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Evening all, Scriptor here with the latest news!

General stuff

I’ve had a rough few days, as the recovery from my (wisdom tooth) procedure went quite a bit less smooth than I expected: A funny thing the doc forgot to mention was that apparently the pain of these type of procedure does spike on day 3-4 (for me last Thursday and Friday). And oh boy did I feel it... To the point of needing stronger pain meds to help me cross those days. It also seems there was (despite my best efforts to keep stuff clean) an slight infection in my lower left gums as well (at the incision point), which came to a head yesterday as I awoke to my white pillow being not as white anymore... Good thing it wasn’t my favorite one since I doubt I’ll ever get this stain outta it. 🙈

But, and I say this while tapping wood. Since today I’ve been feeling pretty okay(ish). Gums stopped bleeding, pain during the day's manageable without the use of pain meds and eating has improved to the point where I can eat the crusts of my bread again. So yeah, the last few days has been utter ass. Hopefully coming week’s a lot better. 🤞

Game development

I’ve started rendering out the sleeping/night scene @rubber convent, managing to finish up the introductory portion’s images: Work speed in the past week has been utter ass due to my bad recovery, but I nonetheless managed to squeak out the introduction part of the scene. From there on out the sleeping scene branches into a few paths/versions depending on how long Kat’s been at the convent, and plan for the coming week is to tackle all of them. 💪

Onto the teasers!


Teasers of the night/sleeping scene @rubber convent! Guiding Kathleen to one of the convents many pristine sleep quarters, Kathleen’s surprised to see that her bed’s a literal stone slab... good thing that bag’s padding is so thick that it makes practically anything comfy to sleep on. >;3

And that’s all for this dev update, see you folks coming Wednesday at the next one!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/73Bzk5KeaX




I want to join this church!