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Heyooo, Scriptor here with the Monday dev update!

Game development:

The new update of No escape: Game edition has been out since Saturday night: It has the remaining two days of serving as a handmaiden for goddess, 2 new fail states, 2 new major erotica scenes and lots of kinky rubber sprinkled between it! All in all the new update contains 233 new renders, ~225 of those full sized images, one new struggle animation and 4 custom sprites for the rubber handmaidens (including handmaiden Kathleen) done by the amazing artist Tonkatsu (https://www.patreon.com/TonkatsuCHAN). Reception by the Tier III backers has been really positive and I’m happy how the update turned out myself as well; onto the next one I’d say! ;3

So, what are the plans for the coming update of No escape and when can you guys expect it? Well, as stated before my goals is to finish up the desert VR-world before the end of this year, and I’m still striving to meet this goal.

To finish up the desert VR-world I’ll have to add:

- A failstate when you lose 3 times against the desert bandits.

- A failstate if you lose goddess fight, with small variations depending on which point you fail in said fight.

- An alternative way to get past goddess without either fighting or submitting her (small but important addition).

- A small “overarching” bad end “epilogue” that plays after each fail-state; showing what happens with Kathleen in the real world after getting captured in the virtual one (don’t expect too much from this; it’s mostly to give closure to the story).

- the possibility to visit goddess after either serving or fighting her.

I’m once again going to be ambitious and say that all of the above points will be added in the next game update (v0.19.1). I’ll strive to have it done end December 2021 (exact release date will follow in the coming weeks), but in case I won’t make it I’ll be sure to give ample warning in advance.

Bandit fail state poll results:

Voting has closed and the people have spoken…

And they want to see a rubber kitty! >:3

With 170 votes Bandit’s pet is the winner of the poll, followed by Beast of burden (140 votes) and in last place Training dummy (123 votes). That means Kathleen’s going to be the desert bandits pet cat! Not to worry though; those desert bandits like their kitty’s covered underneath a fat layer of rubber so I’m sure there will be something for everybody to enjoy! >;3

The first thing I’ll tackle in this development cycle is the desert bandit fail-state, so tomorrow I’ll start with the custom made kitty outfit in Blender. I’m not sure if I’ve already got something kinky to show on Wednesday, but at the very least some Blender WIP snapshots should be on the menu. ;3

That’s all for this dev update, have a good week and see you all coming Wednesday!




(I've also got a Discord; come check it out!: https://discord.gg/jFE7t85sVy )




just one question: Do we really have to wait until December 2022 for next update? Sorry for asking, but wasn´t sure about it and hoped u mean december 2021.


No worries; that was a VERY unfortunate typo on my end. Of course I mean December 2021! ;3


it says 2021 :) though he may have fixed it between your post and my reply :D


oof, he ninjad me in the time it took me to type my response even hahaha


Just a quick idea for the bandits bad end - If (and it's a big if, completely understandable that you're probably won't want to lose any more time than necessary on side stuff) you're ahead of the schedule at some point, it could actually be great to have two bandit bad ends. Con (if she cooperates) - Kitty, and non-con (if she tries to resist) - Pony (since it was second in the poll). But don't feel in any way obligated to think about it. After all, I'll be the first one to bitch if the updates are delayed, since the game is quite awesome already. Thanks!


Hahaha love your comment! xD It's a great suggestion for sure; but we'll have to see if I've got the spare time for such a thing. Besides your idea I'd also like to add some more content to the handmaiden submit events; so it remains to be seen where that spare time will actually be used for... If I'll even have it! ;p


will there be a continuation of the story with the latex golem?


Mhmmm, most likely not at the moment; focus is on finishing up the remaining placeholders in the desert VR-world and then move onto the next one. I won't say the rubber golems will never get a makeover, but for now it's low on the priority-list (not to worry though; the other VR-worlds will have their share of latex based enemies ;3).


maybe we get one day a version with male character, after visiting Goddess u have to work 3 days as a Golem, day one capture adventurer, second day training the captured and so on...