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First of all many thanks to the many hints and suggestions I received here and on my website because of my current release politics. Those suggestions helped me a bit to know what you guys expect from me art wise.

To get more variation into my stuff I need to change my release schedule and focussing more on finishing arts. Many of you told me that I do start too much new projects before I finished the old ones. Sorta correct. Actually the drawings and WIPs which got released the last months were all drawn longer ago and I just scheduled them to let them get posted automated to let the content flow for you. In this time you guys got new content I could work on my other commissions, and finishing older projects.

Sadly I totally underestimated the amount of time I need for that and the result was WIP after WIP after WIP. Surely for peeps who want to see some colored and finished works not the best thing so I think that's the reason for the massive subscriber drop in the last 3 months.

To fix that I try now to finishing a bunch of old projects, mostly Simpsons and FOP projects and releasing the remaining WIPs I still have enqueued on Fanbox.

I have to say that the releases of new stuff maaayyybe could get stalled here and there because finishing content always needs more time to clean up drawings. I try my best to release on time weekly but if I delay one or two days I need to apologize. I try to work up some stuff for you.

It's really not that easy between all the commissions and demand for new content. That was also the main reason why GB3 silently got paused like that. GB3 is a free project and I don't earn anything with it and since I'm in a shitty situation, the comic stalled somehow. It's not dead If I find time I WILL do color the next pages.

Then some of you also wanted that I release more free stuff to the public. I agree and I will release fully colored pictures after 30 days or sometimes less to the public. Also I try to snatch up some older drawings I have laying around here for release on my website.

All that needs a bit time and organization. I will take care of that as soon I can.

Thank you for supporting me and I'm sorry if sometimes stuff gets released you might not have a kink for. Specially all those Crystal images which are partly clothed. Most of them are meant for coloring practice and drawing practice only. I hope you can decifer this yaddah I've written so far...

So now I have a lot to do. See you in a while.


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