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Heya everybody, Scriptor here with the latest news! ^^

Game development/side project

Work in the past few days has been on finishing up all the required assets needed for the assembly line fail-state. I’m almost done with these so tomorrow ~afternoon/evening I can begin rendering the scene, and boi am I excited to get started! ^^

I will try to keep things as spoiler-free as possible but to give a slight idea of what the assembly line will entail; it consist of 5 stations each focusing on a part of the “production process”: The stations are 1: PERSONALITY SCAN, 2: CLEANING, 3: BASE SUIT APPLICATION, 4: PAINT JOB/HAND-FEET REMODELING and 5: DRESSING/FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION. Like I’ve said in the previous dev update I really want to capture that vibe from “the suckdoll factory”; and I’m pretty sure that those who love a good “suiting” or tf-sequence will be in for a treat in this fail-state! ;3

Besides this I’ve also been working on the comic; progress on that one has been on making all the simulations needed inside Blender. One of the ends (the dark one) has a lot of fluids stuff going on inside it and I wanna have that fluid be of high-quality, so it took some tinkering inside Blender to get it “right”. Luckily the bake has just finished and test shots in DAZ are looking good; meaning that I can start building the “dark end” scenes of the comic this week as well. ^^

And that’s it for this exclusive dev update! Stay tuned for the first teasers of the assembly line fail-state this Wednesday and to tide you guys over until then; have some PoV shots featured inside the comic commish! ;D


“And now you little shit-“

“-it’s time-“

“-to SHUT YOU UP!”

(Some more teasers of the comic; PoV shots like these will be abundant inside the comic; only where appropriate though!)

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys coming Wednesday! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/jFE7t85sVy



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