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Evening folks, Scriptor here with the latest dev newsssss!

General stuff

I wanna start this dev update off with a quick lil’ announcement that I’m due to have my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow afternoon (and that while Scriptor already has so little rationale already, oh boy). I’ve been postponing it since forever, but a visit to the dentist last week made it very clear that now the time as finally come to have them all pulled. Luckily I don’t have to wait long for the procedure, since when I called last Thursday it turned out that I can get the first batch done this Monday afternoon at 2:00PM. Gotta love Dutch health care (or at least in this situation lol).

Fingers crossed it will be a quick procedure (from which I can also quickly recover), but if I’m a bit hard to reach in the coming (few) day(s) know it’s likely because I’m still recovering. That said I’d like to maintain my work schedule as much as possible regardless of the above; if all goes well expect a regular dev update this Wednesday as usual, if not I’ll be sure to inform you guys beforehand. 💪

Game development

I’ve completed the images required for the “induction” scene at the rubber convent: 32 base images which sees Kathleen being “inducted” into the convent by the Abbess Superior and some (hench)nuns. And “inducted” meaning being dressed up in the initiate outfit, which Kathleen can be quite stoked about... Or not, since the scene comes in the regular con and not-so-con flavors. >;3

It’s also here where Kat also gets some more “in-depth” explanation about the history of the convent, its core beliefs and what’s expected from her as an initiate. Not unexpected of a nunnery, the place’s all about the control of arousal and lust! And that’s for good reason, since according to the Abbess Superior there are (many) creatures who feed on exactly that inside the fantasy RPG world. Plus one of those things has seemingly already latched onto Kathleen... She’d better do her best to learn the ways of the nunnery quickly. 👀

I’ve also made the base model for Kat’s “sleeping accommodations” last Friday: Quite happy with how it turned out, though it still needs some fine tuning and being weighted (rigged) to the base character model. Planning to tackle this tomorrow morning, and once that’s done I’ll be setting up the bedroom (night) scene so I can get started on rendering out those images too. If all goes well I should be churning out the first images of the sleeping/night scenes @convent by coming Wednesday. 💪

Fail-state poll results!

As a total dumb-dumb I forgot to post the results of the fail-state poll last Wednesday, now 4 days later I will finally announce the new king (or queen(?)) of the fail-states currently in-game...

And it is...

Violet’s newest mare! 🥇

Quite a close race too as it’s only three votes away from the second up runner (sweetie doll fail-state), which itself is followed closely by the kitty cat fail-state that’s the 3rd place holder. As such it seems that the ponies are currently the most liked bad end in the game; prance up girls, you fillies have earned it! ^^ 🐴

I found it really fun to do this poll! Looking at the list the spread’s a lot less than I anticipated, and even bad ends which I felt were lukewarm received at the time seem to have spoken enough to some folks that they would pick it as their top three... words fail to describe how grateful I am for that; it makes all that effort feel worth it. 🔥💯

Once we’ve got a few more traps in the game I’ll likely be doing another of these “fun” polls for the traps as well, to see which one of those will reign supreme. ;3

Onto the teasers!


Today’s teasers are of the “induction” scene, which takes place in the convent’s grand chapel! It’s here where the nuns gather in service to their goddess and also where the initiation of new sisters takes place. As for the main sculpture, well. The Abbess Superior says that to overcome one’s lust, one has to be confronted with it. And with that she doesn’t only mean in a visual sense, as Kathleen will soon find out... >;3

That’s all for this dev update, catch you folks coming Wednesday at the next one!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/73Bzk5KeaX




Good luck on your appointment at the dentist. I've had my Wisdom teeth removed too, not sure what so wise about those little fu**ers tho. I really enjoy Characters like Primrose who has a little extra on them. hehe

The Trap Queen

Yeah…I hate to be that guy but it’s not going to be as quick or as painless as you’d like. Or at least in my experience, it won’t be. So heed my words when I say this, take your time to recover. We’re not going anywhere and the game can wait, your health is more important.


I luckily only had 2 wisdom teeth grow in. But it is an experience you don’t forget. I wish you the best and take your time recovering. Hrmm them statues in the background look almost too lifelike. Perhaps a punishment of some sort or will our favorite Medusa lady be making a guest appearance in the temples lower levels, Anyways best of luck to you!! We will be here when you return!


Ohh I didn’t realize they are much larger than I thought when I looked at the last teaser picture lol. But still maybe and idea to bat around for later.


Thank you ^^ And yeah; if they're so wise why don't they just stay hidden underneath the tooth flesh or break through completely like the rest of the teeth... In that case I'd be saved this hassle xd 😂


Thanks Queen ;3 And yeah that's what I'm kinda worried about too: there just doesn't seem to be any grey area with this procedure. From what I've heard of pals/acquaintances etc. it's either that they're done with the recovery in 2-4 days, or it drags on on for weeks... I'm of course hoping for the former, but yeah. Fingers crossed! 🤞😬


Thanks Aldaira! 💪 And yea it's a big chapel haha; can't have it be "grand" without a bit of size eh? >;3 😋


Take notes during the dentist trip. I always find them quite inspiring experiences for future fetishy content. XD