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Hello, sorry for not posting content these days, but something has happened and that's why I'm making this post.

First I have to say I'm really thankful for your support, it really means the most and as I said several times before, without it, I'd not be able to make this content which I really enjoy working on.

However, it seems that someone or some people have started to distribute my content around, so until the website where my content is being distributed takes all of my posts down, I won't be sharing the mods/cards. What I will do is post pictures of what I'm currently working on so at least you can expect that.

I really hate that I have to 'punish' all of my supporters when it is just one person or a couple of people that are doing this. I have to say that I truly don't understand why they are even doing this, because in the end, I share all of my content for free, it is just that it takes a lot of effort to get it working properly and that's why it takes time to make a public release.

I hope you can understand, I really hope you do.

Hopefully the next post has some better news.



no o o o o o o


You publish a free version, I don't know why they filter the early access, they just have to wait


Fuckin leakers man... Sorry you got hit, my man.


Wtf why would someone do that if in the end u share it for free? Well, braindead people are everywhere it seems