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A-fan here, I've got some news aboout what I was mentioning in my previous post.

First of all, I'm really thankful for your support, it really means the most, and if you decide to stop supporting me after this, I'll understand, it really is a tough decision and I hate that I have to even do this at all.

About the site with the leaks.

The owner or admin of the site answered my DMCA, but it seems that they won't take any of the posts over there down, I don't have any money for lawyers or a better way to deal with them so I truly don't know else to do about them.

My decision

1. To avoid people taking credit for my work, I've decided to release my non-public cards and mods before they do it. This sucks because it mainly affects you, my true supporters. I'll do this tomorrow, because I've still got some stuff to do IRL. I'm really sorry for having to do this.

2. I'll start distributing my cards and mods differently, and I'll do it using Discord. Since there are not so many of you I can take my time and message you one by one. This of course requires for you to have a Discord account, so if you don't have one and you don't want to create one, I'm deeply sorry but I'm also really thankful for your support until now.

3. I'll reward my oldest supporters (5 - 8 months) with some custom mods (or cards?, maybe not because there are 10+ of them so a custom mod is more fitting), I'm still deciding on how I'll do it and also the complexity of the mod.

I think for now that's all I have to say, please if you have already a Discord account, I would really appreciate it if you could message me at my Discord:


include your username(Fanbox) or email(Gumroad) so I know if you are truly supporting me.

I'll accept your decision, whatever it is, all I know is I'm really thankful for every single one of you that supported me until now (except you, leaker or leakers). Have a nice weekend and see you next at my next post or at Discord!


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