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Hello Everyone! I hope you've had a nice week! Here are the most recent images from the project for you! I knocked out this first long sequence, which I'm rendering now. The project is already about 2 minutes long, but there's a lot more to go! So, I look forward to starting on a couple more long sequences soon. And, thank you so much to everyone who participated in my little survey! It really helps me to get feedback on some of these ideas. It looks like many of you are interested in a shorter more frequent format, and with some increased character creation participation from you all. So, I'm very excited to explore those things! However, I also understand that there were some concerns that I might go too far in these directions in giving up creative control, which I totally understand. So, rest assured, it's by no means my intention to only do one or the other on both of the two questions in my poll. While I would like to explore some shorter format material with a higher frequency, I also love doing these longer "story" driven projects too. So, I would like to incorporate both in my art! Perhaps one month I'll do two shorter video, and the next I'll do one longer video. Something like that. I mean to feel it out a bit as I go. It just helps me to know that you all are comfortable with the idea of some shorter rapid fire videos. Eventually I think I'd also like to try some crazy long 10 minute project too. Also, as for character polls, I feel similarly. I would like to give you all greater participation in the art I create. But, at the same time, I don't want to leave anyone's preferences out if their opinions are in the minority. So, if it becomes obvious that I'm only making one type of woman or monster, than I'd probably make an executive decision to change things up for a bit to make sure no one gets left out. I find many different types of characters and scenarios interesting, and I don't mean to change that. If anything, getting your opinions probably helps prevent me from getting in a creative rut and just doing similar scenarios and creatures, lol. So, all in all, I take your opinions seriously and look forward to getting your input going forward! While I mean to increase participation in a fun way, I certainly don't mean to give up creative control or leave preferences out in the cold. Thanks again to everyone for participating! I hope you have a nice weekend and I look forward to getting another update out to you all next week!




A 10 minute animation could be an amazing project. I'd certainly be willing to wait 3x longer for one of those. But I think we all definitely want a backlog of content before that kind of wait! Also, I was wondering where the blowies were :D I have a question, I know every month is Halloween here and I know Christmas has passed, but would you do seasonal stuff when the time comes round? A bit cliche but I'm into it lol.


Would love a 10 minute video from you, maybe the lucky girl becomes a onahole for many creatures before the end.


To be truthful I ask because I think the style you seem to have adopted is perfect for an idea I have, and I guess am pitching now; rather than a magical sword or very important space rock that's used as the macguffin it would be an Easter Egg. Our protagonist is ecstatic at her find and success in the egg hunt, meanwhile a dark figure skulks in the background. At some point during her celebration, she's snatched by the evil easter bunny (terrifying, mutated, black fur, etc. traditional evil bunny, of course). Bunny has his way with her, and I know you don't like to reveal the end but I'd love a decap by nomming with evil bunny teeth. (maybe that doesn't need to be 'the end' of the animation, or of the rest of the egg hunter) Bit too close to Easter maybe and fairly specific, an idea to maybe consider for Easter 2024? :)


That's a fun idea! It would take some preparation, but I like the idea of doing some holiday themed videos! And I like how scary evil Easter Bunnies are, lol.


Yeah, I'd really like to take on something longer like that! Once I've got a good volume of videos, it's something I'd be comfortable taking several months on!