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This is going to be a long post this week. I'm posting the rules down below for the Live-Action-2D tf here too for anyone interested. Aside from that here's what I worked on this week. First of all, I colored the rest of the frames for the first half of the Link animation. It still needs a background, but I'll be starting work on the frames for the second half next, and those should hopefully take less time to finish since they have less colors to shade. Also I did the lining for the first two Bud pages and to show for that I made those Wip pages. I'll line the next two for next week and hopefully get all four colored the week after. That's all for in-progress work, but here's the rundown for another animation project I'll be starting. It's to do another Live Action tf animation with a clip I have permission to use. I've set up this dropbox folder for video submissions which I'm posting here first. It's my first time using this feature, but it's supposed to make it so that I'm the only one who'll be able to access the files that are added to it. This should prevent anyone trying to tamper with the results. For this first period the folder will only be for Patrons and Fanboxers, and if there ends up being enough submissions to hold a vote with just that then I won't post the link publicly. However, if I do make the link public, then public submissions will have to go through through two rounds of voting. First the public submissions will be trimmed down through one round of voting, and the result of that will be pitted against the supporter submissions. That way if I end up with a ton of public submissions, it won't skew the chances of supporter submitted ones. Patreon and Fanbox should already make it so I know anyone submitting a clip is old enough so I would prefer to not have to make the link public and have to deal with extra complications. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/firfjdxngrz64ty/AAB1mrb1mER9nPz1SRz8xsSNa?dl=0 Now about the video clips themselves. Remember that people will be looking at the clips to vote on and the eventual 2D TF being made, so if you're submitting this clip, it means you're okay with other people seeing it. Also to be sure that the person in the clip is making the clip for the purpose of this voting, at some point in the video he or she should hold up a piece of paper with "Toonitis" written on. The paper doesn't need to be worked into whatever tf scene that's getting acted out since I can just edit that footage out of the final transformation process, but without it, I can't confirm whether the person in the scene filmed it for this purpose. Now for the video itself. Keep it under 5 minutes, to cover both the paper showing you know what the clip is filmed for as well as any time it takes you to do whatever acting you wanna do around the transformation. I'd say make sure it's an mp4 file since I only have so much room in the folder. In order to edit it, the camera needs to be stationary, and nothing should be moving in front of the person being tfed. Also there needs to be decent lighting and camera resolution. I'll be matching both with the 2d animation portion so make the video look as good as you want the 2d character to look. There also needs to be a view of the background of the scene, so I'd recommend either walking off camera at the end, or walking onto the scene from off camera at the start of filming. That just leaves the kind of animation the submitter wants. I don't know if Dropbox let's the user leave messages with the file submission, so if it doesn't, first make sure the video you're submitting has your username as the file name, so like "username".mp4. Then message me directly what kind of 2d character you'd like to be shown becoming. I can do most kinds of art styles in this case, both anime or toony, just nothing too detailed. Also the species or kind of character can be just about anything, but the character design needs to be female given that all my tfs up to this point have had a female end result. Be sure to write me any other details you want done with the video, like if you want the character getting tfed into shows nudity or not. Unless I'm told otherwise by the video submitter, the animated character design will be sfw. That's what it takes to get a video into the voting, and I'll be sure to work out any issues with clips that affects whether it gets into the vote with you if you submit one so you'll know if you need to film another clip or not. Then it will be up to my supporters to vote on a video going by the video itself and the tf being proposed. I'm pretty sure that covers everything, but feel free to ask here if you still have questions. I'm planning to hold the vote in June, but if enough people tell me they need more time to film something I could delay it. Now here's hoping it all goes well.



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