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Heya everybody, Scriptor here with the latest newsssss! ^^

Game development

Work in the past few days has been on pre-production stuff and implementing/overhauling the desert VR-world tile-sets: I’m pleased to report that this part of the update is fully finished, and the desert VR-world looks as (if not more) pretty as the cybercity VR-world. It turned out to be a little bit more of a hassle than expected, but I feel it’s well worth it! ^^

Together with this I’ve also made and implemented the (long overdue) custom sprites for the yellow goop and black rubber statues in the forgotten corridor and throne room respectively. Especially the yellow goop statues have gotten some special attention/love, as the fail-state sequence now also features so “struggle” sprites quite like the ones introduced with the toyball/hypno goggles in the previous update. ;)

Tomorrow I’ll start work first on making the custom sprites for kitty cat Kathleen, and afterwards start working on expanding the golem fail-state sequence. I’m aiming to as much of the “heavy” lifting done before the first, because especially during the first two weeks of August development will slow down a bit; since those are the two weeks were I’m working almost every day in my two side-jobs. ;x

Anyhow we’ll see how it goes; you guys can expect some teasers of the long awaited golem sex scene come Wednesday! ^^


Some teasers of the new tile-sets for the desert VR-world! Besides implementing a new tileset I’ve also added a plugin that can make a small “bloom” effect on demand; giving the outside desert just that bit more of a “scorching hot” vibe. ;3

The interior of the pyramid has gotten an overhaul of course as well; it might be an ancient tomb, but that’s no reason for it to look boring! ;p

And finally a teaser of some of the new self-made sprites. This screencap is during the con route of the fail-state; in which Kathleen doesn’t really seem to mind being turned into a rubbery piece of art… >;3

And that’s all for this dev update, see you guys Wednesday as usual! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z



The Trap Queen

Oh La La! Magnifiek! I love it! So refined! So detailed! It looks absolutely beautiful!


Thank you; I'm really pleased as to how it turned out as well! ;3 💯


Awesome!!! Can’t wait. You always impress! Thank you