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I would like to start off the mini compilation with Female Wrestlers only first. In later posts I intend to include Female and Male of BBW, Female and Male of RR and Female and Male of UA lowblows! It's gonna be a long one hehe ^^

Extra rules:

1.Victim have to be Male BBW Wrestlers

2.If comments before you already recommended the wrestler you wanted, you'd have higher chance picking different wrestlers as I would prefer to draw multiple boy ryona instead of one character getting lowblow over and over. So please pay attention to existing comments.

3. Bora and Umashi are not ryona-able

4.Opponents may be Male or Female Wrestlers

5.Wedgie, Groin Claw, Rope, Weapons such as chair,ladder,TV are considered lowblows [as long as it's not a weapon that will induce bleeding or cutting like a knife]. Breast attack are not counted as I think it's better in a separate day for that :D

6.Non Wrestling settings such as Kitchen-Parking Lot-Bar-Office-Living Room are allowed so you may go creative on this end as long as visual reference are provided ^^

7.Insertion of weapon or of gen-talia into anal/vagi-na are not considered lowblow at least for This Day. Basically this isn't a sex move. Because this is a lowblow move and not a sex move, characters should not be cumming/orgasming :o

8.Art may be unsimilar to the comments a little bit if the ideas are really good but not fitting the idea of The Day.

Rule for suggestion:

-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.

-Comment not following these rules are not entertained

-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.

-Characters available: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ImPQ8ANkwNQ1dlxMigzVRYxISMPRHbAr?usp=drive_link

Please kindly follow comment sample:




This is my first time commenting on one of these so I apologize if it's not in the format you requested. I would like to see Kakoo vs Azra. The victim would be Azra and the attacker be Kakoo. Any weapons or locations I leave to the artist's discretion. I don't know any wrestling moves so again, artist's choice. Thank you.


How about Bei Hu doing a split while straight up punching Rotto in the nuts https://www.deviantart.com/witchygmod/art/Nut-Punch-268067622


sorry bro lol


Dolphy is knocked out in a surprise attack in the locker room by Bora. He lies his unconscious body on a bench and proceeds to facesit and attack his groin with a flurry of punches. Optional: Bora is stripped naked and it shows a view of Dolphy's face reference: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsJ84Ez1pJDoor3OGlWtlaBBFVaDpoPAYh7Y8pj_wsVjK5V8A8


Bora executing an argentina back breaker on titan while doing a groin claw on him. Optional: Titan and Bora both have cum stains and erections reference: https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2023/10/02/13/51/23/112211894_p0_master1200.jpg


Oh I'd love to see Azra get either a groin claw or a chair to his balls from behind. I don't really mind who'd be the oppopnent. ^^


Also I'd love to see Theupasia, since we haven't seen much action of him. I also have to admit, he confuses me lol. Like I don't really know where his genitals are. lol. As for the request: He and Amarath got into a heated argument, Amarath has had enough and busts his balls, either with a kick, knee or even her tail if that is possible.


oops, the image is the thumbnail of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPXE11T5qoY


Vana knocking out a weakened dolphy with a knee to his nuts


Charland vs Anra i believe is his name. But he is on her face similar to an old drawing you did where he face f-ed her. Only this time she is viciously grabbing and pulling down on his nuts to remove him from her face.


Charlend making Titan bust a nut with a kick to the groin.


Kakoo tries to hit Nix with Bronco buster but she slides under him and Kakoo hits the ring post with his crotch


Hootie holds Titan's legs open like in a matchbook position while Aegil jumps up and lands a double foot stomp but because she miscalculated she accidentally stomps on his balls as hard as she can. Hootie is shocked Aegil would do such a thing as Aegil freaks out as she realizes where she has landed as Titan is in the worst pain he has ever been in.