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Hello everybody, Scriptor here with the exclusive dev update! ;3

Hold onto your trousers because this will be a LONG one, and will dive into some pretty technical stuff. If you don’t care about that and only want the latest news on the game; just keep scrolling until you see “Game development” for the latest No escape news! ;p

Now in the past few days I’ve been making some major breakthroughs in the way I make my content; mainly inside DAZ studio. These breakthroughs will have some BIG consequences as to how I make my content and what I’m able to make:

Rigging inside DAZ; “where the hell is the documentation on this?!”

First up is rigging inside DAZ studio. For those of you who don’t know what a “rig” is, in modeling it’s basically the skeleton of an object or character that defines how it moves, what should move, and how much it should bend/shear at the “joints”.

Now rigging inside DAZStudio is something else, namely that there’s almost no comprehensive documentation about the process to be found. It doesn’t help either that DAZ’s interface (at least when it comes to rigging) is also a bit clunky, so for the longest time I’ve had to do the “fun” job of adjusting any and all poses of my creations inside Blender, and then import it back into DAZStudio.

It’s the reason why things like Rose’s maid suit, the doll-suit inside the factory, and the Sweetie doll outfits all look so rigid. It makes sense that they are, since they’re made of “rigid” rubber. But still there’s a lot of things that end up not feasible because of this inside my work schedule.

Take those fuck-hole hands from the assembly-line dolls for instance: At first the non-con path was going to feature multiple time-skips seeing Kathleen being used and abused by the fat bastard. One of those scenes would see him sitting in front of the TV, and Kat-doll forced to jack him off like some sort of mockery girlfriend. However it never came to be because making the custom poses from the ground up would mean day(s) of extra work inside Blender, so it got cut.

It’s been like this for other things as well; Rose’s maid suit would have had a sex scene inside Thornvine manor but again: Same issue as with the assembly line dolls, cut for time. The Sweetie dolls were meant to “easily” move the arms into more poses and as such even be able to dildo female patrons. All things that are super fun, but never could be realized due to the large amount of extra work these scenes would entail, and the fact I’ve got a schedule to keep.

Until now.

Because now, after countless hours spend watching Youtube tutorials, piecing together online tutorials, following DAZ courses on rigging and much trail-error experimenting, I’ve finally figured out how to rig the bloody stuff inside DAZ, with amazing results:

It might not look like much, but the fact that it follows the dude’s movements without any weirdness on the surface of the suit is a MAJOR success. I’ve tried out the technique on some more creations (like the rubber jackal in the teasers), and so far its’ beyond expectations. It just simply works, and it works good.

Now that I’m able to rig stuff a whole new world opens up. No more spending countless hours adjusting the meshes inside Blender and porting/importing from/to DAZStudio, things that used to take super long are now done in a pinch! I can now also finally start experimenting with some more dynamic self-made tight clothing; hobble skirts, armbinders, (regular) rubbery jackets you name it! And finally, maybe the most important part of all:

Now that my stuff is rigged, it isn’t too far a fetch anymore to “truly” 3D animate certain small sequences in the future.

Granted it will likely be only “small” scenes (like Kat struggling), especially in the beginning, but the fact that it’s now feasible (thanks to the major breakthrough in rigging) is cause for celebration in itself. I won’t make any promises as to when the first of these “fully” animated 3D sequences will be ready, but if progress in learning these things keeps up like it has in the past few days, I imagine it will be very soon! >;3

So that’s major breakthrough one, onto the second one:

Volumetrics inside DAZ; “wait, that smoke isn’t a 2D image?!”

Another major breakthrough in my self-learning for DAZ are volumetrics, or better knows as “VDB” (at least for some). It’s a recent feature introduced inside DAZ, and I haven’t had time to properly experiment with it… But today (since I’ve got extra time now that the rubber jackal is fully rigged) I opted to do some more learning and experimenting on it, with another set of amazing results:

Left is the VDB fire and smoke, and right is the “flat” image texture fire/smoke. I think the quality difference speaks for itself. ^^

Besides making for way more fancy fires, getting a handle on VDB smoke simulations is another key step into upping the quality of my content. Because in the image it’s “only” smoke from fire, but now imagine some pink colored gas, flowing through a transparent tube, straight to a gasmask attached to Kathleen’s face… Sounds pretty good right? Well that’s also something that’s now easily feasible with VDB inside DAZStudio, and in time even something that could be animated too. >;3

So there you have it; two very important breakthroughs in the last ~4 days. It’s crazy to think about the possibilities these two “new” techniques open up and what it means for the future of my content, although I’ve no doubt it only bodes for good things! ^^

And that’s enough technical talk for one day, onto the game development stuff!

Game development

I’ve made the rubber jackal inside Blender, rigged it in DAZ and I’m currently building and rendering the various scenes associated with it. As stated above, the fact that the rubber jackal is fully rigged is a huge plus during the making of the various scenes (battle images, location introduction and fail-state itself). Goals is to have most of the images done before Thursday so that I can start implementing it all into the game around that time.

Although I’m still aiming for a release before the end of the month, I’ll stay on the safe side and put the “official” release on the 4th of September. Stay tuned for another dev update coming Wednesday, likely showing off the fail-state itself associated with the shiny rubbery jackal! >;3


Kathleen entering the treasure room, although Goddess doesn’t need material wealth (after all she can conjure gold out of thing air), she has set a room aside to store some of her valuables, as well as any valuables past “tomb raiders” have brought into the pyramid. >;3

No treasury is complete without its guardian however… Although it surely can’t be that pretty, rubbery statue of a jackal, right?

And finally a teaser of the “totally-not-the-guardian” rubber jackal inside its battle. It’s using a status attack, which will see the room fill “poisonous” gas, using self-made VDB smoke file from Blender! ^^

And that’s all for this dev update, see you guys this Wednesday for another one! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z




Great to hear that there are many new things possible now. Cant wait. Keep up the good work :)


I never had the patience for learning 3d so I definitely respect the amount of work that took to learn new techniques. Awesome stuff! Love your work and definitely appreciate these updates. :)


Yeah it sure was a headache and by no means flawless; but I'm really glad I did not to give up on it. ^^ The future is bright (and shiny)! >;3 💯


WAIT, does that mean we get to see used fuckhands?>:P (i found it wasted that she had jack-off hands but never uses them!)


Yeah I know; it was a big shame that got cut due to time constraints: Now that I'm able to rig the suit I might do something more with it (in a one-shot stand-alone image type of thing). ;3 That said I'm still focused on moving forward with the game after the coming update, so I won't be "adjusting" previous content like that (just yet). Maybe I'll do a big quality-of-life update for Cybercity as well (like I'm doing for the desert world now) down the line, but we'll see once we get there. 💪😉