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Good evening all, public statement of Scriptor inbound! >;3

Plans for V0.19.1

V0.18.1 of No escape: game edition has just been released for Tier III and will be released for Tier II on 11 December 2021. Working in the coming month will be focused on finishing up the remaining desert VR-world content.

Still left to add before ol’ Scriptor considers it finished is:

- One fail state (bad end) when Kathleen’’ lost three times against the desert bandits.

- One fail state for goddesses boss fight (with variations at which state the fight is lost).

- An alternative way to get past goddess without either fighting or submitting to her.

- A small “overarching” bad end “epilogue” that plays after each fail-state; showing what happens with Kathleen in the real world after getting captured in the virtual one (don’t expect too much from this; it’s mostly to give closure to the story).

- The option to revisit goddess after either fighting or submitting to her.

I’m going to be ambitious and say this will all be added in the next game update (V0.19.1). I’ll strive to have it done before end December 2021 (exact release date will follow), but in case I won’t make it I’ll try giving ample warning in advance.

Plans for an updated DEMO

Furthermore, in Q1 2022 I’ll be making a public release of an updated version of the DEMO for No escape: Game edition. I feel V0.15.2 (the DEMO’s current version) doesn’t represent the game in it’s current state: A lot has changed for the better, ranging from base performance of the game, to the battles against various enemies, spelling/typo corrections, new cool mechanics and so on.

This updated DEMO will contain all the content of the first VR-world; it should be meaty enough to give a good impression of what the game entails and what the future of the game will be. It will be released somewhere Q1 2022 and ONLY after the first content of the second VR-world has been made available to Tier II / III backers. I’m not planning on releasing more public versions of No escape: Game edition after this updated DEMO for the foreseeable future.

That’s all; have a pleasant week and until next time!





I'm terrible. You aren't even finished with the first world and I'm already looking forward to what you're going to come up with for the next. :)


I'll give you one hint (and small teaser); it's set in a similar kind of setting featured in a particular comic of mine about a factory... >;3


Hello Scriptor, congratulations for the game that you are creating , very intriguing mechanics and level design ! Also the cg images are well placed and of awesome quality and detail :O Monster fights are very good , my favourite so far is the rubber golem :D I'm eager to see what kind of nasty monsters and machines you will design for the second world ! In the meantime i'll wait patiently this release fot the tier 2 , keep up the good work done so far , in my opinion is a pretty unique experience and is one of my favourites for the category it is in !


Thank you for the showering praise mattzs; I hope that V0.18.1 will be as much to your liking as the previous versions when you get to try it on 11 December (Tier II release date)! ;D