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Hello Everyone! In looking forward to the next project, I wanted to start getting your opinions on a number of things! Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, Fanbox doesn't have a formal way to conduct a poll.

So, what I would like to do is ask you questions with an A, B, C answer format, and have you respond in the comments with your opinions. Or, if that is too public, you can send me a direct message with your answers.


1. A

2. C

3. A,C,F,G,

4. B,E,H

I really value your input, so please don't be shy in responding! As such, please also respect everyone else's responses to my questions. As we are dealing with weird controversial art, it is very important that everyone is comfortable expressing their opinions in this way! Feel free to skip a question if you don't want to answer it.


1. Do you like and feel comfortable with these polls?

A) Yes, this works just fine!

B) No, please find a more anonymous way to conduct a poll like this.

C) No, I just don't like polls like this.

While I'm currently putting as much time as I can into these projects, what I can do is change the balance of how frequently I put out artwork.

2. Do you prefer that I:

A) Create longer projects between 1 - 4 minutes, with a turnaround of about 3-4 weeks


B) Create shorter projects between 30 seconds - 1 minute, with turnaround time of about 2 weeks

C) It doesn't matter to me

These questions are in regards to content. Please bear in mind that all of the actions here are in regards to fantasy "damsel in distress" type peril situations with adult characters, as you have seen. I don't like to create animations with more realistic scenarios, characters, or depictions of these actions.

3. What sort of content would you like to see more of in my animations? (select all that apply)

A) Hard Vore

B) Crushing (like the exploding head in the last video)

C) Choking

D) Hitting

E) Dismemberment (things that wouldn't be covered by hard vore, like a monster pulling someone apart, etc.)

F) Vaginal Penetration

G) Anal Penetration

H) Oral Penetration

I) Cum shots

J) Peeing

K) Other (please specify)

4. What sort of content would you NOT like to see more of in my animations? (select all that apply)

A) Hard Vore

B) Crushing (like the exploding head in the last video)

C) Choking

D) Hitting

E) Dismemberment (things that wouldn't be covered by hard vore, like a monster pulling someone apart, etc.)

F) Vaginal Penetration

G) Anal Penetration

H) Oral Penetration

I) Cum shots

J) Peeing

K) Other (please specify)

5. Would you like me to occasionally create some artwork that is less horrible and messed up, and just sexy/sweet?

A) Yes

B) No

Thanks for taking the time to express your opinions. I think that answers to these questions will give me a better idea of where you'd like to see me go with my art in the future. Also, bear in mind, I don't ever plan on completely discontinuing any of these particular niches entirely, so don't worry too much if your opinions are in the minority.

In the future, as I try to get more work out, I will continue to run these polls to get more specific opinions from everyone and guide my art. I appreciate your support!



1. A, 2. A, 3. ABCDEFGHI, 4. J, 5. B


1.A. 2.A. 3.C,D,E,F,G. 4. 5.B


1. A; 2. C; 3. B*, E; 4. N/A; 5. A* 3. Partial head crush (like severing above the tongue or smashing part of the cranium and having one eye hang out) is cool, or showing the disfigured aftermath or gory mess afterwards is fun. Just having something flatten it is more "implied" crushing to me, it's nice to actually see the sinew and brains. 3. Jaw removal, like Nightwolf's fatality in MK11 (but without the sternum peeling off unless you can do that too LOL), or face removal like Baraka's fatality. Literally the hottest thing ever. When a girl is alive/still capable of thought or feeling, and a massive section of her once pretty face is now destroyed and gone.


5. If you can make images often (without really impacting the Timeline for animations) that would be amazing. Look to the user HSS for inspiration. He has fallen off the face of the earth, but I really loved the detail of the damage on his models. Most guys seem to use default or freely available models and just do decap, hanging, or gunshot wounds, but that's so boring and cheap. HSS, and a few others, created some very beautiful detailed deformations. Jaw ripping, curb stomping a pretty girl's jaw into a steel girder, smashing a girl in the skull bursting her eye out of the socket, chunks of entrails spilling out of impalations, etc. Also, before and after stuff? So hot. Like, image fully clothed, smiling. Image naked. Image destroyed. The triple whammy. So sexy.


1.A 2.c 3.C,D,F,G,I,J,K (some hard choking or strangle till she faint many times and till she die 4.B 5.A Keep going love your work:)


1 A ,2 C ,3 A B E K ,4 C D F G H I J 5 B Things I would like to see is beheading snd slit throat until The head is separated from the body. One more thing I hope you choose more sexy body like bigger boobs and ass long hair and sexy clothes on the character stuff like that. It’s just an opinion. Thanks for for the polls dude.


1A,2C,3ABEK,4CDFGHIJ,5A, I like the situation in which a girl's leg is To be preyed, her leg is amputated, or her leg is crushed.


I like behead


1a 2a 3abcdefh 4gij 5b


1A 2A 3 Dismemberment and hitting, crushing as a finisher. Shooting would also be nice - but done with high caliber (arms blown off, big holes) 4 J - scat and piss is turn off 5 Wholesome art is good too, if emphasis is on emotion.


1. A 2. C 3. A J K(gynophagia stuff) 4. F G H I(male stuff make girls less delicious) 5. B


1:A 2:C 3:A,B,E,F,G,H,I,J 4:/ 5:B


2:C 3:A-B-E-K(Brain/ear fuck) 4:K(scat, male subject)


1A, 2A, 3E,K necro after death, 4K, all of it sounds good, 5A


1A,2C,3ABCDEJ(And scat if it's acceptable),4None,5B


1.A - 2.C - 3.ABCEFGHIJ K:Shooting/explosives and Necro 4. Scat 5.A (Sure, but not into vanilla or loli)