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Heyoo, Scriptor here with the latest news! ;3

General news

Last Friday the comic side-project has been released to Tier III supporters, and general reception has been quite positive. ^^ Making two endings for the comic (one featuring scat and one without) was the right call and I’ll be doing this for any future scat-containing works I post in the future (so always making an alternate version that doesn’t contain any scat/watersports).

Oh and just to clarify: No escape: Game edition! will never contain scat/waterworks; those themes will be reserved for other stand-alone projects (like the family matters comic). ;3

Game development

With the comic finished focus will fully shift back towards game development. Tomorrow I’ll start working on the con-path of the assembly line fail-state. Since there’s major branching this time between the con and non-con route (or at least in the images) I expect that it will take a bit longer than normal, but since we’re talking +/- 80 images here it was to be expected. ;p

Once the con-path is done I’ll start on the images for the enemies/traps in the coming update. I’ve already got some fun idea’s for those; those of you who like vacbeds will surely be in for a treat… >;3


Some more teasers of the non-con assembly line failstate! A good love-doll has accessories to match of course, and can anybody guess the theme of this particular love-doll? >;3

That’s all for this dev update. See you all coming Wednesday as usual! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/jFE7t85sVy




Oh this will be awesome