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Good evening everybody, Scriptor here with the Wednesday new bulletin!

Game development

I’ve fully implemented the bandit playable fail-state. It needs some extra fluff here and there to make the camp feel more “alive”, and also a bit of polish, but all of the base code events are in and working as they should (or at least during my playtests they are). ;p I’ll be adding said fluff & polish tomorrow morning and afterwards I’ll start on the new mini-boss & fail-state that I’m planning for this update: The jackal golem!

You see if Kathleen either successfully evades or serves Goddess she will be granted access to Goddesses treasure room. It can be found in the stairway between the first and second floors of the pyramid, and is filled with a great amount of wealth… Which Kat is allowed to freely take form. Needless to say this is a bit too good to be true and the thing Goddess forgot to mention is that touching anything will incur the wraith of the treasure’s guardian… Namely a big, tall rubber goop-like jackal golem that would love to get its hands on our pony-tailed heroine!

As you’ve probably guessed this mini-boss will revolve around “goopy” rubber (although still solid), “absorption”/living suit, asset expansion and likely some more kinky stuff. Those who like the rubber golems will likely also love this enemy. >;3

Work on the new mini-boss starts tomorrow; I’ll need to do quite a lot in Blender so Sunday will likely be teasers of the modeling inside Blender, but if we’ve lucky I might have some “final” renders ready. We’ll see. ;)

And finally, some more teasers of the playable bandit fail-state in-game!


A teaser of the second task, which sees kitty Kat tend to the various bandits around the camp. Seems this one wanted a back rub, and since those metal “paws” are a bit hard, Muffy’’ boobs will have to do. ^^

This teaser is one of the two events that plays if Muffy fails her day task, which will see her locked in a cage. There’s also something long and hard behind said cage, but I’ll leave it a “surprise” as to what that exactly is… >;3

And finally a teaser of one of the two events that plays if Muffy succeeds her day task, a nice PoV shot in which Muffy only seems to understand the most “important” words. ;p

And that’s all for this dev update, see you guys coming Sunday as usual! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z



The Trap Queen

And it looks like we are back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Oh I actually have an idea I wanted to share about the Rubber Jackal, could part of the transformation Kat experiences be related to a blowjob mask? not like a ring gag but one that has a muzzle, like the feramasuku fetish, I think it would work well with the jackal/canine thing ;)


I've already got the jackal model done and rigged but you're in luck; since that's exactly what I went for with the mask! ;3 ^^