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Nearly finished the tsf part of the animation. This week I colored the inbetweens for the keyframes from last week, and next I will color the keyframes and in betweens for the rest of the tsf part before starting the cow transfur. Also this week I added in the last few panel sketches to page four of the fembot comic. Neo and I have talked about a sequel mini-comic showing the two other humans transforming, but it isn't on the schedule yet. I will be lining all four of those pages next before then coloring all four. Also I've put out a journal last week wondering about interest in submitting videos for a new live-action to 2d character transformation animation and it seemed popular enough that I will likely start accepting clips next month to be voted on which gets made into an animation. So if you or someone you know would be interested in becoming a 2d character in an animation let me know here as well. And I will be making a bigger announcement next month.



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