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Thank you always, subscribers. https://mega.nz/file/gREjHSoA#TZRju7huSfPvHDpwU4GNN75TlyML1CyiwrEsP5bZbZM






😋great belly!


Your illustrations are wonderful. Really the best. Historical depiction. Cute and beautiful girl. Delicate brushstrokes and use of color. It is the best.


Meat shield is the best trope - shame we didn’t get to see a goblin shove a crossbow up her pussy like the other time - or turn her belly into more of a pincushion but it’s so good regardless


Love the way how you draw armour, you have a great talent for this. Also lovely little details like seeing her breathing in the cold, arrows stuck in her shield, the bandage on her leg being dirty on one side. It gives a really nice feel to it. The effort put into it clearly visable.


And the right eye is blind by burns Sometimes they feel like puzzle games,you'll find somethings more behind his pics


You are right, yesterday evening in my dark room I didn't catch that. Guess because of the color of the burn mark and the hair I overlooked it. Now with daylight I notice it as well. Things like this give the characters a lot of charme and makes them quite unique. Stuff like that is why I am here and not somewhere else.