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Good evening all, Scriptor here with the latest dev news! ^^

Game development

All the images for the rubber jackal’s battle are done, the intro images leading up to the battle/fail-state and about ~45% of the images for the fail-state(s) themselves. The rubber jackal fail-state will have both a con and non-con path depending on Kat’s action during the event inside the treasury. ^^

As I’ve said in my previous dev update some of the things that used to be very complex and time consuming are now done a lot quicker; one of such things being the posing of the rubber jackal inside DAZStudio during the fight and fail-state itself. Not having to constantly export/import to Blender to fiddle with proportional editing or messing with (often clunky) D-formers inside DAZ is leaving me more wiggle room for other fun things: Such as some proper “asset” expansion, seeing the rubber jackal/kat’s boobs and butt grow to more “appropriate” sizes once she’s fully captured! >;3

I’m also going to add a small “epilogue” type of scene to the rubber jackal fail-state, which will see the rubber jackal and some of its friends having a “good time”. This is another thing that’s been made possible with the recent breakthrough in rigging; were it not for that I wouldn’t had the time to make such an extra scene in the first place! ^^

Also it occurred to me that I hadn’t thanked you guys yet for the recent breakthroughs; without your support I would’ve never been able to put in the time into making and learning rubbery content as I have. It’s in no small part that the recent breakthroughs came due to the fact I had the opportunity to learn, instead of having to take extra shifts at other jobs. (Excluding the beginning of this August, but that was just the standard summertime scheduling “fun”. ;p)

So thank you guys for believing in me, and supporting me during this shiny endeavor. I hope that I’ll be able to keep providing you with quality rubbery content for the foreseeable future! :3 ^^

Onto the teasers!


First up another battle teaser; seeing one of the Jackal’s status effects. Seems those rubbery bindings look pretty tight… better get out of them fast if you want to be able to attack the jackal! :0

Another teaser of the intro sequence inside the treasury, seems Kat’s “danger sense” is going off… although it will be up to you if she actually acts on that. >;3

And finally a teaser of the fail-state itself; seems the jackal is keeping Kat’s eyes unexposed, I wonder why…

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys coming Sunday at the next one! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z




is there a possibility for her to get Fuckhands?>:P


I’m liking the looks of this so far. Really awesome work! Can’t wait for all of this to come into the game and seeing everything else start to expand. I’ve enjoyed every bit of the game so far. No complaints here you’re doing great!