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Upcoming UltraDnD: Pisces vs Axolmanca

I am thinking of preparing an Ultra Dnd of Pisces vs Axolmanca next week. The process of Ultra Dnd will take a bit longer than usual because of Charlend-Maogiri vs Patty-Bora is still ongoing. However, I am thinking of working on both projects at the same time but at an even slower rate.

If you think it's wiser to focus only on one project at a time, UltraAries DnD will then be postpone for a little while and just take this as a minor 'behind the scenes' talk. For now, please let me know what you think and I will decide if UltraAries DnD should start sooner :3

HP 150

RP 80

EP 180



Pedro Villacort

One at a time would be best friend. Also, so how those low blows 🥵🥵🥵


Do one project at a time. If you do two projects at the same time you run the risk of getting burned out from overworking yourself and getting mentally exhausted from it.


As much as I'm looking forward to the Ultra DnD, I think you should focus on one project at a time. I used to do multiple creative projects at once and all it did was that I half finished most of them, overworked myself and never got the nice feeling of accomplishment when finishing one. At least that was my experience for it.


I agree with everyone above and think that it is best to focus on one project and do it well. I feel if you concentrate more on one thing, you will do it better in general than trying to juggle multiple projects at once.


Great stuff! Looking forward to this!


Looking really good!