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Hi everyone!

The upcoming video has made good process so far and even though there were some technical hurdles, they are all resolved now (even got help by of one of the plugin's devs). However, release will be moved to Friday to have a little bit of quality control.

The good news is: The built up for the video is set up in a way that it can be more easily transformed into a playable scene to be shared in the future, with buttons to control thrust speed etc. for a full immersive VR/Desktop experience.

Also the new VaM character Annette is almost done so she will make it to you Cake fans next week along with the new exclusives :)

The update next week will include more information about future plans, including sets.

See you soon.





Wow you got some help from a dev's plugin, nice to hear! Cannot wait to see how it looks (well without vr though for me sadly) and also how cute little Annette is!


The whole scene set up was very educational, some things just take time and should not be rushed, like you said. Although it is just a short vid, i hope to build up on the things learned for future video content. It was AcidBubbles by the way, great guy :D Can't wait to present Annette, maybe a picture with Eva together on the Beach?


Nice that he takes the time to help people :o Very nice idea to show us their perfectly shaped body :D


Which 'fridy' were you talking about ?