vote" in April or May. I want to shift some work to VaM content, mostly pictures and GIF'S while i prepare the next video to work on next. There might be some shorter videos with Mocap coming too, i think you will enjoy them :)

For the end of March i hope to release the first scene.

And also in March you can expect a updated version of Eva.

About requests / commissions: I decided to delay that idea, since there so many projects i want to work on first. Sneakpeak: There might be a new type of sets coming called "Action set's" with 1 scene and multiple layers of actions happening, probably coming in April.

Future of FApp content

Yesterday Pixiv finally wrote me a concrete text and mentioned the works, which their initial warning was about. I kinda expected it: It's the FApp series.

I had to delete the works. They will not be uploaded anymore on Pixiv. So the series will be only accessible external. Which is not a bad timing, as i wanted to start working on normal VaM content anyway. The series is not canceled, however it will have no priority in the future and will be only made either via external request (commission) or if i have a good idea for it. I will still publish one last picture set and 1 gif this month (not on Pixiv).

Thanks for understanding.

Exclusives poll result

Let's take a look at the results for the poll two weeks ago.

The result is very clear (13-2-0 counting vpn votes).

So future exclusives will contain mostly more realistic looking ones with a very occasional more anime looking one.

Happy week,





Again a very detailed plan! Glad you finally had an answer...but the Fapp gif is still there hahaha, nonsense! x) Well it was expected for realistic, I like both so not gonna complain :D


Thx! Yeah it's a good sign though, as they had the works listed in their reply individually. Which should mean they went through my stuff and are okay with the rest of it (like the latest VaM 3D). For the FApp GIFS, i really don't know, maybe they just check images? :D But will eventually delete them too, if they didn't by then.


Mmh I think they are ok with the vam because you just posted a cropped static picture, a lot of other artists were censored...or it is a case by case to decide if something looks too real but it would be completely crazy and arbitrary :/ No man they also check ugoira, I don't know really, most of their decisions make no sense at all, maybe they just do something when someone report the post...


Yeah they seem to be okay with that, which i think goes to show that they don't really want to punish or drive out their artists and only do what they have to do to appeal pressure by VISA. I'm completely fine with them wanting FaceApp of their platform as it's indeed too realistic and any SWJ would fume over it (i wondered how it got to be up so long in the first place lol). If they really check ugoira, that's indeed strange but yeah, probably not reported...