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Hello Everyone!

I hope you're having a nice week! The next official update is still a few days out, since I'm working on such a long single shot. So in the meantime, I just wanted to check in with you all and get your opinions on a couple of things as we go forward into the future.

All of you here in the Fellow Weirdo tier really make up the core of the support that allows me to continue making this art, and your opinions really matter to me. So, I really appreciate you letting me know what you think in the comments below on the following questions. No pressure, though, if you aren't interested in expresing your opinion!

1. This is an idea I mentioned last year, but I would like to try creating 2 shorter animations per month, instead of one longer animation. With these videos I would focus on going straight into the action and climax, with no set up, and try to spend more of my working time focusing on the nasty details. More like 1:00-1:30 minute long peril vignettes, than the current 3:00 minute videos. This would allow me to get out different ideas more quickly.

-Would you prefer:

A) I continue with longer duration "story" driven projects.

B) I try getting out shorter more frequent content that's just the action, no set-up.

C) No preference.

2. For the future, I was considering doing a poll before each new project to give you more creative control. Specifically with the characters. I would ask you questions about whether you wanted to see a large or small breasted character, more lean or more plump, tall, short, etc. I would also ask about what size of monster you'd like to see and how you'd like them used, as the size of the monster dictates what actions they would be capable of, such as devouring a character, smaller monsters are better able to penetrate a character, etc.

-Would you be interested in trying more interactive character polls like this before a new project?

A) Yes

B) Not really

Does the character thing sound fun? While I can't necessarily give full creative control over to these character polls, I would do my best in implementing character ideas and it would help me a lot in knowing what types of characters you'd like to see.

I look forward to hearing you thoughts!



1. C - But would suggest more of a mixed approach to it, depending on your own preference. Maybe yourself and others prefer the consistency of one or the other though. 2. A - Definitely sounds fun, and a more simple approach to community interactivity than some. Either way I really appreciate the immense work and sacrifice of time you must put into these animations, and keeping us updated and eager for more.


1. B 2. A


1. A - you're one of the only animators out there that does longer guro sequences and I think that makes your work especially great. Set up makes things so much more interesting. 2. B - I strongly dislike community involvement, because it becomes a popularity contest. Sometimes communities end up asking for the same thing over and over. Keep things varied and interesting and don't creatively stifle yourself.


I appreciate your feedback shnapple! Though I am interested in exploring these new approaches, you bring up considerations that concerned me as well.


1. A - Definitely would prefer longer videos with longer sex scenes and longer guro/vore scenes. 2. C - Do not mind either way as long as the videos are longer.