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I want to know which feeling you prefer.





I like the disassembled schoolgirl from the third series in the small world.


I prefer to severed head,so I like the 3rd girl of meat 3 best.(This may not have much reference value) By the way,I think the 3rd girl of meat 1 is cutest! Both of lived and dead.


Breast amputation or breast destruction


3,5 :)


nipple fuck is best


Then the third woman of 1 should be treated like the third woman of 3!


You guys love sexy schoolgirls being meat. I will refer to this.


The scene is so popular that I have to draw a lot of things similar to it.


meat 2 The first girl,I like the way she opens her genitals.Why are there mosaics in recent pictures?

Hope all

I personally like all your work, but i prefer girls having their hearts stabbed, penetrated or removed, like the 3rd girl from meat 2, 3rd girl from meat 3, 1st girl from meat 4, 1st and 2nd girl from meat 5. Hope you draw more of these scenarios and hopefully this helps!


I like when showing mammary glands or uterus maybe even fuck vagina and baby bag after it cut out


hi, i want to know the next chapter for this https://www.fanbox.cc/@tosyn/posts/6226486 comic.


Meat 2 girl 1 and 4


Should do breast bondage and removal.


four pieces of meat 3 four pieces of meat 5 four pieces of meat _(:з)∠)_ i love nipple fuck ,cut nipple and uterus and body


The chest should be smaller and cut horizontally and diagonally \(^o^)/~

sky rain

이것은 기계 번역이라 좀 부정확하다.내가 너에게 말해줄게.nipple fuck/ゴブリン/乳打撃/逆駅弁/おねショタ。의견을 수집할 수 있는 기회를 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다. 이것은 우리가 생각지도 못한 일이고, 하고 싶은 일이다.

sky rain

https://twitter.com/KKg43839537/status/1470342300048195586?s=20 “tag:逆駅弁” 이 자세에 너의 스타일 (tag) 을 더하면 최고조에 달할 것이다


love nipple fuck, better if you do it when girls are still alive


I love all your paintings and l’m a big fan of you. Effectively,l prefer the process of girls’ death(just like your work called “an unguarded elf”) And personally, I’m more interested in shooting. The end of girls’ death were perfect but I hope there’ll be more descriptions of the process (and shootings) in you works. In conclusion, I really love your works. I look forward to the update almost every day. Best wishes!


I don't like this series. It smells like industrial products. narrative elements have been cut to the bare minimum. and there was no relationship between any 2 character.This makes all the works both fragmented and homogeneous. like same wine in different bottles.


被小人国杀死的那位女孩,特别是她那被脑袋重量压变形的脖子断面,真的太色情了。The girl who was killed by Lilliput, especially her neck section deformed by the weight of her head, is really erotic.