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The cosplay-loving woman is brutally raped and killed by a gunman who tracks photos posted on her social media and finds out where she lives.

Her chest was cut horizontally and her breast was mutilated.

uterus has been pulled out of the vagina, one ovary has burst, and a smartphone is stuck in the breast section and filming the inside.

This cute fox girl is cruelly killed by two giants.

They tore her upper body from side to side mercilessly.

All the internal organs in the body were removed except for the heart.

Her head is fixed and her nipples are forced open, and her nipples are raped.

Her heart and blood vessels are full of semen, not blood.

The explorer girl had the misfortune to run into a cannibal

Her fragile, obscene body is dug up and torn by cannibals, making it easier to eat.

precious baby bag was pulled out and it was placed on the breast with the papilla amputated.

She is a beautiful fox warrior wielding a Naginata.

But she loses the battle and her naginata pierces from her vagina to her mouth.

Her body, so brutally violated, moves from place to place to be used for propaganda.







