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Evening folks, Scriptor here with the latest dev news bulletino!

General stuff

I’m still recovering from my wisdom tooth extraction last week Monday; having been prescribed antibiotics yesterday by the dentist: Although I’ve been feeling okay-ish since Sunday, tooth pain (and inflammation) of the lower left gums remained, so I thought it prudent to make a visit to our dentist yesterday. She gave me a hard spanking (unfortunately not the kinky one) in that I hadn’t come in earlier, since the lower left gums weren’t anything it’s supposed to be... Luckily the x-ray’s showed no sign of deep infection, so it seems the issue’s still only a superficial one.

Still as a precaution I’ve been prescribed antibiotics for the coming 5 days. They’re already doing wonders for my gums; as they sure feel a lot less sensitive today and don’t implode when I touch it with a toothbrush (a huge difference compared to last week). On the flipside the tablets do make me nauseous as hell, which is (apparently) quite a common side effect of the type of antibiotic I’m taking.

That all said, my energy and workspeed has been steady improving in the last few days. And my lower left gums are slowly (but steady) improving, together with the rest of my mouth. So fingers crossed, but I have the feeling the end of this rodeo is finally coming in sight. 🤞

Game development

I’ve finished up the entire sleeping/night scene @rubber convent: Work speed in the past few days has been a lot better than it has been last week, so I managed to blast through all three stages of the sleeping/night scene @rubber convent. The last stage currently rendering on my rig as I’m typing this dev update. 💪

With those images done it’s time to tackle the next scene on the list, which revolves around the “aftermath” of reaching the final stage in the sleeping/night scene. I don’t want to spoil anything about that (yet), so forgive me for not sharing a lot of info about it in this dev update. In any case, it takes place in a pre-setup scene so I’m confident that I should be able to push out this scene quite quickly; if possible even before this week’s over. That way I can start next week with working on the various (kinky) work events Kathleen will be doing around the convent... She ain’t be getting food and board for doing nothing after all. Even if she’s just a mere “initiate” >;3

Onto the teasers!


Sister 1: “Well initiate, I hope you’re comfortable~”

Sister 2: “You will have to forgive us for using the restraint belts, it would be such a SHAME if you’d accidentally managed to get yourself out of your bed tonight.”

Sister 1: “Indeed...”

Sister 1: “Though with those reinforced leather belts I’ve sincere doubt about that happening~”

Sister 2: “Quite so, those are strong enough to hold a horse, let alone a tired initiate... so just relax and try to get some quality rest.”

Sister 1: “Trust us-“

Sister 2: “-you’ll need it for tomorrow!~”

Kathleen: “Hhhmmmmfffgghh!!”

And that’s all for this dev update, see you peeps coming Sunday at the next one!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a PM for the link! ^^



Dylan Wolf

I hope you continue to get better and that you feel better soon. 🫡 I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but isn't the thing that's lying on it a concrete coffin like in your snack comic that can be sealed in?


Wish you a speedy recovery. Love the Teasers. Hope we can see some more Characters with a little extra on them (cough cough Primrose memories flashing through my head... cough cough ;-) )


I really hope you took advantage of the obvious joke. Dentist: "Your gums are a mess! Why didn't you come back sooner?! You fool!" You: "Well. I would have acted less foolish, but SOMEBODY removed all my WISDOM teeth." Dentist: "Ah yes. My bad."


Big thank Dylan! 💪💯 "Only" a solid concrete slab for this event; though Kathleen will have something else to contend with during the night... So in the end she might still wish she could indeed disappear in all that stone. 😏🙃