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 Hello, this is Haikawa.

 Happy New Year. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your warm support and words of encouragement at FANBOX during the last year.

Last year, thanks to everyone's support, we were able to publish the new book "Nobara Wakarase" and distribute it on C99. For the first time in about a year and a half, I was honestly worried whether I could make a douujinshi like before with a blank that I had never experienced. However, thanks to the warm comments received on the illustration manga at FANBOX, I was able to dispel that anxiety and feel positive about making a new book.

I strongly feel that FANBOX is not only an activity support but also a great mental support. I am indescribably grateful to all the fans and supporters. thank you very much.
Thank you for your continued patronage of the circle "Diogenes Club" this year as well.

※I'm sorry if the text is wrong because I use Google Translate.
Published: 2022-01



Published: 2022-01