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Thanks to everyone who has participated in the poll so far! There's been a lot of great feedback, that will really help in letting me know what everyone is interested in. And, if you haven't yet expressed your opinion and would like to, please do! I will keep looking back to those comments, because the more opinions I can get, the better!

Also, I know many people supporting me don't have English as a primary language. Please don't hesitate to respond and comment in whatever language you prefer, as I can always automatically translate it and get the rough idea of what you mean!

And, as a quick update, I've finished animating the long shot, and am currently running simulations on it. I was hoping to have some images for you today, but the animating proved to be more complex than I had anticipated. The shot is probably the most challenging shot I've created yet, but I'm very excited with how it's turning out and I can't wait to get it out to you all!

I plan on getting a more formal update out in a day or two, once I have some finished images for you. I seem to be pretty poor at estimating my deadlines, but rest assured I'll never leave you in the dark about the current state of my progress!

Thanks again, and I hope you have a nice start to your week!


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